Code Geass: Shikkoku no Renya
-> RTS Page for Code Geass: Shikkoku no Renya 9
It took me forever to get this out, but here it is... This is for CxC's use only.
page 1
panel) Taste the full extent of my power!
page 2
box) Renya has no shot!?
b1) ugh
b2) My lord Mesh, the women!
b3) What?
b4) Damn, I don't think we can win like this.
b5) I feel the same.
b6) Hey, that's mine.
page 3
b1) What the?
b2) H-hey!
b3) Things have changed.
b4) We need to make a swift and immediate retreat from here.
b5) What we're doing is running.
b6) Dammit!
b7) Those little bests!
page 4
b1) Will he really show up?
b2) Here, tonight?
b3) Are you telling me you don't believe the source of the information?
b4) Well no, that's not...
b5) All we need to do is guide him, if we do that, we'll be able to go to the new lands of Britain.
b6) I know, but...
b7) Konbanwa.
-for effect, change the language here. It can be swahili for all I care.-
page 5
b1) Yoru no umi wa kirei da tou omou wa nai?
b2) what?
b3) hmm... The least you could do is learn our language.
b4) Especially considering you're trying to become allies with us.
b5) Pass on this message to Mesh,
b6) Madam Claire's ride has come.
page 6
b1,2) haa
b3) Carla?
b4) WHOA!
b5) fyi, it was this girl who rescued her.
page 7
b1) Th-that's right. You can thank me all you want, but it doesn't mean I'll stop going after your life.
b2) right...
b3) But Futaba is really a nice person at heart.
b4) Really? Then thanks for all your help Futaba.
b5) ugh...
b6) Princess.
page 8
b1) You know, I'd appreciate if you didn't call me that.
b2) You hear that Anjie, she doesn't like it.
b3) master.
b4) Stop teasing him.
b5) Princess, we should head back to Britain as soon as possible.
b6) It's against my principles to run from the likes of Mesh, but...
b7) That's the best option open to us...
b8) Hey!
b9) What the hell do you think you're saying?
b0) Like hell we're going to some place that we don't know of.
page 9
b1) If you're going to say that, // can you call this country safe?
b2) Renya,
b3) what's your family name?
b4) I've thrown all of that away.
b5) I'm just Renya now.
b6) And that's exactly my point.
b7) I've already said it a few times now,
b8) but to this country your lives are something that shouldn't be. If they find you, they'll kill you.
b9) So I don't really see the reason behind wanting to stay here.
page 10
b1) Life with intent...
b2) in other words, you need to treasure the life you have.
b3) treasure life...?
b4) Did I mis-use a word again?
b5) No, you were right.
b6) For the most part.
b7) Hey,
b8) if we go to this Britain of yours,
b9) will we be safe there?
page 11
b1) master...
b2) There will need to be an increase in the amount of guards for the princess,
b3) the rest will have to come in as slaves for her.
b4) Being called a slave just doesn't sit right with me.
b5) Well, I guess it's better than our current situation though.
b6) And what about that Mesh guy?
b7) If the princess takes the throne, then there won't be any problems.
b8) If he still comes after us, then he'll become an enemy of the state.
b9) And that's what you're hoping for, right?
b0) Having some kind of hope is good, isn't it? // Otherwise you'll just be aimlessly running around.
page 12
b1) Besides, your mother...
b2) still lives...
b4) Your mother is alive?
page 13
b1) You mean...
b2) you knew what your real name was all this time?
b3) Yeah.
b4) When sent here as a baby,
b5) there was a name on the blanket that I was wrapped in.
b6) But having a very british name like Carla would stand out, so...
b7) Claire.
b8) I get it.
b9) You were right all along.
b) ...right...
page 14
b1) waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
b2) Hmm, I think I like this. You peasants are actually making me enjoy myself.
b3) St...
page 15
b1) guahhhhh!
b2) For you little peasants that can't even be a good look out... // do you really think I'd leave any of you alive!?
b3) Master, we need to hurry.
b4) Are you listening?
b5) We need to get away while we still can.
page 16
b1) Oh... yeah.
b2) And in the end, I never got a chance
b3) to use this.
b4) I wonder if Denshichirou managed to get away?
b5) Renya, hurry up!
b6) Master, we don't know when that will reach us!
b7) Hey, Carla...
b8) hm? What is it?
page 17
b1) I've already told and proven to you that that does nothing!
b2) Don't you have the ability to learn?
b4) hm?
b5) ohhh, // I get it.
b6) Without a well,
b7) this village won't survive.
page 18
b1) ah.
b2) Everyone? Everyday? It was destroyed in a flash.
b3) Just like your lives will be!
page 19
panel1) You said you were on my side, right?
b1) Denshichirou.
panel2) I hope you find it, // Renya.
b2) You... came back?
b3) If so, then this isn't bad.
page 20
b1) This isn't such a...
b2) bad place to die.
page 21
panel1) With that body of yours, your no longer human. However, you're not a geass user. // Neither are you a knightmare.
b1) Hey peasant, what happened to the woman?
b2) They left a long time ago.
b3) Although I really don't like it, but Weinberg is going...
b4) to take her back to the country she's originally from.
panel2) The geass' power has... // The path of the curse has... // made you a solitary being.
b5) Then why did you come back here alone?
b6) Are you trying to pretend that you're some action hero or something?
page 22
b1) Hmm, simply put, I'm going to do whatever comes to mind. Regardless of what's in front of me.
b2) So, as the first step in my new way of life, I'm going to kill you.
b3) Oh really?
b4) This coming from the guy I was just wiping the floor with a second ago.
b5) To me, winning or losing, // living or dying, is of no consequence.
b6) But what I've set my mind on, is...
b7) to become an action hero!
page 23
panel) You too are now a vagabond. // Although your friend has a clear path to take.
page 24
b1) This guy!
page 25
b1) He went...
b2) higher than me!!
b3) Let me tell you now,
b4) it's WAYY too late to repent.
panel) I hope you find yours, // Renya.
page 26
b1) You came here to die, didn't you!?
b2) At the very least, let that life of yours move towards some proof that you were really living. // Isn't that the reason you have a will?
box) Search for a path towards life!
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