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Code:Breaker 2

Code: Breaker 02

+ posted by caesarpk as translation on Jun 20, 2008 20:54 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 2

Code: Breaker 02
Sorry this got a little late but here it is. Enjoy

P.S. It would be great if scanlators/proofers went over this script.
===Page 01====
What’s the…the heck is wrong with him?
The fire…

[inserted text in the middle]
Defeat the wicked with evilness!
The mysterious Ogami

Takes off his mask right now!
His hand… it’s burning…
Ogami… // so you were the one back then…
===Page 02-03====
Burn to Ashes.
Damn you! How could you have killed Toya…
You fucking bastard!
Code: 2 The Ones Who Cannot Be Forgiven
Inserted text: Only Death Suits the Wicked!
You are the bastard who’s gonna die!!!

Summary: A high school student, Sakurakouji Sakura witnesses the moment of people burning in blue fire. Then, the culprit, Ogami Rei, transferred to her school! After various twists, Sakura gives up her theory of Ogami being the culprit. However, The Super Delinquent Gang, G-Falcon threatens Sakura with mortal danger! Ogami, who suddenly appeared at the scene, starts to burning people down with his blue fire,…
===Page 04====
Sfx: Fire
===Page 05====
Little missy! // can you hear me?
What happened? Why are you… // Are you all right?
===Page 06-07====
Can you hear me, miss?
What…is the time now?
What exactly is the time right now!! How long have I been lying here…?
Huh? Eh….Right now…it’s… 10 minutes to 9…
What about “Dog”? The guys from G-Falcon? // and where’s…
===Page 08====
Are you all right? I heard there was a fire and came here, but there isn’t a trace of it…
…What? // That blue fire…
No, first of all the…these guys from G-falcon tried to kill those homeless… // and then they used tazer [shock gun, a term used by the Mangaddicted ] on me… then…
…There! // right there he bur…
He burnt people! He’s got blue flame coming from his hands // and they turned to char in a second…
A blue flame? What do you mean by coming from his hands? You mean he lighted his lighter?
No…that’s not right…but the fire burnt one person…// then the guys from G-Falcon got mad and tried to attack him… // and then…
===Page 9====
And then…

Aside: What happened then…? No good…I can’t recall what happened after that…
Are you all right? Hmm, I guess you mean you saw some careless fire? [Feel free to change careless fire to something more fitting]

It’s not just some ramdom fire! People burnt…they were murdered! That’s the truth!!
But then why…

Why there’s nothing remained again…? What happened…?

He…Hey, what are you saying…
Are…you sure you are all right?

…It’s him, Ogami Rei..!!
What happened afterwards, the only clue is him… I need see him to know what happened…

…Hmm? Are you the one a while ago? You said back the then that incident was murder, didn’t you? // Let’s have you come to the police station // there’s the matter of your appearance
===Page 10====
Now, come quickly. We need to talk…
Kyaaaa, a perv!!!

Eh, I wonder what’s happening…?
This is bad, he is harassing the girl…
Isn’t he a police officer…?

Hey!!! That’s wron…
Hey, you!!
===Page 11====
The equation to solve for x is… // The part within the [square root] is called the discriminant
So since the discriminant is …

…but after all I came to the school since I don’t really know much about him…
But he was attacked by that many delinquents from G-Falcon…
I wonder if he’s okay…?
Sakurakouji! You are late! … what’s wrong?
===Page 12====
What’s wrong sakurakouji?
Sfx: heartbeat
===Page 13====
That’s right…
After that…
===Page 14====
Ah, Hot!
I …I can’t put it out!!
Doesn’t go away!!

The fire…flame…I can’t put them out…I’m begging you!! Put them out!!
It’s hot!! // SO hot!! //Hobaaa!!
It’s really …hot… I can’t breath…
The hot breeze…it’s trying to take away my consciousness…
===Page 15====
Such a violent fire!! This blue flame, without emitting, sound, smell, or even smoke
It burns downs everything in a split second!!

Hurts…The fire gurtss!!
Sfx: melting
Hel…Save me…
===Page 16====

You…are joking…
How many do you think…

I beg you! Please spare me!!
I won’t kill any more people…// I mean it!! I won’t for sure…So…Please…forgive me!!
I’m // …begging you…
===Page 17====
===Page 18-19====
He looked bored and lazy as if he was driving away the mosquitoes and flies…
And in comparison with the heat of the fire…
He looked cold and peaceful…
Yet cruel…
===Page 20====
What’s wrong…
Are you all right, Sakurakouji-san?
You are shaking…
I remembered…Ogami…
It was you who burned all of them to death!!
===Page 21====
And he faced that many opponents, and burned all of them in a instant…
There’s no mistake about that…
But that blue flame? …no, rather than that, why is he here?
Why are you so calm and still coming to the school…?
Sfx: smile
===Page 22====
Sakurakouji-san…are you all right?
…I’m okay, sorry for making you worry

…maybe she’s anemic?
She looks even more fragile today…
Don’t you want to do something for her?

Hey, Are you all really right, Sakura? You looked preoccupied all day long
It’s the first time you’ve ever been late. [slanted] you were wearing a jersey too
I sent you a text [or equivalent of. Literally email sent on phone] yesterday but you didn’t reply. Did something happen?
===Page 23====
Aoba. Last night I didn’t go home so pretend I stayed over at your house.
I want to know why as well. Ask Ogami if you want
No…NO waayyyyyy!!
Sakurakouji-san and Ogami….!?

Ogami…you are not tired of me after all…
Sakurakouji-san…I lost to your passion. I won’t be going home tonight.
===Page 24====
That’s…so su…
Tell me it’s a lie…
What a gaze…

[Aside:] Why is Ogami even at school?
I saw him at the murder scene, then why…
Now I think of it, back then why didn’t he kill me along with them…?
Maybe I fainted after that, but I can’t remember what happened even now…
I seems like he cleaned up the scene that it even looked like nothing had ever happened…and to have blue flame coming out of his hand…
Even I who witnessed the whole thing is doubting myself…there’s no way the police will…
Who will believe what I say…? [/aside]

Sakura, you are dazing off again
You are acting really strange today. Something happened right? Tell me
It’s actually about Ogami…
(There it is)
What? What is it? What happened?
===Page 25====
It might sounds quite unbelievable but I saw him,
Ogami burnt… [Technically she’s saying “Ogami people burnt…” and didn’t finish talking]
Huh? What did he do?

Excuse me Takatsu-san // you are on the day duty for today, right? I need to ask you…
Ah, Ogami-kun!
You scared me!… we had this talk about you…
…EH? What is it?
Hmm? Hmfuffu…Sakura is saying…something about…she and you…
It’s nothing! It’s a secret
===Page 26-27====
Come on, tell me about it too.
No, I won’t! Girls’ friendship are hard to break, you know?
===Page 28====
Stop it!!
Sa…// Sakura…?

Aoba, don’t even touch him!
You can’t touch Ogami!
You will get burned!!
===Page 29====
There’s no such thing! Sakura, what are you saying!
[slanted] I won’t say anything vital even if you hadn’t done that, you know?
Getting so jealous with only a hand on Aoba’s shoulder! You are unexpectedly monopolistic!
How could she…with Ogami…
The one who’s getting excited is rather Sakura, right?
This is love! Sakura!
What… what are you saying? This is not what…
===Page 30====
What is this talk ? Please tell me all of it.
(Was he watching me to make sure I didn’t tell anyone about him? If I told someone now
Is he planning to burn me along with everyone else?)
===Page 31====
…no good...this way the school will be…
Are you all right, Sakurakouji-san? You doesn’t look pretty well.
Now I think about it, you were kind of sick since this morning
Are you okay? Maybe you should go home early and get some rest
I will take you home….sakura?

…no, it’s okay
Ogami-kun, can you take me home?
My pleasure
===Page 32====
Look! That two is going home together!
The most popular girl, Sakurakouji-san and the one who refused to date her, Ogami?

What’s up with them two?
They are probably going out or something
Damn it! Ogami, I’m gonna kill you! Damn!
She walking 3 steps behind him… //She’s so modest after all
You don’t take so much caution as to walk behind me that much
Looks like you know that you have done something for me caution against you?
I shall take you home safely
===Page 33====
Wow…So this is Shibuya…
It’s as lively as I’ve heard!
So where’s you home, Sakurakouji-san…?
My home isn’t here
If we are here then you won’t be able do any harm to my classmates nor can you do anything suspicious
===Page 34====
Not when there’s this many eyes watching you
As I thought, you killed those guys from G-falcon… // Using that mysterious blue flame…
Even if you try to hide…
That’s right
===Page 35====
I killed every single one of them…// what’s wrong about that?
===Page 36====
I’m saying I did it. // though I don’t remember denying it from the beginning
You…Do you understand what you are saying…?
It’s my part-time job…and besides, what’s bad about getting rid of the trash? // these lots, it would be even better if they all disappeared… they are good for nothing like the insect pests
Wha!? insec.Pests?

Because they killed someone…//because they are wicked you killed them?
Are you saying you are the hero of justice?
I’m wicked… // more than anybody else
===Page 37====
…If you think so the hand your self in to the police! // and atone your sins…there must be some mitigating circumstances..!
…To atone your sins...
What a fortunate person you are, Sakurakouji-san
What’s so funny? // Ogami, you…
Do you understand what you are really doing?
You are ending people’s lives!!
===Page 38====
Ogami…Do you not…
(You killed them all like they were worthless worms)
Do you not feel a thing?
Sfx: Cries
===Page 39====
Taku-chan, what’s wrong? Taku-chan?
I’m sorry…because I was talking to loud…
You broke this right?
===Page 40====
Thank you very much!
Taku-chan, good for you that he was kind
Someone like you is…
I don’t know for what or how you killed them…
However, however wicked they are that doesn’t mean you could judge them. Now be obedient and get judged by the law
===Page 41====
…To be judged by law? // that’s impossible
What are you saying?
Why? Because the law codes are to judge to people, and I’m a Code: Breaker [T/N written meaning: the one who is non-existent]
I can’t be judged by the law!
===Page 42-43====
For example, even if I burn you to death along with all these people, I will not be judged
Wh…are you saying…
===Page 44====
All witnesses are to be erased.
Burn away, Sakurakouji Sakura.

Aside: Ogami again shows his fang!
Sakura is already
In Grave Danger!
Next: The Nightmare that exceeds imagination!

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#1. by Dr4G0nZ ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2008
Thanks, Caesar!
#2. by jjmase03 ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2008
thanks for the trans!
#3. by flyingwind ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2008
thanks for the trans
#4. by Tehanu ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2008
Thanks a lot! n.n
#5. by Ecentric ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2008
Thanks Caesar.
#6. by LegACy ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2008
#7. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jun 21, 2008
Thanks. Now all that is left is the scanlation...

The script definitely needs a good proofreading though, after seeing an unproofread 1st chapter scanlation (with so much grammar errors and certain sentences could be phrased better). I'll try to do it tonight.
#8. by caesarpk ()
Posted on Jun 21, 2008
great, thank you, Rena chan, for proofing, I'm very inexperienced translator and a novice (second year) english speaker so I suspect there to be tons of mistakes...T_T You should be able to understand it fine, though
#9. by Phat ()
Posted on Jun 21, 2008
thanks :D
#10. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jun 21, 2008
Quote by caesarpk;914788:
great, thank you, Rena chan, for proofing, I'm very inexperienced translator and a novice (second year) english speaker so I suspect there to be tons of mistakes...T_T You should be able to understand it fine, though

Yeah, I would understand it. It's more or less grammar and phrasing/word usage. As long as I'm not sitting down there doing it half-asleep...
I have the proofread done, but I'm checking a few sentences that doesn't seem to make sense with one of my group's more experienced/skilled translators. I will not be posting it up yet.
#11. by heavens_dragon ()
Posted on Jun 21, 2008
Awesome, thanks so much for the translations, caesarpk!
#12. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jun 22, 2008

Here's the proofread script. I formatted it a bit but oh well. The entire chapter flow should sound better now, although I may have missed a couple of grammar errors.

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