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Code:Breaker 60

+ posted by Ju-da-su as translation on Oct 5, 2009 11:59 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 60

Gosh...I really lost my motivation in translating stuffs right now for no reason...sorry for being slow with this...>_<"

Please proofread before use.

code:60 “The One Needed to be Handled with Care”

Pg. 1
Narration - "Code:Breaker" is the story about a group of special ability users who obtain the special privilege to judge the "evil."

In order to gain the strength to defeat "the one being sought",
and his minions, the "Re-CODEs",

Toki - Hey!? What exactly has become of my training!?
Shibuya – Good luck working.
Narration - Their lives together at the "Shibuya Mansion" for their training has begun!!

Pg. 2-3
We neither are invincible,
nor do our victory comes easy.
That's why we'll be even stronger.
We can become stronger.
That is what our lives are like.

Code:60 “The One Needed to be Handled with Care”

Pg. 4
Sakurakouji - [The one living in Room No.5 of "Shibuya Mansion" is Code:05 of the "Code:Breakers"!?]
President - [I'm scared~]
** Who could've made the vainglorious President shivers in fear!? **

Sakurakouji - Just what kind of person exactly is Code:05...!?

[No one is thinking of even answering me...!?]
[Fear!? Is their fear really this intense!?]

Yuuki - Code:05 is Prince Ruirui.
Sakurakouji - Prince Ruirui?

Yuuki - You'll know once you look inside his room.

Pg. 5
Sign – Reserved for the prince only.

Sakurakouji – A…A face print!?

Sign - The prince's reserved parking lot.

Sakurakouji - Then, by prince Ruirui, you mean the Prince Ruirui of the heap of corpses that you said just now!?
Wow...how fearsome...I got the feeling that he's a really fearsome person...!!
== Heap of Corpse = Shishi'ruirui'...intentional pun.

Pg. 6
But the president giving special treatment like this is really unusual...[Didn't he say that the belongings for one are only limited to one portmanteau?]
President – An-…Anyhow!! Don’t inquiry me any further regarding the person living in Room No.5!! Please!!

Alright, back to the training!! From today, Ogami-kun will be doing the special course in the basement, and Toki'll start with the basic physical buildup!!
Be sure to listen to your senior apprentice too!!
Toki - Senior apprentice!?

Ogami - Well, should you be starting then?
Toki - No effing way!!

But both my power and code number is higher th-...
Ogami - Oh, I don't really mind though if you don't want to listen to me.
Toki - Huh!?

But...if you don't listen to your senior, then there's no training for you.

Toki - You...damn Code:06!!
Ogami - Right back at you.
Sakurakouji - Looks like they can train together pretty well.

Pg. 7
??? - Th-...Thank you...
Toki - Sa-...Sakura-chan, wait for me. My wounds are still...
Sakurakouji – Today, I’ll make a special meat and potato stew!!

[I wonder what kind of person Code:05 will be like. I want to quickly meet and befriend with him already.]
Hope he likes the meat and potato stew…

A…A handbag snatcher!?

Pg. 8
Toki – Whoa hey!! You dare commit the crime in front of me, the gre-

Sakurakouji - Stop!!

Kuh!! He's getting away...

??? - Hah!! She can't catch me now...

Wha-...What the!? I...can't move...

Sakurakouji - What!?

[A…A catgut!?]

Pg. 9
Prince – A small catch today, huh...

Just one small fry, can't even be used for bait...

Pg. 10
Sakurakouji - Who...are you...

??? - How...How dare you interfere with me...!! Want me to beat your-...

Prince – Doesn’t even worth a savory for my drink.

Pg. 11
...You small fry.

I'm heading back to "Shibuya Mansion" now, you bunch of newcomers.
Sakurakouji - Eh!? Ex...Excuse me, but who...

Toki - So it really was you.

Prince!! You are the one living in Room No.5 then.
Don't you dare call me, Code:03, a newcomer, you Code:05!!

Pg. 12
Sakurakouji - The prince...
This person is Code:05?...He looks slimmer and more noble than I thought…He’s just like a prince.
Toki - Hey!! Are you listening to me...?

Prince - Don't you...break the eggs.

Sakurakouji - Pr-...

Pg. 13
President - Oh, welcome back, you tw-...

Pr-...Prince!! What brought you back so-....

Prince - Don't you dirty my "Shibuya Mansion" while I'm away, got it?
President - I...I beg your par-...

Prince - You want me to tell away your identity, "Shibuya"...?

Pg. 14
President - Heeeeeks!! Ple...Please, anything but that~~
Sakurakouji - [The prince knows who the president really is!? So that’s why the president is so afraid of him!?]

[This person is the real owner of "Shibuya Mansion".]
Prince - You lots can't just do as you like to the "Shibuya Mansion", alright?
Sakurakouji - [Getting his control through violence, the man who leaves pile of corpses on the path he walked…he’s the prince of the prince.]

Pg. 15
Prince - Rei...don't get yourself infected by these lots, get it?

I'm going to take some rest...you guys better keep quiet if you don't want me to beat you into the bloody pulp. ["Shibuya", fetch me my bottle.]

Toki - Don't bullshit with me!! You vicious demon!! You tyrant!! Like hell I'll ever listen to you!!
[Shibuya Restoration!!]
Sign - Against violence!!
No more dictatorship!
Toki – I’m going to break that damn neck and…
Yuuki – I don’t want to be ordered around as well.

Toki - Da-...Dammitall~~ That shitty prince is irritating me to no end~~~
Ogami – Isn’t that more of because you’re trying to quit smoking?
President - Precisely.

You can’t thrive in the time like this by making people follow you through threat and violence.

Ogami+Toki - ...Look who's talking.

Pg. 16
President - [Bu-…But you’re in for the Shibuya Restoration, right?]

Sakurakouji - ...The prince isn't being friendly with everyone at all...
I was glad that I got to meet him, but...I just didn't know what to say to him...

Ogami - ...The prince is being hard on you?
That’s unusual. So, even you have to face the time like this as well.

Sakurakouji - It...It's not totally like that...
Ogami - ...You'll soon understand

what kind of person...the prince is.

Pg. 17
Sakurakouji – Hm! Another good morning from me to the sun.

What...What's this...!?
Yuuki - 'Morning, "Nyanmaru"~~
Ogami - Good morning.
Toki - ...Huh? Whoa, these foods look great.

Pg. 18
Yuuki - This tastes awesome!!
Toki - Aaah, a fried fish for breakfast. How many years had it been now? So good~~

Sakurakouji - This is...
Cake? - Welcome, SAKURA.

Ogami – But this really helps a lot, with clothes all hung up and done with. I'm running out of Y-shirt for me to change already.

Yuuki – I coughed less after all the dust in the hallway is gone.

Toki – Some goods to aid me with stop smoking, huh?

Aah...hell, I'm really done for.
Yuuki – Since when did that person realize it?
Ogami – I’m at my defeat as always.

Sakurakouji - Wha...What are you guys talking about!?
...The president isn't up yet as well, it seems.
Or are these...all done by the prince...!?

Pg. 19
Prince – You dunces are all up now?

Toki - There comes the brutal demon!!
Sakurakouji - Prince...
Prince - Silence, fool.

From today, you lots are to work all these chores accordingly.
Toki - WHAT!?
Sakurakouji: Prepare food / --- / Throw away trash / House cleaning / Laundry
Ogami: Laundry / Prepare food
Toki: House Cleaning / Laundry / Prepare food / / Throw away trash / House cleaning
Yuuki: Throw away trash
Shibuya: Everything

Bullshit! No way in hell will I listen to you!!
[Restoration of the Shibuya!]
Yuuki – Restoration.

Prince – Pipe down!

Pg. 20
You fools should just shut up and do as I say.
Toki - What the fuck!? You shitty prince dare to order me!!?
Sakurakouji - Um...ummm,
Prince - Stop with that soft resistance already, dim-witted!
Toki - Shut up...

Sakurakouji - No...No fighting, you guys!! Everyone, be friendly wi-...

Toki - ...Tch, fine then.

That restoration thing is getting lame now as well. Guess I’ll do those chores then…
Yuuki - Chores?...I don't really like it, but guess I just have to do it then.

Sakurakouji - Eh...

Pg. 21
Prince – I’ll be pushing you all hard till you all die. Get yourself to work now.

Pg. 22
Toki - Alright, got it!!

Pg. 23
Sakurakouji - ...Now I get it!! Everyone actually like you,
and really befriend with you!!

And you actually are really, really kind, but just can't express it properly!!

Toki - Ho...Holy shit, you idiot rare-kind!! You can't say like th-...
Ogami - Oh no...

Pg. 24
Prince - I...
I...I-I-I-I wasn't...really...

Wh-wh-wh-why would
Sakurakouji - Heh?


Pg. 25
Sakurakouji - I...I'm sorry...but what did I...
Ogami - We-...Well...please keep in mind...that you are not to praise the prince.

That person is incredibly shy.
Prince - I-I-I...

Toki - ...Here comes more work for me...
Sign - Give us our free-
President - ['Morning. Did something happen?]

Sakurakouji - ...But the prince never comes out off his room since...
Prince, Prince,
We’re having a tea time, so will you come down and drink some tea with all of us?

Pg. 26
Sakurakouji - Oh!? It opened...

Yuuki - But say, Ogami. Did you tell "Nyanmaru" about that already?
Ogami - ...Eh!? About what?

Yuuki - Prince Ruirui might be very manly,

Pg. 27
but she's actually a female "Code:Breaker" named "Hachiouji Rui."
** Code:05 is a kind-hearted, shy, pretty lady!! What will her special power be then!? **

Ogami - Ah...I forg-...
Sakurakouji - [A WOMAN~~?]
Prince - [KYAAAAA]
Toki - ...Well, guess she found out already though? [Good. Save us some time explaining.]
Yuuki – Well, she’s a sympathetic prince after all.

next: The Requiem for the Loved One...!!
to be continued

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#1. by unok-kun ()
Posted on Oct 5, 2009
Gosh...I really lost my motivation in translating stuffs right now for no reason...sorry for being slow with this...>_<"

Having no motivation at all, I managed to finish 1 translation of Psyren, 5 of CB and 1 of Kuroko no Basket. So that's no excuse ¬¬
#2. by juUnior ()
Posted on Oct 5, 2009
Big THX!
#3. by Keiko13 ()
Posted on Oct 5, 2009
Thank you very much!!!
Level [C] Translator

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