The first part of the Omake. The second part will follow (Soako-chan and some words from the author about the characters).
Don't ask me when, hopefully soon.
If you want to scanlate this, please proofread first if possible.
The story so far
There are various types of loves. An ignored love, like Ayumi's to Zaitsu Mamoru. A rejected love, like Zaitsu Mamoru's and Bessho Yoshihiko's to Yamamoto. A love without an answer, like Zaitsu Misao's to Ayumi. A love like Kei's, though she has interest in Kusuda, for some unknown reasons she is always so harsh to him. Meguru who finally could settle her complicated love problem. Dobashi's love that goes slow but sure forward. Chikura whose love ended before it begun. Sogabe's love that couldn't make those tears stop. And Yamamoto-san who gets to know how love feels like.
Anxiety, pain, but they still keep going, reaching out their hands for hope.That is their one and momentous "First Love" afterall. Please watch how the book of love they write will end.
Love Chart:
Fill their names in the circle
Small circle : Brother / Sister
If you forget their names, this is a love chart that I made once
Love Chart135
Emergency Omake
Sumire : And regarding that // I'm planning on making a "Hatsukoi Limited - Hot Spring Trip" // But in order to make you appear in the story, I also need to invite the other boys. Hmm, let me think
Sumire : ..... // Not a chance
Mamoru : WHATT !! // Why can only the girls go !? In this manga, we have given lots of contribution !
Kusuda : Yeah, I also have done much
Sogabe : What a disappointment, right Zaitsu ... ?
Sogabe : And therefore ... !! // We are going to secretly go there and join the girls, YEAHHH !!!
Mamoru : Se ... secretly ?
Emergency Omake to fill the empty pages !!
If it comes to hot spring, there might be a nipple slip !?
Those three boys are again, making a journey with their bikes !
A story of Delusion ! Wild Imagination !! And Rampage !!!
Kawashita Mizuki
Mamoru : I don't think that we need to do that far, it's not that I want to go to hot spring that badly
Kusuda : By the way, I heard that the high school girls in third class are also going
Mamoru : I ... I'm in !!
Sogabe : Hnn? So you decided to come along after get lured with Yamamoto-san ?
Mamoru :Exactly !!
Sogabe : <Chikura-san>
Mamoru : In order to protect Saki-nee's naked body from being seen by you guys, I'll come with you !!
Sogabe : What's with that lame excuse ?
Kusuda : <If you want to come, just say it>
Mamoru : I did say that I'll go with you guys ....
Mamoru : But why do we have to ride the bikes again !!? // With the train, we only need two hours to get there !
Kusuda : This is the only option we have. We don't have any tickets and neither do we have money !
Sogabe : But ..*pant*.. there is still .. *pant*... other method than bikes .....
Kusuda : Like always, what a weak guy
Kusuda : If you feel like giving up, then think of her !! // Think of her naked body without a single thread to cover it !!
Sogabe : Chikura-san !!
Chikura : No ... nooo Sogabe-kun !
Sogabe : NOO !! NOO !! I'm not supposed to think dirty of Chikura-san ...
Mamoru : Sogabe-kun !! Don't shake your head like that ...
Sogabe : Ugyuu~~
Mamoru : Hey, be careful !
Kusuda : Anyway, one thing in your imagination is improper
Chikura : <Uhmm, will you guys stop it>
Sogabe : What !? Where !?
Kusuda : It's her breasts
Sogabe : UH
Kusuda : Even a blind could tell that Chikura has A-cup breasts // <Not even a curve !!>
Mamoru : True, in our class, Enomoto-san is the one who has the best tits ....
Kusuda : Don't you dare thinking about Enomoto !!
Mamoru : GWAAAA
Mamoru : <What the hell were you doing, you almost got me killed>
Sogabe : T - then, how about this ?
Kei : Do you guys want to play ping-pong ?
Dobashi : Let's make this a punishment game !
Kei : My pleasure !!
Kei : Hey, c'mon, I already have nothing more to wear
Ayumi / Koyoi : <boobs> // <boobs> // Doba-chan is really strong at ping-pong
Dobashi : I'm only following the rule !
Sogabe : ........ WOAAAA
Kusuda : God's punishment for you
Kusuda : Speaking of great body, nothing can beat the high schoolers .....
Kusuda : Though Yamamoto onee-san's body is also irresistible // But the one I set my eyes to is Watase Meguru onee-sama ...
Meguru : No ... stop it .... Yamamoto ... !
Misaki : Tell me, what does it take to get this magnificent boobs ?
Yuu : Uwaa ~ so bouncy !
Mamoru : Saki-nee is not that kind of pervert
Mamoru : The one most likely to do that kind of thing are those two
Ayumi : What a breast, I also want to have something like this !!
Meguru : W -what's wrong with these kids !! // <Hyaaa~>
Koyoi : Perhaps we can make our breasts bigger by touching it ! // <It's so soft>
Ayumi / Koyoi : There she is, Yamamoto-san ! // Boobs ! boobs! let us touch yours !
Kusuda : I never thought that Zaitsu's mind is so corrupted .... // Making Arihara and Bessho to become an Ero-character
Sogabe : Apparently, the quiet one is the most dangerous one ?
Mamoru : I - I was only trying to correct the story that Kusuda-kun made
Mamoru : The one I'm curious about is Dobashi - san ... // I - I want to kow whether she has suntan on every part of her body .... // <I'm saying this just as an example ...>
Sogabe / Kusuda : A pervert, indeed
Mamoru : Heh !! Everyone would like to know about it, right !?
Kusuda : But every part of her body .... // < Which part is it !? >
Sogabe : Uwaa~ pervert ! You are beyond help !!
Mamoru : You guys are much more perverted than me !!!
Kusuda : We were doing the same thing a couple of months ago, what a memory ... // We were chased by a pack of stray dogs that time // <ha ha ha>
Mamoru : Today's dinner is not another 'nmai snack, right !?
Sogabe : Don't worry, I also brought some lettuce with me this time !
Mamoru : EH
Narrator : But even so
Narrator : Their dreams continue // And also their imagination ...
Girls : Waa, it's beautiful !!
Koyoi : With some good foods, this will be perfect
Ayumi : I can't wait for the hot spring !
Kei : Behave yourselves this time, okay !?
Meguru : It says that the hot spring is facing to the ocean !
Meguru : How 'bout if we take a short bath before we eat our dinner ?
Nanoka : Let's have a swimming match there !!
Guys : Please ~~ !!
Ayumi : Zaitsu-kun !
Kei : Kusuda ....
Chikura : Sogabe-kun ... !?
Sogabe : I beg you ! Please let us join you !!
Mamoru : Hueh ~ why are you kneeling !?
Kusuda : We have taken a long distance with our bikes to get here // Please share us some of your great times !!
Sogabe : HEY Zaitsu, on your knees
Mamoru : I ... I beg you ... please
Kei : If .. if you ask us like that .... // Kusuda ...
Meguru : Now listen, you guys // Do you bring enough money to pay the lodging expenses ?
Meguru : If you can't afford it, you can just go back home !
Kei : Now, you don't have to be that cold
Meguru : But, we can't let them stay in our room ....
Kei : Where the hell are you looking at !!
Meguru : <Kyaa~>
Kei : I'm sure that you guys were having some dirty expectations while you're riding your bikes ! // There is no way that we would let some perverted guys to stay with us !!
Ayumi : <Zaitsu-kun>
Mamoru : ..... She got everything right, I can't argue
Mamoru : C'mon, let's go home // Just be able to have another journey with you guys was a great pleasure to me ...
Kususda : I ... I ...
Kusuda : I won't give up !! Enomoto ! You damn girl !!
Mamoru : Kusuda-kun, you are at fault ...
Sogabe : And you too, four eyes girl ! How dare you get in our way !!
Kusuda : The size of that four eyes' breasts is unforgivable !!
Sogabe : Making it to grow that big .... I'll caress those breasts like this ! and this !!
Mamoru : <Ughh~~> // Seems that you two are big breasts maniac ....
Kusuda : Speaking of which, Yamamoto onee-sama's breasts are also unbearable !!
Sogabe : Ah, I also think that she has nice tits
Mamoru : Will you stop taking Saki-nee into your fantasy !! // <Stop it>
Kusuda : Soo~~, a change of plan, we'll sneak into the girls' bath
Sogabe : Let's try using the back side of the inn
Mamoru : A change of plan !? You guys were planning this since the beginning
Mamoru : The back side of the inn ..... This is a cliff !!
Kusuda : Well, they won't make it an open air bath if it's easy to be peeped at the first place ....
Kusuda / Sogabe : However, we are the man of our words, we won't take any step back !!
Mamoru : You guys aren't cool at all, you know !? Peeping is your goal afterall !
Ayumi : This Sashimi is really delicious ! // <right ?>
Koyoi : Yup, it tastes really good
Misaki : Let's send some MMS !
Chikura : I feel somehow sorry for the boys .....
Kei : Just leave them ! Sleeping outdoors is what they deserved
Narrator : Though that what she said, she actually put a thought on it .....
Yuu : <Kei-chan, Kei-chan, you know what ? this fish is called chicken grunt>
Kei : Though that was a great chance for me to spend the time together with Kusuda ... // Haa~~ I am really short tempered ...
Girls : After we finish this meal, let's go take a bath ! // Yeah, agree ! // Let's enjoy this hot spring like never before !
Sogabe : O ... oi ..... // Do we really have to go through such danger just to peek .... ?
Sogabe : Furthermore, w -why are we naked ... ?
Kusuda : We are going to sneak into a bathing place, being naked is more natural
Sogabe : .....
Sogabe : I ... I can't go any further ......
Kusuda : Idiot don't look down, you'll fall !!
Sogabe : AAAHHHH !! My legs are frozen, I can't move it !!
Kusuda : Tch, this guy causes only troubles .....
Kusuda : Just imagine, Sogabe ! The scene you'll see after you arrive !!
Narrator : Before your eyes, awaits the garden Eden ... !!
Chikura : Everyone have big breast !
Maguru : Hang on there ! Just a little bit more, Sogabe-kun !
Kei : Sogabe-kun, I'm sure you can climb that cliff
Misaki : Yup, Sogabe-kun, you are the type who can do anything if you try
Kei : Do your best !
Meguru : Go, Sogabe-kun !
Meguru : I'm going to feed you after you get here
Kei : I will play ping-pong with you
Misaki : And I // I will wash your back
Chikura : And from me // I will always stay by your side, Sogabe-kun ....
Sogabe : I'm cominggg~~~~ !!!!
Kusuda : He ... he's fast ...!
Mamoru : What is that exactly in his imagination !?
Kusuda : Damn it ! Me too ... imagine .... imagine ...
Narrator : Within that cloud of steam .... // Her body is glimmering with waterdrops // Those fruits are rippen, swaying, ready to pick ...
Mamoru : NO, if I stay like this ... // Saki - nee's naked body will be seen by Sogabe-kun !!!
Sogabe : Tits, Enomoto's tits
Kei : Help me, Kusuda~~ !!
Kusuda : Sogabe-kun, You~, don't you dare to look at Enomoto's naked body !!!
Mamoru : He's running vertically !
Sogabe : Yess ! Just a little bit more !!
Ayumi : WAA !! // Watase-senpai, your breasts are really big ! Bigger than Kei's !! // <Awesome>
Meguru : Don't .. don't stare at my breasts like that ... it's embarrassing
Koyoi : How nice, I also want that kind of breasts ! // With those breasts, I'll be able to beat the Demon Queen easily .....
Misaki : Demon Queen ? What is it, Koyoi-chan ?
Koyoi : AH ...... hahahaha ....
Girls : !?
Girls : Kyaaa ~~~ !! // It's the boys !?
Kusuda : Fuwa~
Girls : Gyaa ~~ !! // Why are you guys are naked !!?
Girls : W - what are you trying to do, coming here naked !? Idiot ! Pervert !! // 'Till when are you intending to show us that thing !!?
Girls : Get out, NOW ! // You are the worst !!
Boys : Y - you got us wrong ! // It's only natural to come naked into a bath, right !?
Sumire : ..... // I was actually planning on making a bikini camp to satisfy you readers // Well, nevermind !!
Emergency Omake (FIN)
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