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Luck Stealer 5

A small scream

+ posted by Queenofmuffins as translation on Apr 3, 2009 13:51 | Go to Luck Stealer

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Luck Stealer Chapter 5:

Page 1:

Top left text: No.5 A Small Scream
Top Right text: Kazu Hajime

left to right text: But even though, he sometimes isn't there...

These two always have the best smiling faces!

Page 2:

Kurusu: Hey.

Grandmother: Oh, Kurusu-kun! Welcome!

Gma: Karin is still at school...
In three days, there will be a school arts festival, right?
So recently, Karin has been coming home later because of rehearsals.

Kurusu: A school arts festival?

Airi: She's doing a play. Didn't you know that, Kurusu-san~?

Since the play is really professional and her clothes are very pretty, it'll be such a waste when you don't attend...

Page 3:

Kurusu: Shut yer mouths!

Kids, right to left: Aaaah!
Stop it!
Bye bye!

Kids, right to left: Gyahahahaha!


Kurusan: Karin is really late...

Text: When that annoying woman is working there everything seems to always goes wrong. I had to escape so I said I'd go pick Karin up.....

Airi: Of course you'll go and see it, right?

Since Kurusu-san is the world's biggest doting stupid father~

Kurusan: I've never actually been to this school before...am I allowed to enter?
I wonder when it'll be over...

Page 4:

Kid: Ahahahaha!

Kid: Ahahaha!

Kid: What's with that stupid face!?

You don't need this bag, right?

So I can just throw it away!!

Kids: Ahahahaha! You're beloved teacher won't be coming here to rescue you!

You stinky teachers pet!

Kurusu: OI, you!

Page 5:

Kurusu: That bag you threw hit my foot!

Kurusu: You picking a fight with me, you stupid bastards!?

Kids: Hiiiiii...!

Karin: Huh?

Karin: Papa!

Karin: You came to meet me!

Page 6:

Kurusan: Karin!

Karin: I was waiting for you to come out!
Papa was so lonelyyyy!

Karin: Hmmm?

What are the Uchizawa's doing here?
Weren't you going home before...?

Kids: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Run away!

Karin; Huh?
What's wrong with everyone...?




Page :

Karin: Murasato-kun, what's wrong!?

Papa: Brat!!
Karin was all worried about you..
What's with those manners!?

Karin: Papa!!

Murasato: Ugh...

Karin: Papa, let go of him.

Papa: Okay...

Karin: ...That was mean of you.

Page :

Karin: These are Murasato-kun's belongings?

Karin: It's alright. Here you go.

Karin: Really, Papa is very kind.

Karin: And he is alwaaays there to help me in times of trouble.

Teacher: What's going on over there?

Karin: Murotani-sensei!

Murotani: Ara, Murasato-kun and Kurosu-san?

What are you doing in a place like this?

Hurry up and go home plea....

Page :

Murotani: Pardon me if I seem rude, but is it you who did this to the students...?

Karin: Sensei!!!

He didn't! He's my Papa!

Murotani: Eh!?!? He's Kurusu-san's....!!?

Murotani: What, so he really is Kurusu-san's father?

Murotani: It was my first time meeting such a young father so I was really surprised!!

Murotani: Nice to meet you, I'm Karin's class teacher, Murotani.

There was never an opportunity to say hello before because Karin's grandparents always came to any school events.

Page :

Papa: Oh...well, hello. But we should be hurrying along


Murotani: I see...

I am sorry to have detained you!

Papa: Let's go, Karin.

Karin: Papa, what about Murasato-kun...?

Page 11:

Papa: Later on, Murotani-sensei will come and take care of whatever is troubling that kid.

So..that Murasato..has he always been such a dark and gloomy kid?

Karin: No..Murasato-kun...before, he was always really happy and incredibly popular in class...
then suddenly, when he became a second year, he stopped talking to everyone.

Page 12:

Papa: Doesn't that Senkou know about the bullying?

Karin: Yeah...

Karin: In class she's always attentive...

but the Uchizawa's don't say anything to Murasato-kun in front of Murotani-sensei.

Sensei feels sorry for Murasato-kun so she tries to be kind to him...

Karin: So they torment him even more.

Every person in the class is like some dark villan...

Murasato-kun and I are the same in the way because we have no Mother.

His dad also works till late every day, so even though there are 2 people living in that house Murasato-kun always returns home alone.

Karin: The present Murasato-kun looks very sad...

I wonder how will he go back to being cheerful like he was before?

Page 12:

Papa: Well, that's life.

If the bullied person himself cannot change, then he's helpless.

Papa: Well, see you again tomorrow!

Cheer up, okay?

Karin: Okay...

See you, Papa!

Papa: This is bad... Karin looks seriously upset...

I have to do something...

Page 13:


... But how do I go about solving the bullying of a schoolkid in a good way...?

Usually I would dispose of the guys tormenting him and finish it quickly but...this is kids we're talking about here...

Also...that expression he had...

It was different from the usual crying bullied kids, who are sad yet angry at the same time. He was...expressionless.

In fact...It was the same expression as "them"...
Should I check it out for the time being?

Kids: Bye bye!

Karin: Murasato-kun!
Let's walk home together today!

Page 14:

Murasato: Stop it... everyone will ignore you too...

Karin: I'm serious!

Murasato: Ah...

Karin; It's fine already! Let's go!

Murasato: Wai... wait a minute!

Murasato: Kurusu, wait! Where are you going?? My house isn't here...

Karin: Well, ya'see

The truth is, Murusato-kun...

Page 15:

Karin: Papa has some things he'd like to talk to you about.

It's alright. Like I said yesterday, Karin's papa is incredibly strong and kind.

Maybe he can help Murasato-kun!

Papa: Karin

Can you call Granny and tell her we'll be a little late today?

Karin: Ok-ay!

Papa: Fu------

Karin: Ah?

Granny? You see...

Papa: You were bright before?

Page 16:

Papa: What happened in those 2 years?

Papa: Do you think that you can deal with it just by being quiet?

Papa: I didn't have any parents.

So I was brought up in an institution.

Do you understand?

It's the place where the kids who have a problems at home or no parents live.

Papa: The guys who had dead eyes like you came there every day.

In most cases those guys...

Were abused by their parents.

Page 17:

Papa: Do you understand the meaning of "Gyakutai"? (Gyakutai means cruelty or ill-treatment, so I assume he means "child abuse" in this case)

Yesterday, when I caught your chest you over reacted.

Are you serious? I mean, I did think so but...

What happened?

Murasato: Nothing!

Page 18:

Pap: You are not all alone and helpless!

Just tell me!

Is it hard?
Don't you want my help?

Murasato: I said it's nothing...

...Your Father?


Page 19:


You will be able to be free

If you have the courage to talk.

Don't forget that.

Page 20:

His performance results worsened so much after Takaya started to not take his tests or report cards home...

Teahcer: I heard that you were busy,

I think that I had better talk directly with him because, the thing is, in my classes the results of are very important.

Dad: Please don't worry about it.

After we return home I'll tell him what you said.


My talk with your teacher is over. Let's go home.

Um, Murasato-san.

There will be a school arts festival tomorrow so I want to talk with Takaya about it.

Can you spare us a little time?

Page 21:

Dad: Ah! Of course!

If you like, I will go home now, so please take your time.

Dad: Takaya

Daddy will be going home earlier. Please listen to what Murotani-Sensei says.

Well then Sensei,

Thank you in advance for taking care of my son.

Sensei: I understand, I'll take good care of him.

Page 22:

Teacher: Fufufu, did you see?

The father whom you love trusts me more than he trusts you!

Well, what shall we play today?


For taking the time out of your busy schedule today to attend the school arts festival,

I wish to thank you all sincerly for coming.

I appreciate all the help from the parents to prepare for this day.

Please watch the results of everyone's hard work and enjoy.

Page 23:

Next is the play by First Year's Class 1, "the mouse's drum"

This is bad...

At such a time work came up...

But I am still on time

Which play was karin in again...?


Page 24:

Papa: Were you always waiting here for me to come?

Show me your wounds.

Who...did that!?

Page 25:

Murasato: I was...bad...

Murotani-sensei.. She gets irrated because of me....

Papa: That senkou?!?

But I was naughty!

It was my fault! She said if I tell other people my father will disgrace himself...I don't want that to happen...

So I..I didn't tell anyone!

Papa: You can't be helped if you do not say something to somebody

Because you wanted to be helped, you showed some courage and told me. How will that disgrace your father?

Page 26:

Murasato: I want to be helped...

Mursato: I don't want to go to school anymore...I don't want to meet Sensei...

But Dad...

What if my Dad hates me...?

Papa: It's all right.

You have done nothing you shouldn't have done.

You will no longer be tormented by that teacher because you haven't done anything wrong.

Don't worry. He won't care.

Because you are not a bad kid your father will not be ashamed of you.

Murasato: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Page 27:

Murasato: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Teacher: No waaay! Mari-chan is getting married!?

To that doctor? Amazing! Congradulations!

The wedding ceremony?
Of course I'll go!

Page 28:

Teacher: Yeaaah, it's fine. Later!

That damm woman...

Is that plain-looking fatty marrying an elite doctor before I do?

Does she intend to have beaten me, who is beautiful and intelligent?

It's disgusting!

It's disgusting!

Oh, yes. This will make me feel better today.

I will prick his face all over with this needle!

Page 29:

Teahcher: That reminds me, that kid is impudently taking a holiday today!

I did warn him, "if you ever take a holiday your punishment will be increased."

Hmmm...a home visit would be good!

His father will be returning home late today and he trusts me with his precious son's welfare.


Because we're not at school I'll be able to enjoy myself and do so much more than I usually do...

I'll take a nice long time to punish him twice today

Teacher: Sensei--- the next class it yooooours.

Teacher: Ara, I've been careless!

I'm sorry, I will go immediately.

Page 30:

Announcer: Next is the play "The flower garden's party" of Class 3 of the second grade

Teacher: Ara

Kurusu-san's father!

Page 31:

I heard from Karin that because her father was busy, he might not be able to come.

Did you sneak out of work and come anyway?

Papa: Indeed I did.

Teacher: It is your daughter's grand occasion, after all.

Teacher: This father is quite good looking

It's been a while since I seriously considered someone a candidate for marriage...

Kids: Here is our flower garden...

Then Miss Bee will show us the magic of fairies

With a touch of this Star Stick, the flower begins to sing!



Alright! Everyone, let's dance and sing!

Page 32:

Teacher: How is the student's play?
Cute, aren't they?

Papa: Yeah.

By the way, it seems that Murasato kid isn't there.

Teacher: Ah, well...
I'm not certain, but he is absent because of a cold today.

Papa: You think so? Last time I looked...

Doesn't he look like he's suffering from something?

Teacher: Er, really?

I see him every day but I never noticed...

Page 33:
Teacher: Oh, you dropped a phamplet!

Papa: Ah, excuse me.

I'm absentminded

Teacher: I was panicked for an instant there...but it seems he doesn't know anything...

Pull yourself together. I threatened that kid well enough he won't ever talk.

Even if by some chance he talked, I am known as a intellectual, calm teacher. Who would believe that brat that I did it?

Page 34:

Teacher: Here you go!

Papa: Thank you...

very much

Page 35:

Teacher: Wh...Why do I feel like a some power ran over me at the moment when our fingers touched...

Papa: Murutani-Sensei.

You should also experience hell.

If you do that, you'll understand Murasato feelings just a little bit.

Page 36:

Teacher: No...what...why do you say that!?

teacher: What does he mean!?

Does know something after all!?

Besides, what's with those eyes! ?

He was a totally different person when he was with his daughter!

Teacher: Dammit, I thought so. That stupid kid must've talked!

I'm screwed if I don't destroy the evidence before that guy goes the police!

Page 37:

teach: First, the evidence...

Teacher: My bag...bag...

You're kidding...It's not here?!?

I left it there!!

Teacher: Ah! Murotani sensei, I have some bad news!

A thief entered the staff room around 30 minutes ago

Your bag was stolen!

Teacher: My bag was stolen...!?

In my bag were those photo's and tools!

Ah... Murotani sensei?

Page 38:
What on earth is going on today!?

My Luck is so bad...If I don't hurry and look for my bag...

Teacher: A police officer!

And that bag!

In this bag...

There is a camera that belongs to you?

This bag was left some time ago in front of a police station.

I examined the contents to confirm who the owner was.

Page 39:

Police: When I talked to the the principal,

The child appearing in photographs contained within this camera

seem to be a student from the class in which you are in charge of.

Police: In addition, we want to ask you about other...certain objects which we found in this bag in detail

Please accompany us to the station.

Teacher: I...

am a victim of bag theft.

If anything it is because of the thief I am suspected by the police...

Principal: Murotani! You are suspected of child abuse!

For the school's sake, go to the police and explain yourself properly!

teacher: What the hell are you saying?

Page 40:

Sensei: No!

I will not let my perfect life end here!

Page 41:

Police: Dammit...

Principal: Arrrgh...

Sensei: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!


My face is..my faccccccce!

I can't believe it! She's still alive!!

Hurry, call an ambulance...!

Page 42:

At last has Karin's school settled down?

There were mass interviews and the police came to the school almost every day for a while... it seems to have been serious..

Grandfather: Really, that a class teacher of Karin's did such an awful thing...

Airi: I asked a friend who knew a lot about it on the net.

Though the female teacher who tried to commit suicide by jumping was saved, her face seems to have been broken up really bad!

Grandmother: Oh, my.

Grandfather: Karin is still depressed, since it was her teacher doing such an awful things to her friend

Grandmother: It's alright. Kurusu-kun cheers her up by visiting her every day.

Page 43:

Papa: Did you eat properly today?

Yes. Grandma made Karin's favorite "Mr. Star Curry".

Kurusu; Is it really alright if you do not change schools?

If you do not want to go anymore because of what happened, it's fine.

Karin: I'm fine because I promised Murasato something when he returns.

Kurusu: You promised?

Karin: Papa, look at this!

Page 44:

Karin: An e-mail came today!


A friend from the hospital which Murasato attends now took this yesterday

Papa: I see..

Will he return soon...?

Karin: It was Papa, right?

It was Papa who saved Murasato-kun, right?

Page 45:

Papa: No...

It was you that really saved him, Karin

Did not the lovely fairy of the flower garden use magic with her star stick?

Karin: Papa! Did you come to watch the play?

Papa: Yeah, it was the best!

Thanks, Papa!

Papa: And it is my duty to protect people such as yourself.

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