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Kimi no Sei Volume 1

Chapter 2: Trauma

+ posted by maccha as translation on Feb 17, 2010 13:39 | Go to Kimi no Sei

Translation by Maccha
For ayafreya's scanlation use only..

Proofread by NaweG

Page 031-2

Chapter 2 TRAUMA

Page 032-1:

Takaya: Haa—(*sigh) //I don’t even know if I should be happy

Rino: What are you muttering to yourself about?
Takaya: WHOA//you scared me don’t just appear so suddenly like that

Rino: Did something happen between you and that love at first sight of yours?

Takaya: She’s my girlfriend now//…I guess
Rino: You dropped it? That’s great
Takaya: well, somewhat …

Page 032-2:

Takaya: I don’t really know myself

Takaya: Hey, what does it mean to go out but without a boy-girl relationship

Rino: Meaning no sex perhaps?
Takaya: Far from it, kissing is not to be spoken of. If it’s like this//it seems like we won’t even be holding hands

Rino: Isn’t that worse than being friends?
Takaya: Worse than friends!?
Gaa—n. (*disappointed)

Rino: I mean, did your girlfriend say that to you?
Takaya: Yeah, there are 2 other conditions on top of that

Rino: …..

Rino: You’re probably being played on?
Takaya: !

Page 033-1:

Rino: How unusual, even though you play on girls sometimes, but on the contrary, you being played on is so weird
Takaya: ---…
[Takaya: ---- I have a feeling she’s right too but]
[Takaya: Even so, how would Yuu benefit from this?]

Takaya: [I don’t know…I don’t know but]
SFX: GU…(*clutches fist)
Takaya: Fine. if that is so, then

Takaya: I will make good use of our status and make her serious! // I’ll definitely make her say she likes me!
Rino: …you’re on fire
Takaya: well obviously! ‘Cus I am for real

Rino: …I see

Rino: Then go for it
Rino: I’m supporting you


Rino: If in any way, your girlfriend won’t let you “do it”
Rino: Then I can be your partner for you ok

Takaya: ---no
SFX: GUI (Grabs her away)
Takaya: Rino

Takaya: I’m serious this time so I’m gonna stop those things
Rino: eh?

Takaya: It’ll be terrible if I get caught too
Takaya: I’m really scared to be hated on more than this…

Page 034-1

RIno: --right

Rino: that’s too bad//but if you change your mind tell me anytime okay
CHU (*peck on the cheek)

Takaya: ---
Takaya: (Gee//I said don’t)

Takaya: [--I mean]

Takaya: [What uncool things am I saying?]
Takaya: [Why…]
SFX: gyu (*=clutch)

Page 034-2:


Takaya: No contact from Yurina today too
Takaya: But I won’t lose -- // if it’s like this…

Takaya: Then I shall turn up in front of her college today…!
SFX: BUBUBU (*=cell phone rings)

Phone screen: [Incoming call
Mikami Yurina]
Takaya: !

Page 035-1:

Takaya: H //hello?
Yuu: Hello

Takaya: Why have you been ignoring me?
Takaya: You could’ve at least replied to my texts!

Yuu: You’re talking like that, you’re suddenly acting like a boyfriend now? // besides, I just didn’t contact you ‘cus I’m fine
Takaya: (Acting like a boyfriend…)
Takaya: I AM your boyfriend actually!?

Takaya: uh//but you’re giving me a call today so is there something?
Yuu: Well yes
Takaya: W//what?
Yuu: do you have a license? And a car?

Page 035-2

Takaya: Well I have my license from my home town, but a car…
Yuu: Oh darn, as I thought // never mind then

Mobile screen: [current call]
Mobile screen: [Manada Takaya]
Takaya: Hey! Wait!!

Takaya: I might be able to borrow one if I ask my senior at my part time job!
Takaya: [no way will I let her hang up on me]
Takaya: I’ll borrow one!

Yuu: Really?

Takaya: [it’s a date---]

Page 036-1:

Girls: wow--// Yurina, this is your boyfriend--?
SFX: kyaa kyaa (*scream)
Girl on the left: He’s hot—

Girls: Coming all the way just to send us, how kind---<3// please take good care of us
Takaya: ??
Takaya: take care?

Takaya: Umm…what exactly// is this about huh?

Yuu: There’s gonna be a seminar today and we’ll be treated with dinner at the teacher’s place

Takaya: Oh so they’re members of the seminar right
SFX: Peko peko (*=bows)
Takaya: I see…

Page 036-2:

Yuu: but the teacher’s house is so far from the station that//without an assistant it’s inconvenient
Takaya: […..that’s basically….]

Yuu: Can you send us?

Girls: Thank you very much—

Takaya: [Oh well, at least she sat next to me]
Takaya: [although she’s using me as an assistant!]
A man: Well finally you’re here

Page 037-1:
Man: I appreciate your effort for coming this far
(Girl: Teacher--)

Takaya: Who’s that?
Yuu: That…is Ichinose-sensei the seminar professor

Takaya: Him? // A seminar professor that’s not a grandpa?
Yuu: Did I say that?
Takaya: No, you didn’t but

Yuu: He looks young but//in fact he’s already in his 30s

Page 037-2:

Yuu: He’s got such superiority and has lots of fans too so
Yuu: even in this seminar, there’s so many people hoping to come that it’s like a lottery ticket

Takaya: ….

Takaya: Don’t tell me you’re a fan of his too?
Yuu: WhAT!? // It’s not like that you know

Yuu: Ichinose-sensei’s lessons are fun as well and I just respect him
Takaya: […hey hey]

Teacher: Mikami-kun!
Yuu: Sensei! (Teacher!)

Page 038-1:

Teacher: I heard that a friend of yours came to drive you today?// Sorry to cause you trouble
Yuu: No it’s okay

Takaya: [I’m the one who drove her]
Takaya: …..
Takaya: [I’m not a friend but a boyfriend too]
Takaya: I think

Teacher: You can leave the girl to me now so
Teacher: you can go back now

Takaya: [---this four-eyed…]

Page 038-2:

Teacher: Let’s go Mikai kun
SFX: SU (*=slips his hand on her shoulder)

Takaya: HEY!!

Teacher: ….
Yuu: What?

Takaya: Um…
Takaya: how will you be getting back?

Teacher: No worries//there are some people staying over and when they go back, I may either send them or call a taxi
Takaya: !

Page 039-1:

Takaya: What do you mean staying over, and at a guy’s house!
Yuu: Huh? What are you saying

Yuu: Sensei’s house got many rooms and
Yuu: they often hold a seminar training camp here so there are rooms specially made for it//don’t say such things

Yuu: besides, my parents are strict so I’m one of those who go straight home!
Takaya: [dammit, got her mad again]
Takaya: ….oh//right…sorry]

Yuu: Don’t do embarrassing things in front of people

Yuu: And stop saying “Hey” or “You” when you call out for me okay?
Yuu: I hate it
Takaya: Sorry…

Takaya: [but…]
Takaya: how should I call for you?
Yuu: Mikami
Takaya: Yuri…
Yuu: Stop it

Page 039-2:

Yuu: (SFX: TA =*trots off)

Teacher: He’ll be ok?
Yuu: Yeah it’s ok

Teacher: SFX: SMIRK…
Takaya: !!

Door: PATAN (*=door closes)
Takaya: […that]

Takaya: [ Four-eyed…….jerk!!]


Page 040-1:

Yuu: [---gosh]
Yuu: What was that attitude!!
Yuu: [suddenly talking like a real boyfriend]
SFX: Guu—lp
Teacher: You don’t have to eat that fast, there are still more so it’s okay


Teacher: The guy in the car just now is he really your boyfriend?
Yuu: eh?

Yuu: Uh hmmm I wonder?
Teacher: Ahaha I’m asking you! // so you don’t even know yourself?

Yuu: No, um…
Teacher: Never mind, there a lots going on at your end for teenagers too eh?
Yuu: Sigh…

Page 040-2:

Teacher: Hmm--…but let me guess? // perhaps he like you so much that he can’t stop coming at you right
Teacher: And for you, you’re in the middle of observing how much he’s willing to devote himself for you?

Yuu: ---huh
Yuu: Wh---…

Teacher: How come I knew? // Sense of an adult
Yuu: ….
Teacher: So? Am I right?

Yuu: So far from being right // I think
Teacher: I think I’m totally right//Then it’s your feelings that are wrong?

Page 041-1:

Teacher: So your aim’s not to observe while you’re with him?
Yuu: !

Teacher: Oh
Teacher: I’m right

Teacher: So now onto what your real aim is then—
Yuu: Stop there teacher!! That’s enough—

Teacher: Oh my bad//It’s ‘cus I like to dig into people’s mentality

Teacher: Well I’m a specialist…
In the box: [Ichinose sensei teaches psychology at school]

In the box: [there are also lots of students who ask for his advice on life and love]
Yuu: [---Even so // “There’s a guy who used to bully me in the past now likes me and making use of that condition, I am thinking to have revenge on him, what should I do?”.
Yuu: [---I can’t ask him that]

Page 041:

Teacher: You’re thinking about him again huh?

Yuu: Huh no, that’s wrong///didn’t I just ask you to stop questioning me?
Teacher: Ahaha sorry

Teacher: but this isn’t some questioning---//just a curiosity as an outsider
Yuu: Curiosity?

Teacher: I just simply want to know what you’re feeling

Teacher: And when I wonder if you’re thinking about him//it just bothers me
Yuu: [what…]

Page 042-1:

Girl: Gee--, teacher, you’re sticking around with Yurina again—
Girl: Sensei come over here—

SFX: GATA (*=gets up)
Teacher: Ok ok

Teacher: Kusu…(*=chuckles…)
Yuu: ----
Next to Yuu’s head: Sensei quickly—

Yuu: [---what was…that?]
Girl: Lucky you— having sensei all to yourself--!

Yuu: It’s, it’s not like that, we were just talking
DOKI (*surprised)
Since when…?
Girl: Huh—

Page 042-2:

Girl: But it seems like you’re a favorite of his.
Yuu: ….eh…

Girl: Well I always see him talking to you and stuff—
Girl: And today, ‘cuz you came late and by a different car // he was concerned and was asking “Where’s Mikami-kun and them?”

Yuu: Th, that’s probably because it was my friend that came to send us so he just mentioned my name//I think there’s probably no implication behind it?
Girl: Oh right
Yuu: Yeah!

Yuu: [Sensei was saying strange things to me just now too, but]
Yuu: [I was mishearing him]
Yuu: [I was mishearing him!]

Yuu: [there’s no meaning in particular!]

Page 043-1:

SFX: Ki… (*=evil look)

SFX: BIKU (*Gasp//frightened)

Girl: What? Yurina

Yuu: No nothing
Yuu: Anyway have you heard--?

Girl: Bu(*=laughs) That’s so off-putting—
Yuu: and then—
Yuu: [---the meaning of that look…]
Yuu: [I know it]
Yuu: [---jealousy]

Page 043-2:

[the punishment for going near the class’s popular guy]
[when I took his hands and got shaken off]

[at that moment, my classmates who were meant to be on my side]
[immediately became my enemies ‘cus of their jealousy]

[…The emotion of a scary person …]
Teacher: Well, for those people going home, let’s leave soon. I’ll send you.

Teacher: So these are the 4 people going home right?
Teacher: ‘Cause of direction issues, this will mean you’ll be the last to be dropped off, Mikami; is that ok?

Teacher: It’s gonna take some time though, so sorry.

[Is she making fun of me…]
[or is this just her normal self]

Page 044-1

[or is there something with being special…?]

Phone: Bubububu (*=phone vibrates)

Phone Screen: Inbox messages
Manada Takaya:
I’m at the side of the door.

Takaya: SFX: BUN BUN (*=wave wave)
Yuu: …ugh

SFX: BRRR BRR (phone vibrates)
Speech bubble 1: Hey isn’t that Yurina’s boyfriend?
Speech bubble 2: aww he came to pick you up, how kind---

Page 044-2:

Yuu ( I didn’t ask for him to!)
SFX: TSUKA TSUKA (*=trot trot)
Yuu: Hey// why are you here!?

Takaya: Well cus I was worried
Takaya: I waited this whole time

Yuu: This whole time!?
Takaya: Yeah!

Takaya: Oh I stopped by at the Conbini (=convenience store) though // but I didn’t know what time you’re going back and you would’ve ignored me if I asked
Takaya: so I thought the only way was to just wait here…
Yuu: …

Yuu: You….you sure do have the aptitude for a stalker…
Sensei: Hey there! You’re here to pick up Mikami?

Page 045-1:

Teacher: I was just about to send her now though

Takaya: I’ll take her so no worries
Teacher: Right, what an effort (* to fight for Yuu-chan)

Takaya: SFX: GR…
Teacher: Well then Mikami-kun? // are you taking your boyfriend’s car?
Yuu: …yes…

Teacher: so I’ll be sending those girls off then

Teacher: See ya

Page 045-2:

Yuu: ……
Takaya: Are you mad?

Yuu: no
Yuu: …..

Takaya: You wanted to go back in that four-eyed’s car that bad?

Yuu: Ha!?
Yuu: What

Takaya: …are you into that four-eyed?

Page 046-1:

Yuu: Hey…that guy you keep calling four-eyed, he’s a professor ok
Yuu: so stop calling him that

Takaya: But that four-eyed
Takaya: I think he likes you, Yurina.

Yuu: ! // don’t say such silly things
Yuu: Besides haven’t I told you many times not to call me by my first name

Takaya: I’m sorry
Takaya: but that yank somehow pisses me off//he’s overfriendly with you

Yuu: ….

Page 046-2

Yuu: Why do you care so much?
Yuu: Whoever I become close with; it’s not your business ok

Takaya: It//it IS my business!
Takaya: Besides, we’re together too

Yuu: ahh…
Takaya: Ahh…what

Takaya: … you talking and laughing with some other boys //or being touched by them
Takaya: it seriously bothers me when I see that

Yuu: Being touched…//what a way to say it…!
Takaya: I know that. Perhaps there was no dirty intention with what he did

Page 047-1:

Takaya: but somehow I didn’t like it

SFX: PA (or BLINK (*traffic light changed))

Takaya: ---until now, I’ve never cared about what my girlfriends did…
Takaya: I wonder why?

Page 047-2:

Yuu: ---how would I know

Yuu: For me, I’m not at all concerned about you
Yuu: So you too shouldn’t interfere with me unless it’s necessary


Takaya: …I see

Takaya: well you’re right---…
SFX: VOOM…(car accelerates)

Page 048-1

Takaya: Yuri…Mikami-san, // have you had this feeling before?
Takaya: Being so worried about your boyfriend and stuff?

Yuu: ….well it depends

Takaya: …//what were your ex’s like?
Yuu: that doesn’t matter
Takaya: but I want to hear, I wanna know everything about you

Yuu: …it’s not exactly a nice story you know//I always get dumped when I go out too

Takaya: Get dumped!?
Takaya: [impossible--]

Page 048-2:

Yuu: Yeah
Yuu: It’s mostly your fault though

Takaya: eh?

Yuu: Well all ‘cus of you
Yuu: I’ve always been dumped// or unable to date you know

Takaya: …
Takaya: [what does that mean?]
Yuu: the first time was in middle school

Page 049-1:

Yuu: This guy that I liked in the grade above me confessed his love to me and we started going out, but
Yuu: when I refused to hold his hands he got mad and// he dumped me

Takaya: why is that my fault?
Takaya: besides, why won’t you hold hands?

Yuu: it is… ….your fault
Yuu: I was so afraid to hold a boy’s hands//that I couldn’t do it

Yuu: [would he shake my hands off?]
Yuu: [what would people say if they saw?]

Yuu: [Every time I went to take his hands the feelings from the past came back]
Yuu: ---Next was when I was in high school

Page 049-2

Yuu: He was the quiet type from the same class but// he was the best in track and field and a pretty popular guy

Yuu: I only found out when we started going out that//even outside of school, he was secretly popular too…

Yuu: Although he himself wasn’t aware that he’s popular and he stands out but// I was anxious
Yuu: So I asked him if we could keep our relationship a secret

Yuu: At first he seemed to accept that but//
Yuu: later on he felt like we were being all sneaky so he got fed up…

Takaya: …and broke up?

Page 050-1

Yuu: Nope…//Because I really liked him…I wanted to loosen up
Yuu: So we announced it to everyone, just as he wanted

Yuu: --but I couldn’t do it

Yuu: I cared what others would think…
Yuu: When we were together, they would tease and say “he’s brought his girlfriend along”, and I’d always deny it
Yuu: Even if I went to support him at the track and field event, I was hiding so they wouldn’t find out I’m his girlfriend

Yuu: ‘cus of that, it didn’t work out so…
Yuu: I got dumped.

Page 050-2

Takaya: sorry…
Yuu: for what?
Takaya: for making you tell me that

Yuu: oh, for that…
Takaya: eh?
Takaya: ---so//for that, how is it my fault?

Yuu: For the fact that I became a person who’s unable to come near anyone// that always got people’s attention
Takaya: Wha?

Page 051-1

Yuu: ‘Cus of you, the class’s popular kid, //shook off my hands; was the reason I got bullied
Yuu: that’s why I became scared of things like that

Yuu: …you don’t get it
Yuu: right?

Page 051-2

Yuu: Oh My house is nearby now so//can you drop me off around here?

Takaya: Wait…

Takaya: what you just told me, what did you mean!?
SFX: GUI (*grabs)
Takaya: clearly explain to me// I beg you

Yuu: ….

TAKAYA: SFX: PA (*lets go)
TAKAYA: Excuse me…

Yuu: ---you don’t remember?
SFX: KOTSU (*heels hit the ground)
Yuu: That time when you shook off my hands as if they were some filthy thing

Page 052-1:

Takaya: that’s… about when we were kids right?
Yuu: that was the motive for the bullying to start

Yuu: Takayan the popular kid was bullying me//everyone made fun of me and did the same
Yuu: It started spreading out like that

Takaya: yeah…!
Takaya: isn’t that what kids usually do!?

Page 052-2

Yuu: You don’t get it still!? // for you it might have been a small stupid thing!
Yuu: But for me it was a major incident// that affected my life after that!!

Takaya: your life…is it that traumatic?

Yuu: yeah I guess

Page 053-1

Takaya: if so…!

Takaya: I’ll fix it then!
Takaya: If it’s a trauma that I’ve caused then I’ll fix it!!

Takaya: So be with me!!

Page 053-2:

Yuu: okayy…//what will you do for me?

Takaya: Make you fall for me
Takaya: By having you like me, I’ll turnover that trauma for you

Yuu: ….
Yuu: [What the hell]

Page 054:

Yuu: Riiighhtt

Yuu: Can’t wait

Yuu: [I’ll make you experience it]

Page 054-2:

Yuu: I’ll let him know this feeling of my pain
Yuu: I’ll make him feel that same way

Yuu: I want to hurt him

Yuu: that way I can
Yuu: Pick myself back up again--..

Yuu: urgh—so annoying

Page 055-1:

Aki: what?//what’s wrong?
Yuu: Look at this

Phone : Inbox messages
Manada Takaya // reply back
Manada Takaya // What you doing
Manda Takaya//Today…

Aki: Pu! Oh my
A black skull next to his name…
Yuu: I didn’t even reply to him once and he still keeps sending me texts, isn’t that annoying?

Aki: …well text msgs are not a big deal don’t you think//I bet he’s so eager to call you now?
Yuu: The phone calls are so irritating that I blocked his calls

Aki: Aa I see…
Aki: That’s why there’s so many msgs coming
Click click
Yuu: If it’s like this now’s the time to change to “block texts” mode…

Page 055-2:

Aki: whoa—wait there
SFX: Hyoii (*=moves the phone away)

Aki: Why are you stopping me?
Aki: You know my feeling right?

Aki: I know, I get it! // but even so you don’t have to completely lose contact with him, that’s quite mean to Takaya
Yuu: Why? I can contact him whenever I want to

Aki: Besides, all he says is “How was your day” or “What are you doing now” and stupid stuff like that

Aki: But that’s…!

Page 056-1
Aki: ---….

Yuu: Aki
Yuu: Did Matsuo-kun say something to you?

Aki: uh?
Yuu: he said something huh
Aki: n, no I wasn’t told anything!

Aki: Jus…just heard it//the fact Takaya-kun seriously like you
Yuu: !

Page 056-2

Yuu: W…what//don’t you be fooled
SFX: GATA…(turns around)
Aki: That’s probably just a favor Takaya asked, for Matsuo-kun to say it

Aki: No // I was worried about you so…so I asked him about the what kind of person Takaya is like
Aki: it’s what I honestly feel after hearing that

Yuu: Th…that’s not for sure//although for now he’s saying that he likes me but
Yuu: that’s because he can’t get me that easily
SFX: Grips…

Page 057-1

Yuu: He’s been able attract all the girls all these times so he feels challenged
Yuu: that’s why he’s feeling humiliated

Aki: No…even so would you be trying this hard just for that?
Aki: would you even say yes to be in such an unreasonable relationship?

Yuu: ---//well…!
Aki: For me, regardless of how the past may have been

Aki: I really believe that it’s wrong
Aki: To be exploiting people’s genuine feeling of love

Yuu: Love….!//I just said it’s not it!
Beep beep
Aki: true or not

Page 057-2

Aki: Why don’t you think about it after hearing the same story I heard?
Phone: [connecting…// >>>//Matuso-kun]

Matsuo: here here!

Matsuo: The owner was a senior at my home time and//we’re also close with the staff so me and Takaya come here often!

Rino: oh

Page 058-1

Rino: It’s Matsuocchi—

Yuu: Wow…just like a model
Aki: so pretty—
Rino: What? Matsuocchi bringing 2 cute girls along how unusual

Rino: Which one’s your favorite--?
Kusu kusu (*=chuckles)
Matsuo: No Rino-chan!//These two aren’t those kind!

Matsuo: Besides, this girl is Takaya’s….

Page 058-2

Rino: Takaya’s?

Yuu: BIKU (frightened)

Rino: I see
Rino: So this is the girl…

Rino: …huhu
Rino: C…utee

Page 059-1:

SFX: KURU (*=turns around)

Matsuo: S, sorry//She’s a staff whom we’re close with but // she’s a really casual… well, careless kind of girl

Matsuo: There’s no ill-feeling there so don’t worry
Yuu: ….

Matsuo: …. // would it have been better if I invited Takaya too?

Page 059-2:

Yuu: Huh?//no way
Aki: Yuu, that attitude again…
Matsuo: But you know…if he finds out that I’ve been drinking with you, Yurina, he’ll be angry

Yuu: It’s ok
Yuu: I won’t let him
Gulp Gulp

Yuu: Hey
Yuu: This is good, Aki try this

Matsuo: ---…Yurnina-chan so this is the usual you huh

Yuu: You thought I was the grumpy type?
Aki: you’re right it’s good…

Matsuo: yeah
Yuu: Buu (*bursts out laughing)

Page 060-1

Aki: oh Matsuo kun//tell her about the person that makes her grumpy
Yuu: What—no
Yuu: let’s just forget about that person today!

Yuu: I’d rather hear about you two—
Both: th..there’s nothing

Matsuo: rather that!//I’ll tell you
Matsuo: How much he’s unable to put his mind at ease thinking about you

Yuu: Unable to put his mind at ease…

Page 060-2

Matsuo: yep!
Matsuo: that guy’s incredible//he’s like a different person from what he’s always been//it’s interesting to watch

Matsuo: anyway that guy, cuz at first glance he’s cool so he’s quite hot

Matsuo: When he gets asked out he accepts// and when asked for a break up he accepts
Matsuo: He used to be an awful guy for being so easy

Matsuo: but then when it comes to you, Yurina// he gets nervous to call you and even gets upset when there’s no text from you//but when he gets a reply once in a while he gets so ecstatic

Matsuo: so desperate like a kid in love
Ku Ku Ku (chuckles)

Matsuo: Not long ago you called him up to carry your stuff right

Page 061-1

Aki: Yuu, you used him just for that?
Yuu: well since the materials I borrowed to use in my report were so heavy…
Yuu: nevertheless I got him carrying it near my house, I dismissed him

Yuu: I don’t want my family to see and misunderstand
Yuu: plus, I feel I will be stalked so I didn’t want him to know where my house was…

Aki: You were totally just using him..
Matsuo: But

Matsuo: even so he said he was fine with it

Page 061-2

Matsuo: Even just for that
Matsuo: he said he’s happy even just for being able to see you

Matsuo: Even if you don’t talk to him for a few minutes//he says it makes him happy to be able to see your face
Matsuo: So silly right?

Matsuo: But he was totally blushing while he said it

Matsuo: I’ve never seen him turn red talking about a girl like that before you know

Page 062:

Yuu: [---still, even being told that…]
Yuu: why?

Yuu: why me?

Matsuo: That, you should ask him
Matsuo: --but he

Matsuo: I think it was really love at first sight
Matsuo: you were

Yuu: [love at first sight…]

Page 062-2:

[It may have been a first meeting for him]
[But for me it was a reunion]

[I hate him. I am troubled]
[All I did was using him for my own convenience, then why?]

[How can he say things like that?]
Yuu: I’m sorry but I don’t buy it
Matsuo: eh?

SFX: DAAN (*aggressively puts down the glass)
Yuu: it doesn’t make sense

Yuu: what’s there about me to like!
Yuu: I don’t believe it

Page 063-1;

Yuu: Gosh you guys are unbelievable!//I hate that guy!!
Aki: Y…Yuu…?
Matsuoka: Yurina chan…?

Matsuoka: Is Yurina chan a light-weight?
Aki: No, she’s not usually like this after one glass though…

Rino: Oh//isn’t she quite out of it--?

Matsuoka: Rino chan// what was that she was drinking?
Rino: Hmm?

Rino: ‘Cuz the boss told me to give good service to the two that you brought along so
Rino: I did as he said, and made quite a strong one though…

Rino: For a girl it may have been too strong

Page 063-2

Aki: too strong…!
Aki: why would you give out such thing? When mine was just a normal one

Rino: Sorry/ she seemed like the tough type…see? Her face doesn’t even show
Aki: Can’t you see she’s so red now!

Aki: Sorry Matsuo kun//I’m gonna take Yuu home now
Matsuoka: Huh! //already!?

Matsuoka: I see--- …you’re right
Matsuoka: I’ll go send her too then

Rino: ---hey// why don’t you leave her here?
Aki: What?

Page 064-1

Rino: Well doesn’t she somehow look like she won’t be able to walk properly? // wouldn’t it be better to leave her at the back side of the shop until she gets better?
Aki: …..

Aki: …Yuu?//Yurika--?//what do you think?do you wanna rest a bit first?
Yuu: Ugh?//Hmm---…

Aki: ---well then is it okay to have her sleep here for a bit//when she feels better I’ll take her home then

Rino: sure//I’ll take care of her for you

Rino: It’s still early//why don’t you both go hang out?
Aki: !

Page 064-2

Aki: But Yurina….
Rino: Eh---? We can just call up her boyfriend right?

Rino: Call Takaya up

Matsuo: ----…
Matsuo: but Rino-chan//Takaya and Yurina chan are…well…
Rino: Going out right? Then it shouldn’t be a problem

Rino: ….
KOSO (*=whispers…)
Rino: Matsuocchi, aren’t you’re aiming for that all girl?

Rino: This is the chance, just the two of you alone, go off on a date now or something //just leave all this here to me

Page 065:

Matusoka: You sure…?
Rino: Yeah <3

Matusoka: Hey Aki-chan, since Rino-chan’s offering her help//so do you wanna go to a different pub just the 2 of us?
Aki: What?//but leaving Yurina here like this—

Rino: don’t worry. If it’s for Yurina, Takaya will be here in no time…
Rino: Plus, I think he’d wanna see her too

Rino; ---Yuu, is that okay? Do you want Takaya to come pick you up?
Yuu: Hmm—Takaya--?
Rino: If you don’t want that then I’ll go send you

Yuu: No, you can’t//Aki, you must go with Matsuo-kun
Aki: ….

Aki: Do you know what you’re saying? You ok with Takaya coming?
Yuu: I can’t be bothered to walk …Takaya? Call him up---

Page 065-2:

Aki: can’t be bothered…?//wait, Yuu?
Matsuo: ---hey Takaya?
Matsuo: where u now?

Takaya: what--?
Takaya: My part time job just finished now
Matsuo: I’m at “Black Moon” right now and

Takaya: Again? I haven’t got any money and I’m really tired so today’s impossible
Matsuo: No, I want you to come pick up

Takaya: wha? Why do i have to pick you

Matsuo: no not me, Yurinachan// we were drinking together just now but she’s wasted// so come get her

Page 066-1

Takaya: Whhaaaaat?!

Takaya: What the hell! Why where you drinking together!//I mean, calling her “Yurina-chan”//why are you addressing her like a close friend you jerk!!

M:Oh yeah, well I unconsciously called her “Yurina” and she didn’t say anything about it so I thought it was fine—
T: what unconsciously?
M: Like naturally?

T: -------
[why is he suddenly able to get away with things that she doesn’t let ME off with…!]
M: ---so//you coming? Or not?

T: Of course I’m coming!!

Page 066-2:

M: He said he’s coming
A: you actually called him up…
A: oh then…
R: I’ll look after her so go you two

A: but..
R: ok?

M: Hey I guess Takaya will be here soon// so before that let’s just go
A: Uhh….ok….

Page 067-1:

Yuu: U…./ugh…

SFX: THUMP THUMP (*=headache)
Yuu: my head hurts…

R: Awake now?

R: Oh…//you conscious now?
Y: …um, I…
R: I was looking after you

Page 067-2

Y: eh?
R: I was asked to so I’ve been watching you since

Y: watched me since…?

R: Yup since

Y: So you were there all that time I’ve been sleeping?
R: Yup I was watching

Page 068-1:

GATA…(*=gets up)

KOTSU… (*steps forward)
Y: um…how bout the people I was with…?

R: Oh//they went back
Y: huh?//Aki…and the girl too?
R: Yup. There’s no one in the way anymore so she’s probably having fun with Matsuocchi by now?

Y: --a nuisance…me?
Y: but Aki wouldn’t leave me and go off with Matsuo-kun--…

Y: did something happen to Aki..?
R: huhu…// your anxious look, cute
R: did you get him by doing that?

Page 068-2:

Yuu: huh…?
Rino: It’s okay he’s coming soon
Takaya: Yurina!!

Rino: Oh

Rino: It’s Takaya—

Takaya: Why…

Takaya: ‘You alright?
BASHI… (*Yuu snatch away her hand)
Yuu: Don’t…!

Page 069:

Yuu: What do you want
Yuu: Why are you here!?

Takaya: “why”…?

Takaya: I got a call from Matsuo to come get you so I came to pick you up
Yuu: Matsuo kun?
Takaya: Then, when I asked the owner, he said you had collapsed and were sleeping so…

Takaya: I hurried…
Yuu: --rightttt

Yuu: But I’m fine now so
Yuu: I’m going home by myself

Page 069-2

Takaya: Ha? Don’t force yourself. You don’t even look well//besides, then my coming here would just be pointless
Y: I didn’t ask for that did I? //mind your own business

Y: just quickly go somewhere else!
T: Wha…!

R: Huhhh?
R: Just now you were sayng “Call up Takaya—“ yourself


Th…! That// I wouldn’t say something like that!
Kusu kusu
That’s not true you’ve been saying “Takaya” so many times yourself—

Page 070-1

Takaya: Relli…?

Rino: ….

Takaya: Alright, I see//I get it now
SFX: nods nods

Yuu: What’s that you get? Such thing is impossible ok
Takaya: Well, ‘doesn’t matter

Yuu: Anyway, I’m going home now!

KURA (*=dizzy)

T: You
T: You ok?

Page 070-2

Yuu: ----..
Takaya: it’s cuz you got up so suddenly, do you wanna rest a bit more?

Yuu: No…I wanna go….

Takaya: Then I’ll assist you//you’re numb to your legs right?

Yuu: No//don’t, I can…
Yuu: …..

R: then why don’t you stay over for today?

R: with you in that state, I can’t let you go back alone
R: If you don’t wanna go back with Takaya then I’ll stay over for tonight here with you ok?

Page 071-1:

T: I guess you’re right—it’s safer that way
Yuu: But…

T: hey it’s ok. We’ve stayed over quite often here too//the owner will be fine with it too
Yuu: ….
Yuu: [that wasn’t what I meant…]

R: so?

Yuu: shocked

Page 071-2:

Y: …thank you very much//but actually I’ll just go back//with him…

T: W wow!//then let’s go!!
Y: Um//but wait…I need the toilet…

R: you seem worried…

Page 072-1:

T: obviously

R: you don’t seem like the usual you, it’s so funny

R: dashing over here just for one girl like that…unbelievable
Kusu kusu (*=chuckles)
T: yeah, I think so too
R: Wha—t?

T: I also find it weird
[being worried
being so into her]
(Being mad, being nervous)

Trying so hard—

Page 072-2

R: I don’t like//what you’ve become
T: eh?

R: But!//I’m glad I called you over!
R: I wanted to see for myself what you’re like now for once

T: What I’m like?
R: If you’re serious or not

T: …uhhh
T: were you the one who said to call me over?

R: Hmm--?
SFX: GAKUU---.. [disappointed]
T: So it wasn’t Yurina after all…

R: Hey!//don’t be all touchy! Get away!

Page 073-1:

T: I’m not being touchy! // I’m just assisting you nicely you know!
SFX: GYAA GYAA (Making loud noises by arguing)
Y: Nicely did you say!

T: can you just stay still for a while
T: you mind it that much huh?

Yuu: Yeah, it’s sickens me.
T: sickens you?

Yuu: --it’s sickening//being treated so kindly by you
Yuu: never once happened before

Page 073-2

T: …talking about the past again?

T: Hey I’m not the kid from elementary school anymore// I want to be kind to a girl I like. I want to help her if she was in trouble. I want to look after her if she’s not well, isn’t it normal to feel that way?
T: Don’t repudiate me that much.

T: Hey are you listening? // I’m…
Yuu: I feel sick

T: Wha

Yuu: I feel sick---…
SFX: HETAA—sits down

T: You’re feeling sick for real…!
T: Are you ok?//Can you stand?

Page 074-1:

Yuu: Ye…h…..

T: Let’s go to my house

Yuu: What?
T: My house//It’s just a short walk from here

Yuu: No, why…
T: Cus it’s not good to get on the train when you’re in that state
Yuu: …

T: So?
T: You wanna go back to the pub?

Y: ! Uh, that…

[I don’t want to have anything to do with her anymore…]
T: Then

T: We just gotta go to my place then
Yuu: …..

Yuu: I’m only resting there for a while

T: It’s a bit messy but come in—

Y: What’s wrong

Y: Um…

T: Oh//sorry I don’t have slippers or things like that
Y: It’s not that…
T: !

Page 075-1:

T: I won’t do anything—

Y: …!
T: It’s not fun messing with a drunken one

T: Hey quickly
Y: ….

T: Drink this//it will freshen you up
SFX: KOTO (sound of cup being put on table)
Y: ….//ok….


T: Glance

Page 075-2


Yuu: Uhh….

T: [huh…]

T: [---wh….]
T: [wha….!]
Thump thump thump thump (heart thumping)
Yuu: This…

T: eh?

Page 076-1:

Yuu: You played basketball?
TL Ohh yeah. In a club during middle and high school//these guys are some team mates during high school

Yuu: I was in the basketball club too

T: really!?

Yuu: I was short so I couldn’t be a regular member though
T: Yeah you’re a shorty

Yuu: What? You’re not even big for a male basketball player yourself!
T: Wha…shut up! // for your information I was constantly a regular, and even won the county championship

Page 076-2:

Yuu: really….?
T: Yeh, that’s the picture of that moment

T: it was a close call that time, like in the comics It was a tie until the last minute //I got completely blocked but then I found my team mate at a good spot so I passed it to him

T: See, him // the guy next to me in the picture, he scored the last shoot, and we won it. I was deeply impressed.

Y: I was always the one at the bench cheering but it was an exciting—//extra curricular club’s fun after all

T: It wasn’t always fun for me though
Y:? was training and practice tough?
T: Ahaha, that too/ but the worst was being beaten up by the senior members

Page 077-1

T: for some reason, even though I started basketball since middle school // I had good sports skills or talent? So
T: I immediately stood out in matches and had eyes on me

T: They didn’t like me cus they saw me as conceited and irritating //so I always got hurt during practices
Yuu: …how so?

T: In matches, I’d be sent out ‘cus of a foul//I get punched in the stomach and the face and stuff

T: the time I remember most was being called into a room and was beaten up by 5 of them against me alone—

Page 077-2

T: [--how can he be laughing about this?]

Yuu: You did…
Yuu: nothing?

T: Eh? // hm--- I thought to myself that I wanted to be stronger than them I guess//well, I was actually better than them in reality too
T: Winning the country championship was also after the seniors left

T: “In your face” I felt like saying
Yuu: ….

T: The end. Was that boring?

Page 078-1:

Yuu: …No nothing
Takaya: yourself?
Yuu: huh?

Takaya: How were those middle and high school years for you?

Yuu: Well…it was normal

Yuu: Well…it was normal

Yuu: There were some troublesome moments too but it was fun after all// once you go there, your friends are always there; unlike during university,
T: Yeah I get you! // in uni, everyone doesn’t turn up for lessons so you hardly meet them

Y: isn’t that just you not turning up…
T: Yeah well it’s always Matsuoka answering the role call for me

Y: you’re awful—
T: …talking about him, what did you talk to him about today?

Page 078-2

Yuu: Uh--…
Matsuoka: [I’ll tell you How much he’s unable to put his mind at ease thinking about you]

[“he said he’s happy even just for being able to see you”]
[“I think it’s love at first sight”]

[I remember…]

T: Hey, what?
[I can’t tell him…as if I can]
Yuu: …. …..
T: Why are you all quiet?

Yuu: Shut up! It’s none of your business ok!
Takaya: Not my business…even that, can’t you just tell me!
Yuu: Just leave it! ‘Cus it’s between me and Matsuoka!

Page 079:

T: …so you talk normally with Matsuoka, I see

Y: eh?
T: You let him call you Yurina

Y: it’s not like I let him
T: Also last time with the 4-eyed professor…//you connect people casually other than me…

Y: --what are you trying to say?
T: ….//I want to call you Yurina too

T: …. ….

Page 079-2:

[still making a fuss out of that]
Y: N.O


SFX: Gu… (grips a fist)
Takaya: No//I want to

SFX: DOKI… (shock…)
Y: Wh…a….

Page 080-1

Y: Wha….//what are you saying
T: Only Matsuo’s allowed’s not fair, I want to call you Yurina too

SFX: SU (*=strokes)
T: can’t i?

Y: ---- ….
SFX: DOKINnnn… (shocked…)
[something’s wrong with me]

Page 080-1

[why’s my heart beating like this…]
SFX: dokin dokin
Dokin Dokin

T: Hey Yuri…
Y: Ok! I get it! Whatever you want!?

Yuu: Uh

T: Really!? Yayy!

Yuu: Actually, forget what I said
T: no it’s too late, you accepted it yourself

Yuu: urgh…
T: So then Yurina let’s say you call me Takaya<3 too

Page 081-1:

Y: Ha!?
[this guy’s really getting carried away]

Y: who said you could—

T: No?

T: if no then I’ll just kiss you right now

Page 081-2

---what is he saying]

Y: D, don’t joke around//let me go!

T: Fine I’ll let you go so say my name
SFX: Gu Gu G uGu (*=struggles)
Y: Let—me—go--! This is against the conditions!!

T: So I’ll stick to it// But for me to cooperate I think you too got to cooperate with ne here

[…? This is clearly wrong…
But to get away from this threat I also feel that’s the only way--]

T: So?
Yuu: (…!!)

Page 082-1

Yuu: [no!]
Yuu: Okay!//I get it now!!

Yuu: Ze—Ha—Ze—Ha--- (*=gasps for air)
T: SFX: PA (*=lets go)

Yuu: perhaps he’s got me now…
Yuu: Argh
Takaya: Nico Nico Nico <3 (grins)

Yu: ….
Yuu: Ta…//kaya….

Page 083-1

T: ‘can’t hear you…
Yuu: … …

Yuu: [ahhh just this time only…]
Yuu: Takaya….!

Takaya: …..

Takaya: There wasn’t a heart sign in the end of the word…

Yuu: Don’t get carried away!
Takaya: Owww--!

Page 083-1

Y: ( Ahh gosh,, what am I doing?)
Takaya with the remote: beep

T: hey // do you know this program? It’s sooo funny

Y: oh I know it… I watch it every week
T: Really? That’s unexpected

Yuu: […huh…
Wait a minute
The time now--- ….]


Page 083-2:

Y: Why weren’t you checking the time?
Y: There’s not a clock in this room! Plus, I wasn’t feeling well either

Takaya: ….
Takaya: What will you do…?

T: ‘Wanna stay over…?

Page 084-1

Yuu: Ahh why does it have to be like this…
T: Yurina, you take the bed//I’ll just be over here on the side

Yuu: ….
Yuu: Hey talk about something

Takaya: about what?
Yuu: there must be something, anything interesting

Takaya: I can’t think of anything…
Yuu: so there’s nothing…

Yuu: then go sleep already
T: No, hey wait! Give me a topic then I’ll talk!

Page 084-2

Yuu: Topic….how about love
T: huh?
Yuu: Tell me about your experience of love up until today

Yuu: you were popular right// I heard from Matsuoka
T: (Matsuoka…! So not his business…!)
T: What? //You wanna know? About my love life?

Yuu: Yeah I do.

T: Hm—my love life…//there’s nothing I can actually tell you about though…
Y: but you were popular right?

Page 085-1

T: kinda’...
Y: Eww, you actually say that you were yourself

T: AAHHH wait wait no!
T: even if I was, //I wasn’t serious with any of them!

Y: what ‘you getting at
Takaya: ….

Takaya: surely, since I was a kid, even in class, I was one of those who stood out
Takaya: and when I started basketball in middle school I grew taller and got quite good so girls were all over me

T: then I started going out with the cutest girl out of those who confessed their love to me//she was my first girlfriend

Yuu: But it wasn’t like you liked her back?
T: I guess not

Page 085-2

Y: how awful…!
T: But she wasn’t serious either

T: Like I just mentioned, the seniors didn’t like me right// at the time that hatred was also spreading out within the club so she probably felt uneasy

T: she soon asked to break up

T: It was since then I guess
T: I couldn’t trust any girl who confessed their love to me

Page 086-1:

T: I always assumed they were just saying it
Yuu: ….

Yuu: But you HAD girlfriends right?
T: Well, every now and then, yeah//I chose those who wouldn’t get too serious

Yuu: Rightttt--
T: (Now I sound like I was recklessly choosing between girls!)
T: Uh, no// hey…

Yuu: how about me then?

Yuu: Why?

Page 086-2

Takaya: ….

Y: I’m doing the same thing with what you’ve been at that time

Y: Perhaps I’ll cheat on you one day

Page 087-1

Takaya: …haha

Takaya: cheat huh// it’s not like we’ve been getting along since we started going out

Takaya: for example, even if you did something, Yurina//it won’t be counted as cheating you know

Page 087-2

[--ah, his guy]
T: so the me at that time // and you now are different]
[really do get it…]

T: I’m gonna go take a shower now
Y: you can go ahead and sleep

SFX: BATAN (*=door shuts)

[I’m going out with Takaya for the reasons to hurt him]
[and now, he is hurt]
[--then why?]

Page 088-1:

[I feel pain in my heart when I see that]
SFX: ZAAA—(*=water come out)
[--there’s no such qualification for that]

SFX: Kyu (*=tightens water tap)

SFX: Creek…

T: she’s still here…

T: “Perhaps I’ll cheat on you one day”
T: [---I know that]

Page 088-2

T: [but I’m not suppose to know]
T: [‘cus then I wouldn’t be able to go near her…---]
T: Yurina

T: Yurina you’re asleep?
Y: ….

T: It’s probably better to lie her down


Page 089

T: Actually, I…

Page 089-2:

SFX: GYU… (*=hugs tightly)

T: …I like you

Page 090-1

[---what was that?]

Page 090-2

[just now…]
DOKUN DOKUN (heart thumping)

SFX: GYU… (*clutches)
[---it’s not fair]

[In only an instance like that]
[Him telling me his feelings in that incompetently way]

[how can I do anything about it---…]

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#1. by ayafreya ()
Posted on Feb 18, 2010
hi anyone,
anyone want to proofread this so we can go on with the scanlation will be very much appreciated.

way to go maccha!

FYI minna, please don't take any translation without the proper permission from the translators themselves, you know...someone might already been waiting for some translations yet, you take them and scanlate them..it really hurts to know that, coz all the effort and time will be gone to waste, specially if a translator and a scanlator had just agreed to work together.

so just to let everyone noe.

thank you!
#2. by ayafreya ()
Posted on Feb 18, 2010
hooray! its done!

For Monochrome Dreams Scanlation ONLY!!!

will put this up on Monday! yeheey - *i feel like crying* >__<

really thanks maccha for all the hard work, and for NaweG for the proofread~

Areas to check:

FOR monochrome dreams scanlation only!!!!!!!!

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Alias: maccha
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