I noticed that this series had it's translations stalled at chapter 2 so I decided to do chapter 3 for it. I'll also try and do the other chapters that have raws. I just hope that someone will be willing to scanlate it.
Here's the RTS thread so you don't have to go searching for it if anyone plans to do it.
http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26071Page 1
-Look for luck
-Aim for luck
-Steal luck
-Give luck
Page 2
-This time we've got a confidential request from an organisation.
-The target is an internationally wanted criminal. However arresting him would cause a troubling international incident.
-So we want you to peacefully deal with him.
-A request from the government? Is that who the client is?
-I don't know myself, it was a confidential request after all.
-Don't joke around! As if you don't know who they are. You're pulling my leg.
Page 3
-I've still got a little bit more to tell you. We've learned that today he will be making a trade in the Shinakawa Grand Neo Hotel. I want you to finish your job before that trade is completed.
-Until he enters the hotel we can't confirm his actions.
-That's why your aim is when he is making the trade.
-What will you do?
-I just have to steal the criminal's luck from him.
-I'll take it all.
-Alright, the operation starts in the evening. Take care of yourself until then, Luck
Page 4
-Starts in the evening...Karin had today off school.
-I should go and see her.
-Not here?
-Ah! Welcome~~~
-Is it just one customer today?
-Will you be smoking today?
Page 5
-Oh, is there something wrong? Today is my first day so I'm still not confident~~
-But anyway, are you a regular customer here?
-If that's the case then I'm very happy.
-I thought that only elderly people lived in this area, but such a cool person came in, I'm really lucky. Let's be good friends from here on.
-Who the hell are you?
Page 6
-Don't just go walking into people's homes. Those monster eyeballs of yours are freaking me out. Just who the hell are you?
-Wh...what about you!!? Going off like that all of a sudden!!
-Do you think that dying your hair prematurely gray is cool or something!? It just makes you look like a bogun!! (TN bogun is australian for country bumpkin, you can use that instead if you want)
-You stupid bitch!! I'll kill you! This is my natural hair colour.
-You seriously disgust me!! Is that anyway to be talking to a girl!?
-Shut your mouth, where did come from anyway!?
Page 7
-Uh, yeah
-Aren't you always saying that it is bad to be rude to ladies!!
-Sorry!! Karin, I'm really sorry!! My deepest apologies.
-I'm beggin you so please don't hate your papa~~~
-Whe...where did the scary person from before go to,
Page 8
-Oh my, has Kurusu-san come?
-Well, we were working out the back, but I see that you have already met Airi-chan.
-Papa, this girl is a part-time employee.
-Because with just the two of them it can get a bit difficult, when one of the customers found out that grandma was looking for a part-time worker she suggested her daughter would be able to do it.
-She immediately started today.
-From here on whenever the shop is busy I'll be coming over everyday. Since we'll be seeing each other from here on we should try and get along.
-I'm Hirose Airi.
-I'm a first year in high school. Nice to meet you.
Page 9
-Nice to meet you.
-Oh, oh!! I have a question!
-Is Kurusu-san really Karin-chan's father?
-Ba...bastard, what do you mean by "really"...
-Papa is still only 23 but he really is my father.
-It's pretty cool right~~~~
-23!!? (small text)So young!!
(small text next to airi)-And his daughter is in primary school!!?
-Ah? So does that mean that Kurusu-san lives here?
-No, Papa's work is very busy so he lives at a different place. I live here with my grandpa and grandma.
-A different place...
-And your mother?
Page 10
-Karin's mother...in other words our daughter, shortly after Karin was born she was involved in an accident.
-Is...is that the case. I'm sor...ry.
-It's okay, don't worry. It's probably calmed down now and not many more customers will come, so you can finish work now.
-We'll do something to thank you later.
-Oh..okay! Good job today~~
Page 11
-Uwaa~~~He's got such a heavy atmosphere around him!!
-And also...he suddenly went all quiet, he gives off a scary feeling...
-Papa was incredibly in love with Mama.
-That's why whenever anyone talks about Mama he always gets sad.
-I see...I brought up a sensitive subject, sorry~~~
-Hmm, but I like it when people talk about Mama.
-Mama was really pretty and kind, Papa met Mama when he was in high school, then he put his bicycle away and they got married!!
-Bicycle...then he was in a biker gang!! What kind of things has he been teaching her.
-I kind of understand where he is coming from but...
-How to say...
-I'm kind of scared about it~~~ why is that.
Page 12
-Hey, your father doesn't have any pictures on his body like you would find on people who had been to prison does he?
-Do you have a death wish?
-Oh...oh no, did Papa hear me!!?
-Who are you calling 'Papa' you damn bastard!! Don't introduce Karin to such weird stuff!!!
-Next time you do that I'll find a place where Karin can't see and kill you!! Got that!
-Karin, sorry but it's already time for me to go to work.
-Eee, you have to go already?
-And whose fault is it that I didn't get enough time.
-Are you able to come back again later on today?
Page 13
-Sorry but today I've got a really important job, so I probably won't have time.
-Important job? Just what kind of work does he do?
(small text next to airi)-Seems mysterious
-But I'll come again tomorrow.
-Yay!! Good luck with your work, Papa.
-Oh, Karin.
-That girl is already a weirdo. You're a good daughter so don't go near her or else you'll catch her weirdness.
-You shitty old man~~~!!
-Jesus, what's up with that guy!!
-In the first place that guy should have realised that I was a part-time worker. It's all that jerk's fault!!
-Just because I hadn't said it was my first time working there when I met him. It pisses me off!!
Page 14
-Yo, girl!! Aren't you a bit lonely all by yourself?
-Do want to have a little chat?
-So guys do think that I am cute afterall.
-What? You want to talk.
-Is there someplace you haven't been?
-Waa, he's ultra hot...
-...is what I would say if it wasn't him!!! Just standing there all naturally...!!
-Actually, why is he here in the first place?
-He definitely said that he had an important job to go to when he left.
-Ah, he's moving!!
-Be quiet!!
Page 15
-Huh? But he's going straight ahead...
-A hotel!?
-He works in a hotel, in a hotel...
-A travel host
-I'm Kirakira Reisuke.
-Is it long?
-A male stripper
-No..no, he's not in the service industry. (small text)-What the hell
-An affair!!?
Page 16
-A few years ago, his beautiful wife passed away, as a young man he had to raise his single cute daughter. He said to his daughter "Today I have a precious job that I have to do, so I won't be coming home", when in actual fact he went straight to a hotel.
-I can stay all today.
-I'm glad.
-Waiting there was a woman who looked similar to his dead wife. He being unable to suppress his lust, betrayed his dead wife and cute daughter and hooked up with the lady!!
-That's it!!
-That's definitely it!!
-Alright!! When he is in his moment of weakness I'll take this chance!! I'll definitely check this out!!
-Huhuhu, tailing him makes me feel like a detective!
-My heart is beating like crazy!!
-He's going there with a perplexed look and walking at a constant speed.
-Good! My tailing is perfect!!
-When he is with his woman I'll jump out and surprise him.
-I can't wait to hear what pathetic excuse he will come up with. Ha, ha.
Page 17
-Looks like he didn't come to a very crowded place.
-He...he's gone!?
-He was walking this way just now!!
-Whoever the hell you are, you aren't very good at tailing someone.
-Hmmm~~~~!! Phmmm~~~!!
Page 18
-Wait are you...
-Hee, hee
-Just what are you
-doing all of a sudden~~~
-What the hell is a weirdo like you doing in this sort of place!!
-Who are you calling a weirdo!! You're the only one here like that!! You were acting like an assassin grabbing me like that, I thought you were trying to kill me!!
-It was scary~~~ Hiccup
-Hiccup, now I need to recompose myself~~ hiccup.
-Is this woman a god of annoyance?
-Ever since we met today my schedule has gone out the window.
-This is bad...it's about time for the target to arrive.
Page 19
-The time to act is now.
-I'm in a hurry.
-We'll talk tomorrow. don't bother me a second time.
-Wait a second!!
-Is that how you always act towards crying girls!? You insensitive man!! Where do you have to go off to in such a hurry?
-That doesn't concern you in any way does it!!
-I get it!! The reason that you came here is to see another woman.
-Hey tell me, since you've stopped caring for Karin-chan
-tell me who you'll be going out with now~~~
-What kind of woman is she like? Is she older than me? Younger?
-Could she be a married woman? Kyaa
Page 20
-Eh? Eh? What was that for? Why did you touch my face!?
-I'll return soon.
-Ah! Wait up already...
Page 21
-He's gone already!?
-Why did he leave so quickly!!?
-What an annoying woman. Since she isn't a bad guy I only took a little bit of luck.
-Just enough to make her fall over.
Page 22
-More importantly time is passing.
-The target is inside the room...the trade is about to begin.
-Two guards, carrying guns.
-I can't take too long to finish this job.
-It's troublesome but I have to do it.
Page 23
-Who are you!!? Stop there!!
Page 24
-The target!!
-And 4 other people! I didn't hear there would be this many!!
-Isn't this place meant to be safe!!?
-An enemy!?
-Stop talking and do something.
-Kill him!!
-No...none of them hit!?
-Impossible...at this distance.
-Why not!!?
Page 25
-I've taken your luck away from you two. No bullets will hit me no matter how much you shoot.
-What are you doing, shoot!!
-It's useless.
Page 26
-Shit!! The target is...
-You won't get away!!
-Crap, why are they all missing!!? Fire, fire everything you've got.
-Move it!!
Page 27
-Aaargh, I can't use make up to hide this.
-Today is absolutely the worst!!
-It's all the fault of that jerk-off papa Kurusu.
-I'll be pissed off until I can punch him in the face...
-Tomorrow I'll have to go to work again as well~~~
-Haa, haa.
-What's up with that ossan! He's sweating a lot, must not have exercised in a while~~~
Page 28
-Crap... he heard me.
-Shi...shit, I'll kill you if you move!!
Page 29
-Against an opponent with a gun I run out of luck really quickly.
-He still has to be close by.
-There he is!!
-Shit, stop struggling!!
Page 30
-It's your fault...
-Why won't you let me go!!
-You see this gun, if you try and escape from me then I'll really shoot it!!
-What the hell is he doing~~!!?
-Wait...is this gun real!?
-In this country the probability of a man wielding a gun taking a hostage is low.
-That woman...called Hirose Airi, is it possible that she like Karin was born with no luck.
-No...in that case she couldn't have lived safely all those years.
-This is my first time meeting such a troublesome woman...!!
-Listen, if you try and do anything to me then make no mistake, I'll kill you.
-If anyone tries to come close you have to yell "He'll kill me if you come close"!!
Page 31
-But...why would I need to say that when nobody else is here.
-Are you running away from here? I won't tell anyone about what you've done so-
-I told you to shut up!! I'm definitely being chased by someone!!
-So I'll reverse the situation and kill him.
-Eh!!? Kill him...are you...serious!?
-Shut up already!! When he comes I'm going to kill him.
-That's a joke right? If that guy comes then I'll also be in trouble!!
-The time that you provide will be enough. While he is killing you I'll take the opportunity to kill him.
-What, no!? I don't want to die!!
-Be quiet!! The guy with sunglasses will be coming soon. If he tries to kill me then you'll die first, so he definitely won't get close.
-Please just let me go~~~
Page 32
-At this rate the security will arrive soon, it'll be hard to get close to the target.
-Failing the mission will cause Karin's death.
-Did...did he come!?
Page 33
-Let me go...or I'll shoot this woman!!
-Please!! Don't come close!! Or else he'll shoot me!!
-Sorry but,
Page 34
Page 35
-Hurry, run away!!
-Oww~~...my leg...
-Aaaah~~!!? You are...
-What the hell are you standing around for!!
-Did you think you had run away.
-Stop it...let..let me go
Page 36
-Just what is going on!?
-That's Kurusu Papa. Why is he chasing after the gun wielding ossan!?
-Could it be that Kurusu Papa is...!!
-Do you understand what will happen if you kill me?
-I'll be really glad. I've dealt with heaps of villians like you. Bastard, you're going to run out of luck again and again.
Page 37
-He didn't...kill me?
-What did he chase me this far for? Is it a trap?
-What's going on? Who is that ossan?
-Come with me.
-Just...wa...wait!! I'm glad that you found me but,
-That ossan still has a gun, won't he try and shoot us from behind?
Page 38
-It's alright. I introduced him to some bad things.
-Wasn't he was seriously going to kill him just then...?
-Who was that person?
-I thought I was in trouble since I wasn't able to fire my gun but, did that guy think that I wouldn't cause a scene?
-Hey, shouldn't we report him to the police?
-No, we don't need them to come.
-Then, should we tell the hotel staff?
-Then, we should at least tell the people in this area that it is dangerous over there right...
-Don't bother with such useless crap!! Moron!! Calling people will only draw attention to yourself.
-Even so...I'm not a moron. I'm called Airi.
-And also wasn't I just held as a hostage at gunpoint? Wasn't that a dangerous situation~~~!?
Page 39
-Why wouldn't he want to tell the police? Did something happen between them...?
-That's it!! That time I couldn't believe how fast he moved...
-He took off his gloves...
-That means...
-I get it!!
-That ossan and you both have an ulterior motive with coming to this hotel. That's why you don't want the police to know.
-What you were doing here, how to say, I understand now.
-Did she figure out what I do...
-I wasn't able to hide my intentions in that situation.
-You are
-gay, right?
Page 40
-At first I thought that you might be an assassin~~~ But in the end nothing happened and that's why I started thinking about what had gone on. Additionally you handled that Yakuza member quite violently which made me think you were doing it without his consent.
-So..why did you you tell me to head in this direction...
-That's because the final thing you did to him was a kiss!!
(sign)-Airi's Version
-What the hell are you thinking bitch...
-Having such a secret is perfectly fine~~~
-This woman is such an idiot, she thinks me saving her was just me being gay...
Page 41
-But you know, when he brought his gun out, I was kind of scared. It must have been a bad break up between you.
-What was the reason for your break up? You know that you have a weird sense of taste in men?
-Shut up already you stupid bastard!!
-It's not a trap...
-In the end he didn't do anything, perhaps my threat scared him into not killing me.
-That's all!!
-Humans who have run out of all of their luck
Page 42
Page 43
-No matter what they do, they are sure to die.
-Mission successful.
-Did you hear a strange noise just not?
-Hey...that person...
Page 44
-My oh my.
-Even though I asked for you to settle the matter peacefully it still made it into the pages of the newspaper.
-You had some trouble, why?
-A disturbance entered the picture.
-You understand what the penalty for failure is? At any rate, the target killed himself after leaving the trade, so
-the mission was completed successfully.
-Good job.
-Haa, that was tense.
-It's all that woman's fault for what happened yesterday...
Page 45
-I haven't been this tired in a long time.
-Is your work finished already?
-Just now grandma and I were making hamburgers.
-The dinner that you will be eating tonight will have been made by me.
-Seriously? Amazing.
Page 46
-I made an extra large one for you.
-As soon as I seeing your smiling face all my tiredness washes away.
-It's in order to protect this smiling face that I will continue to live on.
-By the way, papa.
-What does gay mean?
-Ah! Welcome again~~ Thanks for yesterday.
Page 47
-I also made hamburgers with Airi-chan.
-I...I'm going back to continue making the hamburgers.
-Oy, I want to have a word with you.
-Bastard!! What the hell kind of things are you introducing to my daughter!!
-I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, I just kinda asked if she knew what gay meant...
-Airi-chan is a fiend of ours so being rude to her like that is very mean.
-Thanks, Karin-chan.
-Seriously, I have to find a way to stop her working here...
-Waa, Airi-chan, that's great hey.
-Kyaa!! Karin-chan really is the strongest after all.
-The Luck Stealer is obedient to Karin...
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