I checked, like 5 times, this is NOT the same as invincibility fireball. I think it's a continuation. I'll give you the raw I used so you can check if u want 2. But let me say this first, this raw is NOT, I repeat, NOT mine! I got it off of raw paradise. I don't know who's it is, but if they're one of the ppl who r sticklers for credit, give credit to raw paradise. Anyway, here it is:
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2d6e394f03779ae16b21be4093fab7ace04e75f6e8ebb871Apparently, this
IS chapter 1! I got chptr.2 recently and I'll translate it when I have the time.
I wouldn't be Shadow-Skill if I didn't translate Shadow Skill now would I? Now for the translation:
page 1
b1) I'm not saying anything particularly difficult here...
b2) Just leave all your belongings and your money,
b3) and we'll let you live is all.
b4) Is that so... This isn't good.
page 2
b1) But my daily life depends on this, and it's not like I'm carrying a lot of money anyway.
b2) I wonder if 3GP would be enough for you guys?
panel) The weak do NOT survive. Power is what makes this world go round.
page 3
panel) Being able to properly assess your opponent also helps.
b1) There's no way we'd let you live for a measly 3GP.
b2) That's the end of negotiating, die!
b3) WHAT THE!?
page 4
b1) I see you guys didn't quite understand me, // I was saying I would give you a discount and let all of you live for a measly 3GP.
page 5
b1) Wa // Wait please!! We'll pay up!! So please let us live!!
b2) That's good to hear, pay up and leave!
b3) Thank you.
page 6
b1) What an inconsiderate bunch. Getting in my way while I was admiring such beauty...
b2) Viewing the forest kingdom Rikitoa from above makes it quite beautiful.
box) Forest Kingdom Rikitoa.
page 7
b1) This doesn't look like...
b2) something I should spend time admiring.
b3) For now I should,
b4) go see what's up.
page 8
b1) Now then Elle-san,
b2) do you know why you're sitting like that?
b3) Because you're the princess and I don't treat you like one?
b4) I don't care about that!
b5) She's still holding a grudge!!
b6) I still can't understand why you were given such an important role by the king...
b7) Then is it because I dropped the money?
page 9
b1) There was a surprise guest at this year's Green arena.
b2) The 59th Sevahl, Shadow Skill Elle Lag. After showing off her superior strength,
b3) left without trace while leaving behind the prize money and bonus money.
b4) The reason? She gave all the money to a girl who is taking care of her sickly brother.
b5) You found out...
b6) I'm sorry for lying to you!
panel) Humbly bowing...
b7) You know Elle...
page 10
b1) This isn't the type of thing we'd get angry over. Don't make up silly lies like that,
b2) and just tell us the truth.
b3) It's kinda...
b4) embarrassing if people know.
b5) Well, in your case, we did think you spent it all on booze.
b6) You didn't need to say that!
b7) But if you're doing things like this, next time just tell us the truth.
b8) We are comrades right?
b9) ugh..
b0) Alright.
page 1
b1) But our situation still isn't any good, we don't have any money.
b2) Ah. // You don't need to worry about that.
b3) This morning, Gau found some work!!
b4) Really!?
b5) What kind of work?
b6) I'm not sure...
b7) I think it was to get something's horn?
b8) A horn?
page 13
b1) Dragon breath!!!
page 15
b1) hng!!
page 16
b1) I don't believe this... I thought this was going to be an easy job.
b2) They never said it was a dragon's horn...
b3) He took to the air!!
page 17
b1) Is he rethinking his strategy?
b2) Or does he think there's no need to waste time on the likes of me?
b3) I hope not. I can't just give up a job I accepted!
b4) ...Hey!
b5) Hey boy, what on earth are you doing!?
b6) Above you!
page 18
b1) If you stand there like that, it'll be too late for you to be sorry.
b2) If you don't want to die, run.
page 19
b1) Why do I need to run?
b2) What kind of foolish question is that?
panel) Look up.
b3) It's because he's going to do a dive and swallow you in one swoop.
b4) See, he's got the right position now.
b5) He's coming now.
b6) B-but where should I run?
b7) Calm down there,
b8) I'll be running with you,
b9) so just follow along with me.
page 20
b1) Look, he's here!!
b2) RUN!!!
page 21
b1) He... // Hello? Isn't this...
b2) Just how long are we going to run?
b3) Don't ask questions and run, I'll give you the signal!
b4) Once I give you the signal, jump to your right!
b5) I'll jump the other way, you got it!!?
b6) Yes!
b7) Okay, NOW!!!
page 23
b1) He's knocked out!?
b2) Because of the forest and moss, I couldn't tell there was a cliff there!!
b3) There isn't always a need to fight to the kill, boy.
b4) You're right, thanks!!
b5) My name is Gau Ban.
b6) My name is Rinne.
b7) Gau Ban? I've heard that name somewhere...
page 24
b1) OH, I REMEMBER!!! // Although you're young, you beat 1,000 soldiers!
b2) You're not a Sevahl, yet they've given you a nickname, right?
b3) It was 'Black Howling' right?
b4) I'm not that special actually...
b5) Why is such a famous guy like you doing a job for this town?
b6) Because...
b7) all of our money is gone.
b8) That's pretty rough, I was in the same situation not too long ago.
b9) At any rate, you need the horn right? I read the job post too.
b0) T-that's right, I'll take while he's still out.
page 25
b1) I think my comrades would also like to thank you.
b2) Please allow me to introduce you to them.
3b) That's quite the honor, I'm very interested in the Black Howling's comrades.
b4) If you're fine with little ol' me, then please do so.
b5) But before all that, I need to get the horn...
bubble sfx.) kachin
panel) Sword fist.
b6) Amazing! You broke it with your bare fist!
page 26
b1) Is that one of the Curda style finishing moves?
b2) That's right. What kind of style do you use?
b3) I'm the last guy you should every rely on during a fight.
b4) And that's because,
b5) I'm a topographer.
b6) A topographer...
b7) they're the one's that make maps of maze like area's and place people haven't been to yet, right?
b8) When things get dangerous I always run, that's why I've gotten really fast.
page 27
b1) Oh! So that's why you knew there was a cliff in that area!!!
b2) Pretty much. I just finished making a map of this area.
b3) And I want one of the big wigs in this kingdom to buy it from me.
b4) If that's the case, you're in luck! We're on our way to meet an important person.
b5) Hmm, then I'd love for you to let me accompany you.
b6) Of course! It was thanks to you that I didn't have to kill the dragon.
page 28
b1) It's only because you're so kind that you can think like that.
b2-4) tap
b5) What a nice kid.
b6) Uh oh.
b7) If we don't leave, we'll be knee deep in it, let's go!
b8) Right behind you!!
page 29
b1) So...
b2) you brought him along with you?
b3) Because he said he doesn't need any of the 1,200GP reward!!
b4) So at the very least I want to help him sell his map!!
b5) You don't want the reward... We can't let you do that.
b6) No, it's enough if I can just be with you guys.
b7) If I'm with the princess, the probability of my map selling will significantly increase.
b8) Th-th-this guy is level headed!! He's actually treating me like a princess!
b9) What kind of bad treatment has this princess gotten?
page 30
b1) Is everything really going to be alright? We're going to meet one of the highest ranked people.
b2) You're Shadow Skill Elle Lag, right?
b3) There isn't another young, beautiful woman like you, could I shake your hand?
b4) Alright!!! Let's go meet this big wig!!!
b5) Because people don't compliment you like that, you fell for it.
b6) I can feel some really strong magic!
page 31
b1) That's the Rikitoa style that only royalty knows!!
b2) A special envoy is coming.
page 32
b1) I'm Kaila lu Luka,
page 33
b1) special envoy of the forest kingdom Rikitoa.
b2) Come one...
you're the big wig?
b5) Well, you're an idiot.
b6) But she said envoy, so in a way, she's important right?
b7) What do you mean in a way!!?
b8) Let's just tell her what we're here for.
page 24
b1) I am the princess of the mercenary kingdom Curda, Quio Liu.
b2) I have come seeking an audience with the forest kingdom's king Rikitoa la Laika.
b3) After our last battle, the casualties were grave.
b4) We'd like you to assist us in restoration of our land.
b5) If that's why you're here,
b6) then I'll allow you an audience, However!!
b7) However?
page 35
b1) Let me kiss this stupid girl here!!
b2) WHY!!? Fowly, help me out here.
b3) If it's just a kiss from you she wants, hurry it up.
b4) I heard that the people of kiba are all homosexual, is that right?
b5) Actually, the people of kiba are only women.
b6) They're closely related to fairies.
b7) They're born from a giant tree, and from birth, their master is Rikitoa.
b8) Enough with the explanation, just do something about her!!!
page 37
panel) giant dragon (angry)
page 38
b1) W-w-w-what the hell is that!!?
b2) The protector of the forest. Did one of you do something to a dragon around here?
b4) You made him angry and he's back for revenge now!!
b5) Fowlink Meiyer Plazmateir asks the card, now answer, // who are you?
b6) I am water, blue water.
pge 39
b1) The water that can reflect any type of fire.
b2) He's going to do a second breath that makes the first look like a little spark!!
b3) Kaila, can we just kill this guy?
b4) No way!! He's the protector of this forest!!
b5) And if by chance you do, there's no way the king would lend you any kind of help!!
page 40
b1) This isn't good, if we don't do something, the barrier will break!
b2) Dammit!! If he came down here I could knock him out!!
b3) If he was down here you could knock him out right?
b4) Of course I can!!!
b5) Okay then, let's bring him down!!!
b6) Fowly-san, please hold on just a little longer!!
b7) Kaila-san, use your magic to make fists!!
b8) But they wont reach that far!!
page 41
b1) That's fine, just make them!!
b2) Fine, I'll make them!!
b3) Quio-san, judging by your equipment, you're a Septia right?
b4) Then use your rings and string to cut those hands and make them reach the dragon!!
page 42
b1) hiyaa!
page 43
b1) He flinched!
b2) Fowly-san, please do a big flashy attack!!!
b3) Fowlink Meiyer Plazmateir asks the card, now answer, who are you?
b4) I am steel, black steel.
page 44
b1) The one that will blow away all of your enemies!
page 45
b1) Now's our chance! Gau, let's fly!!
b2) F-fly!?
b3) I'm going to carry you and jump,
b4) Use me as a foothold and jump as high as you can!
b5) Give him a solid hit and bring him down!!
b6) A dragon's weak spot is between the eyes!!
b7) You can do it right!?
paeg 46
b1) I can!!
page 47
bubble sfx.) step
panel1) I am invincible.
panel2) There's no one who can stand up to my Shadow Skill.
page 48
panl) My attack is,
page 49
b1) Rapier!
panel) Unstoppable!
page 50
b1) He's falling!
panel1) I am invincible.
panel2) There is // no one who can stand up to my
panel3) Shadow Skill.
page 51
panel) My attack is,
page 52
panel) Unstoppable!
page 55
panel) Canon!
pae 56
b1) We did it!!
b2) I held back on the power of Canon, // so he should only have a concussion.
page 57
THAT'S holding back?
b2) Yeah, I think she's telling the truth.
b3) You were testing weren't you?
b4) hm?
b5) So you're not going to say it yourself huh... you were testing that guy to see if he was on our side or not.
b6) Yes I was.
b7) I think we're fine for now.
b8) And Gau seems to really like him.
page 59
b1) Y-you idiot!!
b2) Don't put your tongue in my mouth!!
b3) You guys are... close, if you know what I mean.
b4) HA hahaha!
b5) It's so nice having such a fun party!!
b6) What are you talking about, you're also part of this party!
page 60
b1) That's right, then I'll enjoy myself...
b2) as much as I can.
right of panel) A trustworthy comrade! ... or not!
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