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Bloodline in the Dark 11

+ posted by PROzess as translation on Mar 8, 2013 15:04 | Go to Bloodline in the Dark

-> RTS Page for Bloodline in the Dark 11

Reserved for Renzokusei

Bloodline in the Dark Chapter 11

Page 01

Uhh~~ It's gone...
I... I'm sorry for losing my contacts here...
Ah, no problem....ehm....
Ah, I'm Miyabi.
Ayanokouji Miyabi.
(A chance meeting!?)
Chapter 11: Scheming Girl

Page 02

Kukuku.... Amagi Kouichi!!!
I'll keep you occupied here for a while!!
My familiar Meiko has a chameleon ability.
While I stall the real Amagi Kouichi, // Meiko will transform into him
and treat the damn Itanami coldly.
Then she'll believe that she's hated by him.

Page 03

After that I'll show her how close I am to him!!
That's how I'll break up these two!!
Kukuku... What a perfect plan.
I can see your frustrated face already, Itanami Ian!!
Hey, Ian.
Eh...Ah, y- yes.
I'm thirsty. Buy me some juice.

Page 04

Yes, here <3
Th- Thanks.
Sure <3
Wh- What's with her? She's happy getting send on errands?
Okay~ If that's how she plays...
Hey, Ian, show me your notes.
Yes, here <3 I could even copy them for you?

Page 05

Hey, Ian, buy me some bread.
If you like, please eat my lunch box. I'll just eat some bread.
Hey, Ian, lend me money.
Yes <3 Are 10.000 yen enough?
Ian, my shoulders are stiff~
Okay, I'm good at giving massages <3
Ian, come here~
Yes, what is it?
Yes <3
What's with her!!
She's so damn docile!!

Page 06

Ehehe, I'm so happy <3
I'm being so helpful to Kouichi-kun today <3
And he called me by my first name <3
Fine, if she's going this far...
Ian, come here.
Kouichi-kun? What are we going to do here?

Page 07

H- Hey, Kouichi-kun, what are you...?
It's fine, it's fine.
N- No...
I.. I have no choice but to do this and that to her, so that she'll hate him!!
(Here it goes)
Who cares about gender, if she's cute!!
St- Stop!!
Th- Thi- This is still.. ehm...
What the. She's not up for it.
Ah, okay.

Page 08

Then forget it.
Ah~ She's depressed~ // Sorry, Ian-chan~
Well, guess I did achieve my goal, so it's fine.
Now I only have to wait for Miyabi-san~~
Huh? Pochi, isn't that Amagi over there?
No, he's not.
Eh? But it was him.
No!! My nose isn't lying!!
Ah... I wasn't doubting that...

Page 09

I want to hurry and get his blood.
I hope he isn't involved into something troublesome again.
I hope you crushed her confidence in him.
Y- Yes!! Quite perfectly!! // She was all depressed and in tears~
Kukuku... I can see her depressed face right in front of me!!
But, Miyabi-san~
Why do you hate her so much?

Page 10

Ah, just wondering why you would hate her so much just for being a vampire that doesn't suck blood.
Well, sure I dislike her for her refusal to suck blood,
but that's not all...
It's an unforgettable incident back in grade school... // I invited the whole class to my birthday party...
Itanami was also invited.
M- Miyabi-chan, congratulations.
Ah, Ian...-chan...
(Wah, Ian-chan, you look so pretty <3)
S- Sorry, my mother insisted I wear this...

Page 11

She stood out more than me, the supposed star of the birthday party. Can you believe that!? // What's more, I couldn't say anything and the whole party was ruined!!
(Uwa, I stepped on a landmine)
That bitch even picked a fight by saying "It's not my fault~ My mother made me wear it <3". // Making a grade schooler wear such an exposing dress? Are you kidding me!?
Now then...
I just have to bring Ian-chan along, // without the real Kouichi-san finding out...
Geez, Miyabi-san is such a slave driver.
Yo, Kouichi <3

Page 12

What are you doing here <3
Th- This boy Kouichi has such a stupid face,
yet he's surrounded by a bunch of beauties...!!
I... I can't hold back anymore!!

Page 13

What, you ask? Isn't it obvious?
I was always waiting here, hoping to meet you.
K- Kouchi, what are you...
I'm gonna kiss you, what else.
Eh? Ehh?
H- Hey, Itanami-san.

Page 14

NOT GOOD-----!!!
He took her away first----!!
Wh- What now~~!?
Miyabi-san's gonna snap if she gets to know about this!!
N- No other choice...
I had hoped not to have to use this..

Page 15

What's up so suddenly, Itanami-san... // WAH!!
S- Sorry for earlier!!
It.. was too sudden, so I wasn't mentally prepared...
B- But I'm fine now.

Page 16

So.. ehm...
Please be gentle.
H- Hey, wait!!

Page 17

Right... It's too late now. // I just got excited by myself from getting to talk so much to you today.
But I ran off just because of some close contact... // I'm so selfish..
It's obvious
that you'll hate me.
I said wait!!
S- Sorry.
I... only just got to school....

Page 18

I'm sorry for calling you out so suddenly.
But I have something to tell you, Kouichi-san...
Y- Yes.
I came here on a whim, but deceiving Miyabi-san is too much after all!!
Fufufu.... Good, Itanami is watching...
*What it's actually

Page 19

...I love you <3
She's too damn cute. This would kill any man!!
My beloved Miyabi-san is in my arms!!!

Page 20

Ehh!? // Then I made you buy juice // and give me your lunch!?
But actually, // I was a bit happy.
It might have been looked like something mean,
But I'm like this...
I can't act how I feel...
And when I actually do act, it turns out bad.

Page 21

So I was happy to be of use,
even if it was by some kind of orders.
Ah, but... Only because it was you, I guess.
Since you're special to me.
Ehm... Let's head back!!

Page 22

Please wait...
Ah!! Ran-sama, found them~
They... mpfh.

Page 23

K- Kouichi-kun, you're special to me.
S- So..
Am I...
special to... you too?

Page 24

To me.... // you're...

Page 25

Oh, Kouichi!! Here you are!!
Eh!? Mi- Misa-chan!?
O- Okay, let's continue!! Our kiss from earlier!!
What are you saying!? // He wouldn't do that!!
What!! Stay out of this, Itanami!!
I.. I won't!!

Page 26

Huh? Ran-sama, what about Kouichi?
It's fine. Next time it'll be.
Meanwhile Miyabi was...
Miyabi-san!! I can't stop my love anymore!!
(The schemer fell into her own plot!!)
Why are you here anyway!!
attacked by her own familiar, who was on a rampage.
Two girls, that's unbelievable!!
Love knows no borders!! // Cuteness is justice!!
(Continue in next Issue, April.)

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Level [C] Translator

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