Battlefield: Masurao
Black Tower
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W: M-master, this is without a doubt Yami Finances.
W: Let's think this through and go look for another finance company---...!!
H: ...!
Chapter 6 [Pitch Black Spire]
T: Hm? Customers?
T: ---Let me just preface by saying, there are many things even more valuable than customers.
T: At the top of that list would be money.
In short---
T: [Spend wisely.]
After all, collecting on it can be quite a chore for me.
[4 Table of contents]
[5 Story summary and character overview]
W: ...
T: That's enough, Ripple Rapple.
T: What if he dies?
R: I'm not one of the tournament competitors, so even if I killed him, it's not like I'd be disqualified.
?: I, I'll return it...
...the money...
T: Haa~~
...That's not the problem here...
T: If he dies, we won't be able to collect from him! Whatever, just go toss him off at the Doc's place.
R: Alright.
W: M, master~~~
W: Ah...Is he being taken to that Doctor's place...
If he goes there, he'll just be saddled with more debt~~~
W: ...Wait...? Doctor?
T: Well then
T: Shall we talk business, Kawamura Hideo and Wiruko.
H: ...!
H: ...Why do you know who we are?
T: I was contacted by the Doc after all...I also heard that you're a favorite for the competition.
T: ...You need it before the end of today, right?
T: 3 million tickets
T: This is not an amount you can get all that easily in this city.
T: I'll lend it to you with the collateral being your participation as the Doctor's experimental subject.
T: To be on the safe side...Let's say 10 percent interest for ten days.
H: Forget safe, these are illegal rates.
W: ...W, wait...?!
Iori Financial Firm and...
H: Iori------
W: ----General Hospital!
That means this corporation---!
W: You and that Doctor are accomplices---!!
T: Kukuku...
T: ...So what if we are?
W: Then we'll just go to a more honest finance firm!
We won't be taken in by your scheme!!
T: Good luck finding one.
W: Eh?
T: I've already gotten rid of all the competing banks in this city, so anyone wanting to borrow any significant amount of money can only come here.
W: T-this is...[President of the Iori Massatsu Firm and Leader of the Massatsu Firm Group, Iori Takase]...?
T: Currently, about 75% of this city's businesses are under my group's control.
Even the trade routes for the remaining 25% are securely within the sphere of our influence.
W: W-what...?!
H: The Massatsu Firm Group...
W: What the heck kind of company is that!!
T: ...Kuku
It's an evil organization.
W: Haa...Another weirdo...
T: And so, I'll send this money over to the Doctor.
...Understand? Upon failure of repayment, you'll be sold to the Doctor to settle the account.
T: You'd better get working!
...And let me just tell you, that bat hurts like hell, understand...?
W: Master.
H: Of course, what has been borrowed should be returned, but
the only way to obtain the tickets of this city is by defeating the monsters in the underground labyrinth.
W: Our chance of winning against monsters is...?
H: Zero.
L: Ah!
L: Hideo-san, Wiruko-san!
W: Ah!
It's Latie-san!
H: ...Hi there.
L: Hello
L: We've been hearing about you two. That you've even gotten three victories on the first day!
W: Nihihi~ That's right~
L: It's the talk of the town.
L: T-that's amazing! You two are currently the frontrunners now~!
H: The other competitors are looking this way.
: The tourney favorites?
: Where?
L: So what are you up to today?
L: Is something wrong?
W: We've come to fight some monsters~!
L: Alrighty, so you'd like to visit the labyrinth then!
L: Please fill out these forms first. I'll guide you to the entrance afterwards.
L: If you are taken out by the monsters while in the labyrinth, you'll be disqualified from the tournament.
L: By the way,
you can find all sorts of treasures in the labyrinth!
L: This is the entrance~
H: Treasures, huh.
That's right, it's too early to give up.
H: Who knows, maybe lady luck will visit us again.
W: Let's do this~!
H: ...Let's go.
H: ...
It's a huge, warabimochi.
H: ...This thing. Wonder if i-
W: Ah! It's a slime!
W: Master!
H: ----!!!
W: Ah!
W: M-
H: ...
W: Master~~~~!!
H: ...Why,
am I back in this hospital?
D: Heehee~
D: Get on, will ya?
H: ...
What the heck happened...
W: Like this!
You were taken out by a slime, but since we were still outside of the labyrinth, we weren't disqualified.
W: However, the doctor! And these black suits showed up! And claiming to be your personal physician they carried you off~~~!!
H: In short,
H: ...
H: I'm going to become a drill-man...
T: ...What the hell!
T: Is he really one of the tourney favorites?!
D: ...Takase~, be a little quieter in a hospital, please~
T: Cut the crap Doc, what the hell is going on here?
Did he really beat the colonel?! You sure you don't have the wrong guy?!
D: No, it was definitely this man here.
T: Then how the hell was he beaten by a friggin' slime?!
W: Master, this is kinda bad.
H: ....The plan to act the role of the tournament favorites.
H: The luck and momentum we had going for us may soon become reduced to mere coincidence.
T: ...You're really weak as shit, aren't you?
W: That's not true!!
T: Hmph!
Originally, the underground labyrinth was the place test the strengths of the participants, you understand?
T: In other words, how deep you got into the dungeon was the indicator of your level as a participant!
To be beaten without even setting foot into the first floor, what does that make you?!
W: But that's---
W: ...!
W: Master
H: Then in that case
H: How do you think we were able to get 3 victories...?
T: ...It must have been accidental.
Such things can happen twice or even thrice.
H: As expected of such a young president, you're quite the realist.
However, we couldn't help but to lose in that situation.
H: ...That was what we concluded.
: ! Hmm...What are you trying to say?
H: Pardon me for saying this, Mr. President, but I couldn't care less about debt or the like.
H: That is, none of you are competitors in the tournament, correct?
H: So we could just kill you without a penalty if need be.
W: M-...Master, what are you saying...?!
T: ---...Kukuku~
...I see. So that's how it is...?
T: I was thinking you had quite the expression for your age,
but you're the first I've ever met who would speak so brazenly face to face.
H: ...He bought it.
H: ...However,
we would rather you not misundertand our intentions.
H: In this tournament, we made one miscalculation.
H: By winning too easily and showing too much strength, no one is willing to have a match with us.
W: ...That's true. There really is no one who even looks like they might challenge us.
H: To find that slime at the time was truly a stroke of fortune.
H: In the presence of the other competitors, we lost in such a ridiculous way.
H: Furthermore, we were taken to this hospital which is known to be under the jurisdiction of the Massatsu Firm Group.
The news should have spread throughout the city by now...
H: Like, that we're weak
and that we're now in debt...
T: Preposterous...Are you trying to say that this has all been within your calculations...?
T: But what do you plan to do about your debt?
H: Of course, we will pay back what we owe. However, in another way---...That is
H: The money that you've loaned,
I will collect on it for you.
T: Wh...What are you talking about...?
H: For the participants running from your debt collectors,
If I, who has been confirmed to be weak, am their opponent and they are told [If you win, all your debts will be cleared], then you can see already right...?
W: Y-you can't mean...Master?!
H: I will offer them a match with the money as a pretext.
T: ...And your take will be---?
H: ...Ten percent of the collected amount, and if possible, I'd like to settle only major debtors.
T: And what if you lose?
H: We'll merely lose the right to participate...but I'll still continue collecting for you.
T: Kukuku...I see.
T: Kuku...Hahahaha
W: S-so what do you think?
T: ...Wonderful...!
You're exactly the sort of talent I've been looking to hire...!
T: In addition to your terms, I'll even throw in a monthly salary as a bonus!
T: Kawamura Hideo, I gladly welcome you as a full time employee of the Massatsu Firm Main Office...!!
H: ...It's my pleasure.
: Kawamura Hideo-----
: ---Inauguration.
H: ---So in the end I...
H: I guess I only have the ability to deceive others...
W: You could say they were simply misunderstanding on their own though.
H: ...But...
H: Is there any meaning to that which has been gained through deception?
H: When a lie unravels, I wonder what people think of themselves---
W: ...As long as you win, it'll be fine, right?
Even if it is deception, being able to take it so far can also be considered a talent.
W: ...And, though it may start off as a lie,
if you can collect the debts and continue winning until the very end, it will have become the truth, won't it?
H: ...Even though you're a virus...
H: That was a very, human-like---...
W: I found a similar predicament on one of those counseling websites.
W: I chose what looked like a good response.
So, did that help at all?
T: What are you two whispering about?
W: Nothing at all.
W: More importantly, are we there yet?
T: Yeah, we're just about there.
W: ...Ahh...?! You mean this is...?!
T: Well, it doubles as both my home and office.
T: Hahaha...
L: ...Hm?
L: Master! Are you done for today already?
T: If it isn't Lily.
T: I still have something to take care of.
I'm in the middle of setting up a new employee I hired today.
L: oh?
L: Welcome to the both of you.
W: Um
Are you a maid?
L: Nope~
This is who I am.
W: [Massatsu Firm Chairman, Head Maid, and Massatsu Firm Group Ringleader, Lily]...
W: Ch-chairman, then that means---
W: Y-you're even more important than the president?!
H: An odd master and servant relationship...
H: ...The money
H: Hand it over...
: ...Oh~?!
W: Ooooh~!
Scary! Quite frightening~~!
L: It's perfect for a debt collector! Or maybe even a professional hitman~.
T: Like looking in a mirror...
Actually, it might even suit you better.
H: Thank you very much.
You even bought a new computer...
W: Nihihi
W: A new house~
L: Hm
Well then, it's your turn Wiruko-kun. Let's have you try on some clothes.
W: ...!
By clothes, you mean like that maid uniform?
L: Yes
That's what I mean.
W: Alright. Well then...
W: Nihihi~ So how is it?
T: W-w...
T: Stop right there!! What was that?! That noise just now was...
L: What happened?!
W: Um, uhh...
W: Uh, well...
W: Should I tell them...?
T: ...I see. I thought I was pretty knowledgeable, but...
This is the first I've heard of an electronic spirit.
W: Whee~!
L: Yeah...Especially one being born from a PC...
L: Wow
L: She's really in there.
W: Ooh~ Just what I'd expect of the latest model!
W: The hard drive is fast~! The memory is huge~~!!
W: I-I should infect the president and make him my papa...!!
W: Fuwah~!
W: Master, I was only kidding~~...
T: Hm, seems like Wiruko-kun is quite pleased...Is there anything else missing?
T: ...Let's see, clothes, computer...
T: No wait, you're unarmed aren't you?
T: What sort of thing do you go for? Guns? Knives? Swords?
W: Uha~! So master will finally get a weapon~!!
H: Well...I---
A weapon is...
L: Ah, what do you think about this one?
T: ...This one, hm...It's something we only had made half as a joke...Well, maybe it'll make a good match ...
W: W-what does he mean, a good match...? What exactly is in there...?
L: Fufu~, something F-U-N~
W: ! Master, aren't you going to ask what's inside?
H: ...It's heavy.
T: Hm
If something comes up, it's sure to come in handy.
It's quite reliable.
H: Even if something does come up, I doubt I'll be able to properly use whatever it is...Contents aside though---
T: ...When it comes to simple destructive power, this shouldn't lose to any common weapon or magic.
It's up to you how you use it.
H: I see, at the very least if I just swing this around, I can make some use of it.
H: Then, thank you very much."
T: Well then, this is the debtor blacklist and
the keys for your car.
T: I expect much from you, Kawamura Hideo...Kukuku~
L: Good luck you two...Of course
I mean in the Semahai as well...
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