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Nurarihyon no Mago 37

Gozu & Mezu Undercover Operatives

+ posted by niphredil as translation on Dec 3, 2008 08:54 | Go to Nurarihyon no Mago

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Gozu and Mezu in a chapter mean I am content no matter how much my dislike for Tamazuki grows by the day...

International Translators / Scanlators: You're welcome to use this, but I'd really appreciate it if you include a credit for Niphredil.

Line break: New speech bubble / text box within the same panel
Blank line: New panel

Image text, top right: The Gyuuki Clan's Rowdy Kids, Gozu and Mezu, have infiltrated enemy territory!!

Image text, bottom: Act 37
Image text, bottom: Gozu & Mezu Undercover Operatives
[Random and kind of cute, but the posters next to Mezu and Gozu have their names on them :) Okay, I thought it was cute. Okay, I just think Mezu and Gozu are ridiculously cute.]
Text, bottom right: Shiibashi Hiroshi

[Gyuuki]: Take advantage of the Shikoku Hachijuuhakki Yakou's reinforcements.
[Gyuuki]: Sneak past enemy lines.
Mezu: It's just like Gyuuki-sama said

Mezu: ...still, this building's awesome, isn't it~~ [small text:] I wonder when they built it?~
Gozu: Keh.

Gozu: That's the Tanuki youkai, right?
Gozu: He's gotta be using some kind of magic though...

Gozu: Ha! THAT'S their Supreme Commander?
Gozu: What the hell... he's just a brat...

Mezu: Gozumaruuuu~~~?!
Mezu: ...What idea did you just get into your head...?!

Gozu: Nothin'
Mezu: "If that's the enemy, take their commander's head"
Mezu: ...is what you just thought, isn't it!!

Mezu: You mustn't!... You'll get majorly yelled at, for sure!!
Mezu: Right now, we're "Undercover"!
Mezu: It'll be real bad if we get caught
Gozu: I KNOW that...

Gozu: I was just imagining it, that's all—
Fugly youkai: YEAH! TAMAZUKI!!
Fugly youkai: We're here!!

Mezu: Gozumaru!! Are you okay?
Gozu: That really hurts~
Fug: Hmmmm?

Fug: You two
Fug: Ain't seen you before...

Fug: We've been in Shikoku a real long time now...
Youkai 2: Have we... seen you before?
Youkai 3: Beats me...

Mezu: Ta-daaaa!!
Mezu: What awesome disguises we've got!!
Mezu: Check it out!! We're really Tanuki Youkai!!
Fug: Huh?!

Mezu: The city's so strange and new to us!!
Mezu: We're scared of people noticing us, so we got disguises~~
Mezu: Pon Poko! Pon Poko!

Mezu: Come on, you too!!
Gozu: pon poko. pon poko.

Text: ~~On Harimaya Bridge in Tosa, in Kouchi~~
Fugs: ............
[*TN: The song refers to a place in Kouchi, Shikoku]

Mezu: Phew...
Fug: What was that...
Mezu: Can always count on Gyuuki-sama
Mezu: That tricked them, just like he said...
Fug 2: What can I say, they're tanuki...

Mezu: Gozumaru!! You seriously can't go crazy in here!!
Text: Just now you tried to beat up the guy who hit you, didn't you?!
Gozu: I know, I KNOW!
Gozu: Those were Gyuuki-sama's orders.
Box: **Yesterday evening...
Text above panel: ** The day Rikuo visited Torii-san

Gozu: What?!

Gozu: Undercover work?!
Gozu: Why the hell do WE have to do that?!

Rikuo: I'm asking you two as a favour.
Rikuo: Besides, this was was Gyuuki's idea too, not just mine!

Gozu: That's not the problem here!!
Gozu: It just pisses me off being ordered around by YOU!!
Rikuo: I *am* the second in charge, you know...

Gyuuki: Gozumaru, that's enough.
Gozu: Gyuuki-sama

Gyuuki: Although the Gyuuki Clan is considered a warrior faction
Gyuuki: We are still the embodiment of the emblem of "deceitful, manipulating fear".
Gyuuki: I was the one who recommended you for the role of espionage.

Gozu: Well yes, that is true
Text: Heheh
Rikuo: ......

Rikuo: Gyuuki... Maybe we should reconsider.
Rikuo: Will these two really be okay?
Gozu: Hey you little punk, what d'you mean by that?!
Text: Gozumaru... don't be rude...
Gozu: Of course we can do it!!

Rikuo: All right then, I'll leave it to you!
Rikuo: There are two things I want you to do.

Rikuo: The enemy's next move, and their fighting strength.
Rikuo: I just want you to find those two things out, and come back!!

Rikuo: It's an important mission, to help stop them causing us any more damage.
Rikuo: However, if you think you're in danger, withdraw at once!

Gyuuki: Gozumaru... you have to be completely undercover at all times.
Gyuuki: Don't make any trouble.
Gozu: ...Understood!!
Gozu: That's all I have to do, I got it.

Gozu: But listen, I'm not your underling, kid!!
Gozu: I'm doing this because I'm Gyuuki-sama's subordinate!!
Rikuo: That's fine!

Gyuuki: I'm counting on you... Mezumaru
Rikuo: Okay, it's up to you then!!
Gozu: Ugh, just remembering it pisses me off...

Tamazuki: Everyone!
Tamazuki: Thank you for coming!!

Gozu: !

Tamazuki: Youkai from far-off Shikoku
Tamazuki: And Shikoku-born youkai active in lands all over!!

Tamazuki: The time has finally come for us to seize the seat of power!!

Gozu: Keh!

Youkai: Tamazuki!
Youkai: Tamazuki!
Youkai: I've come here, for you!
Youkai: Now's our time to go out into the world!
Tamazuki: Precisely!!
Tamazuki: This is our long-awaited chance to reveal ourselves!

Tamazuki: However, among our allies, there are those who have already been defeated.
Tamazuki: Muchi... has become the wind
Tamazuki: Sodemogi-sama... was reduced to dust.

Youkai: What..?
Youkai: Muchi...? THE Muchi...?
Youkai: Th... There's no way!...

Tamazuki: And
Tamazuki: Inugami

Tamazuki: Our sworn ally, Inugami... was split in two
Tamazuki: By that detestable commander of the enemy!!

Youkai: Impossible!! They're representative Shikoku youkai!!

Gozu: ......
Youkai: Can we... really win this?!
Youkai: Have we got a chance, Tamazuki?!

Tamazuki: Do not be dismayed!!

Tamazuki: For I have this
Tamazuki: The Mark of the Conqueror!!

Youkai: ?!
Mezu: ?
Youkai: Whoaaa!

Tamazuki: Youkai!
Tamazuki: We must inherit the will of those who were defeated!!

Tamazuki: For countless centuries
Tamazuki: The youkai of Shikoku have been held down and oppressed!!

Tamazuki: But we need endure this no longer!!
Tamazuki: We have... obtained the power!

Youkai: Yeah, that's right!
Youkai: Tamazuki had it all along!!
Youkai: The sacred treasure!!
Youkai: Tamazuki really is the master!!

Tamazuki: The Mark of the Conqueror will make them pay with their blood
Tamazuki: And secure our glory!!

Gozu: What is that sword...
Gozu: As soon as he brought it out, these guys...

Youkai: My my... after all that we didn't come up with a single plan...
Hitotsume: Strengthen the escort? We may as well be doing nothing at all!!

Daruma: We're opposed from within
Daruma: And invaded by another Hyakki Yakou from without.
Daruma: This is what they call having troubles both at home and abroad...

Gyuuki: Playing your cards close to your chest, even to your allies, by appearing to take no action
Gyuuki: This could be what Rikuo-sama has in mind.

Karasu: Surely there isn't a traitor among them...?
Rikuo: We never said that.

Text: It may be times when he is in this form... that we truly see the embodiment of Nurarihyon's nature.

Yuki: Who's that?
Kubinashi: Beats me...

Shouei: Nee-san!
Shouei: It's Tsurara-nee-san!
Yuki: Huh?

Shouei: It's been a while! It's me, Shouei.

Kubinashi: Huh?
Yuki: Oh!
Yuki: Ohhh!

Text: You too, Kubinashi-nii-sama!
Yuki: Waaaah...
Yuki: You've sure grown up...
Yuki: But did you always look like this?
Shouei: The truth is, my real form is too big

Yuki: Oh, I see! [small text:]This is big enough...
Yuki: Shouei-kun, you're the son of senior head Hihi-sama
Yuki: What brings you here today?

Shouei: ......
Shouei: I was called here by Rikuo-sama.

Shouei: Until now... I thought I'd never come back here to the main house.
Shouei: Father...
Shouei: Nor go out again into the world of the youkai...
Shouei: Who was it... Who did this?
Shouei: But... seeing my home like that...
Shouei: I felt... my blood boiling...

Shouei: That's why I made my way here
SFX: drip

Shouei: I have...
Shouei: To deal with those bastards...

Shouei: The same way they treated my father
Shouei: My blood... it can't be calmed down!!

Mezu: Gozumaru!! Where are you going?!
Gozu: This is reconnaissance work.
Mezu: W-Wait a minute... we're going too far in...

Gozu: Did you see... that sword?
Gozu: The moment he held it up, those Shikoku guys thought they'd "obtained the power"
Gozu: That was no illusion...

Gozu: Just what WAS that thing...?
Mezu: Gozumaru!! If we go any further...
Gangi Kozou: Oi, you there!
Gangi: Where are you going?

Gangi: You're those guys who were making a racket with the "ponpoko", aren't you?
Gangi: This is a restricted area!

Mezu: Uu..
Mezu: Uwahhh!

Gangi: You two
Gangi: Just who are you...?
Box: Gangi Kozou
Box: As his name indicates, a youkai found near the riverbank. The "gangi" also refers to his round, zig-zag teeth, which he uses to eat fish and animals.

Mezu: Uwahhhhhh!!!

Mezu: Gozumaru?!

Gangi [2nd bubble]: Y... You...

Gozu: Perfect timing...

Gozu: I'll be
Gozu: USING you for now.

Hari Onna: Hmm?...
Hari Onna: Who're those guys? Only the heads are allowed to enter past this point...

Gangi: Ahhh... Well...
Gangi: These are my old pals, you see...
Gangi: And it's been so long since we met up, I thought maybe we could have a drink or something...

Hari Onna: Hnn...
Mezu: Not good... This is not good, Gozu!

Mezu: You said you were just investigating~~~
Gozu: Idiot!! Gyuuki-sama also said he was counting on us!!
Mezu: Huh?

Gozu: Let's show them!!
Gozu: That we're different from that trash they've got back at the main house!!

Mezu: I seriously don't think that's what Gyuuki-sama would've wanted!!
Mezu: This is wrong, let's go baaaack~
Gozu: Stop your whining!! Just shut up and follow me!
Image text [starred]: Running wild, towards the super dangerous deepest part of enemy territory!!

Bottom image text: Act 37 // END
Bottom image text: Gozumaru and Mezumaru, getting closer to the secret of the sword, in big trouble?!

Chapter Notes
Just thought I'd repost the Gangi Kozou note from ch25.

Gangi Kozou // 岸涯小僧
A type of kappa, this waterside-dwelling youkai is covered in fur, with a lot of hair on its head like a kappa and webbed hands and feet. An alternate name, read the same way but using the kanji 雁木小僧, is said to describe its jagged teeth which resemble the "teeth" on a cog/gear.

Mark of the Conqueror // Hasha no Akashi // 覇者の証
The "hasha" can mean victor, conqueror, champion, master, supreme ruler. I just went for conqueror.

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