Hehe, I won't deny the fact that I love competition, not for e-penis or anything, but simply just for the thrill of it.
And can't get enough Yuuki for myself...:3
code:210 "I am myself"Pg. 1
Rui - Sakurako-san!!
Yuuki - Yukinko!!
** Their comrades have returned to the front!! **
Rui - I'm glad you're safe...!!
Sakurako - It wasn't easy fighting with rare kinds without any weapon after all.
Yuuki - And you knew we're here!!
Yukihina - Yes, since we can track down your signal via GPS.
Rui - ...I'm relieved.
Thanks God that you're safe...!!
Pg. 2
And what about Kouji? Where did he go?
He's off taking care of his business. Anyway, I'd love
a kiss as your thank to us.
Yuuki - Fine
by me~
Rui - What
Yukihina - You're always fun to pick on.
Sakurako - Oh, let's leave
Doll - It's our priority.
Sakurako - it to these dolls then. <3
Doll - It's our priority.
Pg. 3
Rui - Wha-..
what're you!
Doll - Transfusing
Sakurako - Oh, look at the little fish splashing~ <3
[How hilarious~]
Rui - T-...This isn't the time to be fooling...
Doll - Our
Franken - ...You're really
taking it easy, are you?
Rui - [Crap...]
Pg. 4
Rui - Wha!?
Cat - That can't be...
He has returned to normal!? [But how...?]
Pg. 5
Yuuki - Gotcha!!
Rui - B-...But how'd he...
Sakurako - My power is "Vitality"...
I'm able to transfer vitality, the nontransferable source of special power, around in most circumstances.
My dolls also move through that.
Rui - Th-...Then you pumped life into us with that kiss to undo our lost state...?
[Even though I have the rare kind's blood inside me, I really feel like my body is filled with life...]
Sakurako - She's really an interesting one.
Yukihina - You agree? But Kouji'll get mad at us if you played with her too much.
Sakurako - Awww
Pg. 6
Not even a bulge.
[Even though they act like they're fine, they must've been exhausted from fighting with all five rare kinds to let us escape...]
[I have to do something.]
Take some sonic punches then!!
Franken - ...Not even
an itch.
Rui - Dammit...
Cat - Fists may work with us, but that weak punches won't do a thing to us.
Pg. 7
You did a good job to go against us, a daughter of the hybrid researcher, Hachiouji Rui and Yuuki the Apple...
but you're just being used by "Eden"...I really pity you both.
Rui - We're what!? What do you mean...
Cat - There's one big success in the hybrid research your parents conducted at "Eden".
The Genes of Good and Evil...
They were able to recreate it artificially.
Rui - T-...The genes of Good and Evil!? What's that...?
Cat - Simply speaking, it's the "heart".
"I want to kill that bastard"..."I want to protect that person"...
We now know that those extreme thoughts can endlessly push up the limit of special power.
Pg. 8
Saechika gave birth to an unfathomable dark side out of his negative mind.
Dark Side - Powerful thought of justice will also give birth to powerful "Shadow"...and become my power.
Cat - On the other hand, you strengthen your dark side with your righteous thought.
You two have given excellent results as the very first subjects.
Franken - And the one who was born through amplification of that,
is the "Apples", the barcoded children of "Eden" such as yourself.
Rui - That's absurd...
Is this what Heike was talking about back then...!!?
Heike - [He's a successful example of a person who has an "unique characteristic" embedded into him at genetic level, even among the Elite Barcodes.]
Franken - Do you understand what that mean?
...In another word,
A single sequence in your gene can already control your action and thoughts,
both the good and the evil.
"Eden" has successfully mold people's "feeling" the way they like...
Pg. 9
Rui - H-...How can that be...
Genes gives rise to people's "heart"...That might be possible.
Franken - Pitiful "Apples",
Such a pity!! Even your will to stand here and fight with me isn't your own,
but merely what that gene "Eden" had placed in you dictates you...!!
Rui - Fuck that!! Stop sprouting that nonsense already...
Cat - Then go ask Heike Masaomi.
Rui - ...Heike!?
That guy knows everything and even works for us.
Rui - ...Wh-...What're you say-...
Pg. 10-11
Cat - Like we rare kinds have any mean of sending out signals to that huge population at once.
The survival games, both the "Angel's Judgment" and the "Angel's Blessings"...
the one behind that massive network hijacking
is the only "Light" user who's capable of optical networking, Heike Masaomi.
Aoba - [Just how do they manage to send out all these signals...]
Rui - Im-...
No way!! Heike...
will never work for...
evil like you guys!!
[No matter how eccentric and mysterious he is,]
[but we've always trusted, and spend our times together...]
Franken - With his help, our plan is able to run smoothly.
Though I too do not know why he helps us so much.
Pg. 12
Heike - [I will certainly]
[carry on your intention...]
Franken - Do you detest us...? All rare kinds are evil...That's the "heart" "Eden's" gene has imprinted into you...
You're a devil!!
All of you are devils created by those "Eden" freaks...!!
You're just tools!!
You don't even have a heart...
You don't deserve to live...!!
Pg. 13
X - [I want to live on...]
[I don't want to die just like this...]
[I'll live on inside you...]
Franken - Have my mercy of death!!
Rui - Yuuki!!
Pg. 14-15
your vital point.
Cat - What!?
Rui - Yuu...
[It's the same as back then...]
Franken - W-...What's with this form?
How'd you...
Yuuki - Once I turn white,
I can hear the breath of all living things...
down to every single cells...
...Your vital point breathes a little weaker than your other places.
Franken - Wh...
Pg. 16
Rui - Wah!!
Cat - Wha-...
What the?
Franken - Ugh...
Pg. 17
[I-...I can't move!!]
[What's this gale!?]
Rui - W-...What's going on...
Yukihina - He's just playing around.
He creates sonic booms as he moves at the speed of sound, and by leaping around, he creates a whirlwind.
He stops that rarekind's movement by lowering the atmospheric pressure at the eye of that storm.
Though I can't really see it either.
Rui - B-...But can his body really take that...!?
Yukihina - ...He's indeed
the playful knight of godspeed.
== Yuuki's name actually means "playful knight".
Pg. 18
Franken - I-I-I-Idiot!!
Even if you created this giant typhoon,
you can never judge me, as I'm an undead...
Yuuki - Yes, I can.
Franken - Wha-...
[S-...Since when did he give this back to me!?]
This can't be...
Pg. 19
Yuuki - So what if you're a rarekind?
So what of "Eden"?
So what of Second?
Franken - I...
I'll never lose
to you...devil of "Eden".
Yuuki - I'm no longer alone...
so I don't give shit about that gene...This is my "heart"...
Pg. 20
I'll crush all of you with my anger!!
** The evil is evil!! There's no flaw in his heart!! **
next: You can't see the wood for trees!!
to be continued
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