Rosetta Kara no Shoutaijou
-> RTS Page for Rosetta Kara no Shoutaijou 2
Only for use by Lazy Ass Scans
tl by JinHea
- Chapter 2 Space
- The number of Iron Bamboo increased.
- Arching into the sky, those pylons surround the village like the bars of a cage.
- I don’t want something like that to happen, so…
- No matter how much I dig, how much I hit it, it won’t budge.
- It’s Iron Bamboo after all…
- Isn’t it better to just give up?
- Saying I should give up… stupid Haruhiko!!
- But you can’t topple it no matter what you do…
- Moreover look, Kanna-san is there…
- Huh?
- Welcome—
- …and that was the dream I had.
- The Kanna-san in the dream betrayed me in reality [linked bubble] A really awful image…
Linked box: I still haven’t finished the essay I had to write over summer break.
- Didn’t I tell you to at least read some simple books? [linked bubble] If you’d done that you could’ve written around 10 pages and be finished by now.
- It’s going to be Fifteenth Night soon… [linked bubble] If you can write at least one page the teacher might let you off—
- Kou-chan good luck.
Linked bubble: Be quiet!! Don’t call me Kou-chan!!
- Just a… Koutarou
- Don’t pop up in weird places!
- The insects’ cries are annoying. It’s that woman’s fault.
- Raaaaargh!!!
Linked bubble: Why’re you threatening the insects…
- Ever since that happened you’ve been going around with a cynical look on your face.
- I understand that you don’t want to see Kanna-san, [linked bubble] but this isn’t like you.
Linked bubble: Don’t sum up something like that in one sentence!!
- You said you see her even in your dream? [linked bubble] That’s a really serious illness.
Book title: Dream Diagnosis [smaller text] The true self
Thought bubble: Urgh—
- Right now your head is filled with Kanna-san.
- …Well
- You can’t help but see it everyday, [linked bubble] that Iron Bamboo.
Linked bubble: Tomorrow we’ll be seeing a face we haven’t seen for a while.
- Mm-hm.
- … Mm-hm?
- Takukou Developments dispatched those pwople all the way here.
- So they must know a lot about the power station project…
- …Koutarou, you didn’t listen to the teacher?
- Kanna-san will be coming as a guest lecturer tomorrow.
- ……What was that—!!
- I just heard from the teacher!!
- Takukou Developments, who erected the Iron Bamboo, and the representative they sent here, Kanna-san…
- Simply put, she’s an ENEMY.
- And she’s going to be a guest lecturer?
- …Iron Bamboo… she probably came to speak about the power station…
- Kou-chan has a scary face—
Text cutting bubble: Ahahahahaha
- Shut it—! [linked bubble] That woman is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!!
Bubble above Haru: Weird face.
- You’ll get sucked in by her lies for sure!
- …The bell’s rung already.
- Hey [linked bubble] What kind of person is Oosaki-san really?
Text in box on top: …The two who moved here [linked bubble] I haven’t seen them much since then.
- Kanna-san is, well… I’ve been avoiding her.
- And Touma-san is kinda scary [linked bubble] …I guess…it’s no big deal.
- No big deal…
- [smaller text] After the bell [normal text] …10 minutes passed…
- …What is that woman doing?
- Terribly sorry I’m late!!
- Good afternoon [linked bubble] So sorry!
- I’m Oosaka, I’ll be teaching you for an hour only. [linked bubble] So sorry!
- …She came from outside.
- Uh… Um… It’s okay [linked bubble] Please begin the lesson.
- Ah…yes. Please be kind to me.
- Alright [linked bubble] I’ll take attendance!
Text on book: Attendance roster
- There’s 5 students. Just count.
- …I want to remember your names and faces… [smaller text] if possible…
- Sorry about that please continue.
- Nakatsugawa Hazuki-san.
- Here.
- Wakabayashi Yumi-san.
- Here.
- I’m not getting fooled by her again.
- No matter what nice things she may say about Iron Bamboo, I won’t be duped!!
Text above bubble: And she was late!!
- What will Oosaka-sensei teach us?
- Pachi
- Pachi
Text on poster: Abo
- Abo?
Poster text: About Space
- About Space!
- ……Why Space?
- You’re not interested!?
- Not interested at all!
- I see [linked bubble] ……then…
- But I like… this topic… umm… [linked bubble] As things stand… It’s something I know a lot… about… I’m sure it will be interesting…
Text in front of Haru: Koutarou…
- Back to the subject, I first developed an interest in Space when I was in kindergarten
- because I was told mother was up in the sky.
- Let me first say that this is not a sensitive subject, so even if you don’t listen seriously it’s okay! [linked bubble] Father saw how troubled I was, so he…
- …Er [linked bubble] No… not so much... troubled [linked bubble] … troubling…?
Text beside bubble: something like that
- Anyhow that acted as the catalyst for my interest in the sky.
Book title: Mysteries of Celestial Bodies
- I learned that Earth orbited around the Sun, how Venus orbits at a closer distance to it, and how Mercury’s orbit is even closer still.
- As well as those planets that orbit at a greater distance than Earth… [linked bubble] Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune…
- The atmosphere’s strong gravitational force… pulling in rocks from Space.
- I truly started to comprehend the vastness of Space, [linked bubble] and the attraction Space held for me kept growing.
- When I was little I wanted to run even faster than light.
- If you ask why—
- So what does Takukou Developments have to do with Space?
- Yumi-chan, you’re too loud.
- Well… [linked bubble] If the talk goes back to Iron Bamboo Koutarou will get mad…
- I can hear you.
- Um back to the subject…
- Those who think of things like Space when they see stars… [linked bubble] raise your hands?
- …I… look for constellations.
Text beside hair: hmm
- …I……from time to time
- …The heck!!
- …Why’re you so into this?
Text on blackboard: 29th (Tue)
- [smaller text] Because [normal text] The other day I read a book where a person from Europa makes an appearance…
- Europa!
Linked bubble: …is the satellite of the biggest planet in the solar system.
- That’s right!!
- What is that!!
- This is Jupiter.
- It’s just a ball you can find anywhere.
- It’s a model for Jupiter!
Linked bubble: Please think of this as the Earth!
- A marble.
- This pretty much sums up the difference.
- First a ball [linked bubble] then a marble.
Text beside thought bubble: Irk irk
- What a childish way of explanation.
- Earth has an atmosphere, volcanoes and seas. Plus a lot of coincidences happened that allowed life to be created. You know this. [linked bubble] Stars and planets that have things like seas of water and volcanoes and an atmosphere are rare indeed.
- But Europa… and also Mars have volcanoes, atmosphere and seas.
- Eh [linked bubble] So there really could be people living on Europa?
- We don’t know that yet.
- Although man-made satellites are able to get to Mars, the planets that’s the next furthest from the Sun compared to Earth, [linked bubble] humans are only able to set foot on the Moon at the moment. [linked bubble] There is still a long way to go.
- Haruhiko is a dreamer.
- Not at all!
- There are many people who follow the same thought as Haruhiko-kun and go on to further their ideas. [linked bubble] Anything is possible!
- And when we receive the information gathered by our satellites…
- No, if people don’t look into it for real… [linked bubble] In any case the possibility is there.
- “Truly mesmerizing is the strength to put an end to loneliness”… [linked bubble] This is a phrase taken from a poem by my favorite author Tanikawa Shuntarou-san, in his book “20 Million Lightyears of Loneliness”.
- Because we humans are lonesome beings, [linked bubble] we want to have friends from other planets also.
- … Floating alone in the darkness of a gigantic Space that is expanding every moment, we on Earth
- are able to ponder the vastness of Space that takes who knows how many millions of lightyears to span,
- To see the stars in the night sky… [linked bubble] To be able to see the Sun which’s situated so far from us,
- To be able to see with our eyes the light that was given off many thousands upon tens of thousands of years ago…
- …Oh I’m so sorry.
- I got all heated up about it…
- …so…stars! [linked bubble] They are very far away and, just like the Sun, burn and give off light.
- Then there could be other planets like Earth out there?
- Very possible!!
- They’re too far away so how are we supposed to know.
- …You have a point, but…
Text beside hand: It’s meaningless
- But they could be there.
- Don’t you get excited thinking about it?
- Not really.
- Koutarou, quit making that face.
- Excuse me…You were saying many lightyears… [linked bubble] What is it?
- Oh right.
- One lightyear is the distance it takes for light to travel in a year. [linked bubble] Light travels around 300,000km per second [linked bubble] Which is around 7 and a half times Earth’s circumference. This is the speed of light.
Text behind Koutarou’s head: You just had to put it there
Text beside bubble: If Earth is here
Text beside Kanna: Here would be the moon.
- Light from the Earth can reach the Moon, Venus and Mars in one second, but there are lots of places it cannot get to in a second.
- Mars would be about here, in this passage.
- Pretty far away, isn’t it?
- Light from the Sun takes around 8 minutes to reach Earth.
- If Earth is here,
Text below bubble: I’ll demonstrate
- Uh, just a…
- The rain…
- Ah!! What do you think you’re doing! Where did you get another ball!!
- I borrowed it.
- The Sun is 109 times the size of the Earth.
- I’ll show you the place [linked bubble] that the speed of light has to travel for 8 minutes to get to!
- The light we’re seeing together right now
- was given off by the sun 8 minutes ago.
- Oh no… I asked a weird question, didn’t I…
- Where is she going…
Linked bubble: But she looks like she’s enjoying herself.
- The Sun would be over he—re!!
- Understand now—?
- Perfectly!
- What if you catch a cold, stupid?
- Thank you, Koutarou-kun.
- … I just don’t want you catching a cold while teaching us.
- … How is it [linked bubble] you got here even faster than light?
- Wha?
- …Since you were little
- ……Because if we saw Earth from 1 lightyear away [linked bubble] we’d be able to see the Earth from a year back.
- From 10 lightyears away, 10 years back, [linked bubble] From 100 lightyears away, 100 years back…
- ……Space
- Is a vast time machine!
- …So that means [linked bubble] if I look at Earth from 12 lightyears away,
- I’d be able to see mom cradling the newborn me in her arms…
Text in box: When Kanna-san was little, did she want to
Text in box: travel faster than light and look at Earth from over there?
- Well then, Jupiter [linked bubble] is about 15 minutes from here…
- Get back to the classroom!!
- I’ll give this Jupiter to the person who takes around 15 minutes to walk home!!
Text beside bubble: If you like—
Text beside arrow: Compromised
Koutarou: Hazuki…
Hazuki: Oh [linked bubble] Okay.
- Stuff like the Sun from the Earth, [linked bubble] “About here would be right?” Should I think that while returning home?
- Sounds good.
- Exactly—
Text in box: Why did it have to rain today? [linked box] This way we can’t see the starry sky.
Text in box: … kidding.
Shop sign: Kiba Bar
- It’s so boring…
- …dad is late…
- Maybe out somewhere with the shopkeeper…
- Space…
Text in box: … I wonder when [linked bubble] I started getting excited
- It was interesting.
- Next time we’ll play with this Jupiter ball—
- Koutarou?
Text in box: at Kanna-san’s words…
- ……I despise getting excited.
- As if implying the situation with Iron Bamboo is insignificant
- … I despise it.
- Gyaaaaa!?
- ……er
- ……oh
- Touma-san…
Book title: cular Notice
- … Circular Notice
- Whwhwhwh… why now…
- The adults are all in a meeting…
Book title spine: Friday the
Book title: the 18th [pun on Friday the 13th?]
Linked bubble: …Aah…Was that in an announcement?
- Getting lost [linked bubble] …with strong winds and rain all at once…
- …Eh~~~
- By the way, [linked bubble] …Is this Miyanaka-san’s residence?
- … Miyanaka-san’s residence
- Is a shop?
- …No, actually [linked bubble] this place belongs to Kiba.
- Again…!
- …Isn’t this big thing [linked bubble] the Jupiter that Hazuki received?
- It’s flown over here.
- Koutarou
Linked bubble: It’s dangerous to have all sorts of things flying over here. [linked bubble] Shall I close the rain shutters?
- Uh… yeah.
- “Po-pe”
- “Pa [linked bubble] pe-po-pe-pu”
- ”Pu” [linked bubble] ”Hello”
- ”Pi-po”
- ”Welcome”
- What? [linked bubble] I heard Kanna-san’s voice…
- “Kana-kana-kana-kana”
Text on Haruhiko: “Pi”
Text cutting into two panels: “Hello”
- “Zawa” [linked bubble] “Za—”
- “Geko-geko-geko”
- Here’s to commemorate Jupiter~~
- ......wha...
- What is that!!!
- …What is that woman…
- What’s she thinking giving such a thing to Hazuki…!!
- “Pi-ko”
- “Pi”
- “What is that”…
- I don’t get it…
- What did that woman come here to do…
- …Calm down Koutarou.
- Why’re you telling me to calm down!?
- …Because you’re too worked up…
- That wasn’t Kanna-san’s Jupiter.
- …Really?
- Really. [linked bubble] That one only had one line.
- …Then what…?
- Dunno.
- ……I
- ……see.
- The rain
- …stopped.
- Here.
- Towel fee.
- …Ah
Text beside bubble: That towel was merchandise…
- Pl… please take care.
- He doesn’t seem to have an umbrella…
- Ah [linked bubble] the wind’s stopped too.
Text beside bubble: I should return home soon.
- Eh? The Jupiter ball I got from Kanna-san?
- I was given it with a purpose so [text in linked box] I put it on the altar.
- …Oh [linked box] I see.
- Why?
- Nothing.
- Oh I get it! [linked bubble] Kou-chan wants the Jupiter ball.
- Don’t call me Kou-chan, stupid!
- That’s not it at all.
- Stupid…who’s stupid here!
- …Hazuki, [linked bubble] what do you think of Kanna-san?
- What do I…
- …think?
Linked bubble: only that you don’t like her very much.
- Well then, this is a secret.
- ……hm
- …hn—…
- Hello? You still there?
Text in egg bubble: I came here to look for shooting stars!
- Kou-chan?
- Hello—
- Man— That woman is full of mysteries!
- I don’t understand her one bit!!
Shop sign: ba Bar [Ki of Kiba is cut off]
- No helping it. I have to investigate this myself!!
- …investigate… what are you…
- What is that…
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