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Bleach Chap 0 - Before the Beginning

+ posted by WinterLion as translation on Dec 3, 2006 04:15 | Go to Bleach

-> RTS Page for Bleach 0

Here's a Chapter 0 that's included as an omake in the vol 23 tanko. It's where you get to glimpse Ichigo & Co. and Rukia & Co., before they ever met each other.

A SendSpace Mirror of the raw. I d/l the tanko vol from www.rawmanga.com which contained the omake and then created a zip with only that section. If you need other mirrors for it, just PM me or post it here, and I'll create others. Enjoy. :amuse

And here are 2 scanlations done based on this:
manu: http://www.sendspace.com/file/j2cq0d
ibra: http://www.sendspace.com/file/7gduss
Thanks for your hard work guys.

Pg 1
Frame 1
It is rotating.

Frame 2
Isshin: グッ モー ニンッ イッチ ホブッ
Good. Mor. Ning. Ichi. Bofu

Frame 3
Yuzu: あ おにいちゃん 朝ごはん できてるよー
Oh, Onii-chan, breakfast’s ready.
Ichigo: おーー

Pg 2
Frame 2
Keigo: イーッチ グォーーイ
Iiichi. Guooooi.

Frame 3
Keigo: 見た見た!? コレ!!
Did you see, did you!? This!!
バッド・シールド・シリーズの 最新作!!!
The new one from Bad Shield Series!!!

Pg 3
Frame 2
Ichigo: バッド… …何だそりゃ?
Bad… …What’s that?
Keigo: ええッ!?
イヤイヤイヤ! こないだ あんた TV版DVDを観て 面白かったって 言ってたじゃないっスカ!!
No, no, no! You watched the TV version DVD a little while ago, and said it was good!!

Frame 3
Ichigo: 忘れた
I forgot.
Keigo: えーーーー!!!
Mizuiro: あ バッドシールド2だ
Oh. It’s Bad Shield 2

Frame 4
Mizuiro: 僕 好きだよ ソレ
I like that one.
Keigo: うるせ! オメーにゃ きいてねーよっ!!
Shut up! I didn’t ask you!!
Mizuiro: かっこいーよね 僕リッキー役の スタンリー・アシュフォードが 好きなんだー
It’s so cool. I like Stanley Ashford, the one that plays Ricky.
Keigo: ハハッ!そんなの ミレ役のジュリアンの方が 全然芝居も うめーし…
Hahah! Julian, the one that plays Mille is much better. His acting’s better too…
Mizuiro: 2では ミレ死ぬ らしいよ
I heard Mille dies in 2.
Keigo: マジで!?
You’re kidding!?

Pg 4
廻転し 太陽と月に触れるたび
It revolves and every time the sun and the moon touch,

Frame 1
Chizuru: えーっとね… じゃあ 好きな お菓子は?
Ummm…. Okay, what’s your favorite snack?
Orihime: こつぶっこ。
[spoiler= Kotsubukko Snack text=""]

常にその姿を 新たなものへと変えてゆく
It always changes its shape to something new.

Frame 2
Chizuru: ウッソ フランクフルター クランツとかも 好きでしょ?
No! You like Frankfurter Kranz too, right?
[spoiler=Frankfurter Kranz text=""]
Orihime: あ うん 好き!
Oh, yeah. I do!

Frame 3
Chizuru: オオッケイ!! 占いの結果 出ましたー!! 相性バッチリ!!
Ooookay!! The results of the fortunetelling are done!! You’re a perfect match!!
この あたしとッ!!
With me!!

Frame 4
Tatsuki: 誘導尋問か!!!
It’s a leading question!!!

Frame 5
Chizuru: 何すンだ コラァ!!
What the hell are you doing!!
Tatsuki: ンあァ!?
Orihime: あ!

Pg 5
Frame 1
Orihime: か… 帰るの!? 黒崎くん!
Yo…You’re going home!? Kurosaki-kun!
Ichigo: おう! ちょっと 用事がな!
Yeah! There’s something I need to do!

Frame 2
Ichigo: じゃな 井上!
See you, Inoue!

変わらないものが あるとすれば
If there is something that doesn’t change,

Pg 6
それは きっと 俺の無力
That would probably be my powerlessness.

Frame 2
Old man: …ああ
ホントに 来てくれたのかい 兄ちゃん
You really came, Nii-chan

Frame 3
Old man: スマンね
Sorry to say,
あの子 消えちまった
That kid’s disappeared.

Frame 4
Ichigo: …ああ

Pg 7
Frame 1
俺は 霊が見える
I can see the spirits.
こいつらに 触れる
I can touch them.
こいつらと 言葉を交わせる
I can exchange words with them.
Old man: …ムダに なっちまったなあ
…It’s going to be a waste,
That airplane.
ただ それだけだ
That’s all there is to it.

Frame 2
Ichigo: いーって
Don’t worry.
どうせウチの 押し入れに あったモンだ
This was just sitting in our closet anyways.
こいつらは時々 こうして消える
They disappear like this from time to time.

Frame 3
どうして消えるのかは わからない
I have no idea why they disappear.
時折 その場に 残るのは
Sometimes, what’s left there
俺だけに見える 血の跡と
Is blood that only I can see.
A feeling almost like pain.

Frame 4
No matter how I train my body.
Ichigo: …仕方ねえさ
…There’s nothing that can be done.
こいつらのことは 護れない
I can’t protect them.

それを思うとき 俺の心は 刃に似るんだ
When I think that, my heart becomes like a blade.

Frame 5
Ichigo: これやるよ じいさん
Why don’t you take it, Old Man.
Old man: いらんよ
I don’t want it.
あんたがもう いらんのなら
If you don’t want it anymore,
…そこに 置いといて やっとくれ
…Could you just leave it there?

It is rotating.

Pg 8
運命が 歯車だというのなら
If fate is a gear,

Frame 1
Ichigo: よーし わかった! んじゃ明日 もっかい 来てやるよ!
Alright, I got it! I’ll come by again tomorrow!

Frame 2
Girl: ありがとう… おにいちゃん
Thank you… Onii-chan.

俺達は その間で  轢き砕かれる砂
We are just sand crushed between (the gears).

Frame 3
Ichigo: いーから 泣くなもう な
Okay, so don’t cry anymore.


ただ 力が欲しい
Just wanting strength.

Pg 9
手を伸ばしても 護れないなら
If I can’t protect them by reaching out…

その先に握る 刃が欲しい
Then I want a blade to hold before that.

運命を砕く  力は きっと
The strength to crush fate, has to be…

Pg 10
振り下ろされる 刃に似ている
Like a blade swung down…

Pg 11
Frame 1
Rukia: 転属命令… …ですか!?
Is it… …transfer orders!?

Frame 2
Kiyone: ちっがう ちがう! 転属とか そんな大層な モンじゃないって!
現世への 駐在任務! むかーし ウチに入りたての頃 あたしのサポートで 行ったでしょ! あれよあれ!
No, no! Nothing as exaggerated as a transfer! Just a stationed mission to the human world! Remember, a long time ago, when you first joined our division, you went as my support! It’s that thing!

Frame 3
Rukia: えーっと…
Sentaro: ほれみろ 憶えてねーじゃ ねえか!!
See, she doesn’t remember!!
悪い思い出だから 脳ミソから 消しちまってん だよ!! なァ 朽木!!
It’s gone from her brain because it was such a bad memory!! Right, Kuchiki!!
Kiyone: あァ!? うるさいっての!! あんたは庭にでも 埋まってなさいよ!!
Aaah!? Shut up!! Just go bury yourself in the yard!!

Frame 4
Ukitake: …駐在地は 空座町という町を 中心にした 半径一霊里…
…The stationed area is a radius of 1 Reiri from the center of a town called Karakura-chou.
Translator’s Note: Reiri translates to Spirit “ri.” Ri is a measurement (of length, used in the past) and is equivalent to approx. 3.93km.

Pg 12
Frame 1
Ukitake: お前の実力なら そう難しい 任務じゃない
With your skills it shouldn’t be a difficult mission.

Frame 2
Rukia: 浮竹隊長!
Captain Ukitake!!
Sentaro: たたっ… 隊長ォ!!
Kiyone: ダメですよ 寝てなきゃ!!
You should be lying down!!
Ukitake: いやあ 今日は 調子が良くてな
No. I’m feeling pretty good today.

Frame 3
Ukitake: それに
一月程の短期とはいえ 初の単独駐在は 朽木も不安だろうと 思ってな 見送りに 来たんだ
Even though it’s only month or so, it’s Kuchiki’s first solo stationing, and I thought she might be a little worried. So I came to see her off.

Frame 4
Rukia: あ… ありがとう ございます!
Th…Thank you very much!
Ukitake: よせよ 堅苦しい
Stop being so uptight.

Frame 5
Ukitake: 白哉に 報告は?
Have you told Byakuya?

Pg 13
Frame 1
Rukia: あ! はい まだ…
Oh! Yes, not yet…

Frame 3
Rukia: …あ…

Frame 4
Rukia: ーーーいえ…
朽木隊長は きっと… “この程度のことで いちいち報告に来るな”と 仰るでしょう…
Captain Kuchiki would probably say… “Don’t come report to me over something like this”…

Frame 5
Rukia: だから 報告はせずに… 発とうと 思います…
So I thought to leave… without reporting to him…

Frame 7
Ukitake: …そうか
…I see.

Pg 14
Frame 1
Ukitake: わかった
All right.

Frame 2
Ukitake: お前がそう 思うなら それで いいだろう
If that’s what you think, then it’s okay.

Frame 3
Ukitake: 白哉には俺から 伝えておこう
I’ll tell Byakuya myself.
安心して 行ってこい!
So don’t worry, and just go!

Pg 15
Frame 1
Rukia: はい!
Yes, sir!

Frame 3
Momo: …これを以って 十一番隊第六席 阿散井恋次を 六番隊副隊長に 任ずるものとする
…With this, we appoint Abarai Renji from 11th Division 6th Seat to 6th Division Vice-Captain.
Writing: 任官状
Appointment Papers

Pg 16
Frame 1
Momo: おめでとう 阿散井くん!
Congratulations Abarai-kun!

Frame 2
Renji: お…おうっ! あ イヤ…
Y…Yeah! Oh, I mean…

Frame 3
Renji: 慎んで お受け致します 雛森副隊長!!
I humbly accept, Vice-Captain Hinamori!!
Momo: いいよ そんな 堅苦しいなァ
Stop that. That’s so uptight.

Frame 4
Ikkaku: …しかし まァ…
…But, well…

Pg 17
Frame 1
Ikkaku: 良かったじゃ ねえか
Good for you.
これで また一歩 朽木白哉に 近付いたって訳だ
With this, you’re one more step closer to Kuchiki Byakuya.

Frame 2
Renji: …一角さん

Frame 3
Ikkaku: そろそろ 良いんじゃ ねえか ルキアちゃんてのに 話してやって
Isn’t it about time you talk this Rukia-chan?
相手が幾ら 貴族に入ってようが 副隊長なら 対等以上だろ
No matter if she’s entered nobility, a Vice-Captain is ranked higher.

Frame 4
Ikkaku: 四十年も 踏ん張ったんだ
You’ve worked hard for 40 years.
そろそろ 元の関係に 戻っていい頃だぜ
It’s about time you return to your previous relationship.

Frame 5
Kira: …それなら 急いだ方がいいね
…If that’s the case, you need to hurry.

Frame 6
Kira: 朽木さんなら 午後には 一か月の駐在任務で 現世に発つ筈だよ
Kuchiki-san should be leaving for a one month stationed mission in the human world, this afternoon.

Pg 18
Frame 1
Momo: 大変! 阿散井くん 急ご!
Oh no! Abarai-kun, let’s hurry!
Renji: ーーーいや

Frame 2
Renji: どうせ本当の任官は 一月後の任官式の後だ
The real appointment won’t be until after the appointment ceremony a month from now.

Frame 3
Renji: あいつが帰って 来た時に いきなり 『副隊長だ』って言って ビビらせてやるさ
When she comes home, I’ll tell her “I’m a Vice-Captain” and surprise her.

It is rotating.

If fate is a gear…

Pg 19
我々は それを廻す理
We are the reason that it turns.

無欠であると 信じて進む
Believe that it’s complete and move forward.

噛み合う力の 行く先へ
To where the powers that interlock lead.

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#1. by mugen ()
Posted on Dec 3, 2006
wow thank you winterlion so much
it's in volume 23 right can't wait till it comes out here
#2. by manu ()
Posted on Dec 3, 2006
WL is it ok for somebody (me) to use this? I know some of your translations are private so is this private too?
#3. by Gold Knight ()
Posted on Dec 3, 2006
She's probably ok with it - otherwise she would have said otherwise in big, red bolded "scary mom" font. ;)

Awesome trans. btw Winny <3
#4. by Luckas ()
Posted on Dec 3, 2006
Wonderful translation and very interesting chapter.
#5. by WinterLion (Grand Taichou)
Posted on Dec 3, 2006
Quote by manu :

WL is it ok for somebody (me) to use this? I know some of your translations are private so is this private too?

None my Bleach transes are private. :amuse If you'd like to use this for a scan, go right ahead. But I'd appreciate it if you could post a link here. ;)

Quote by Gold Knight :

She's probably ok with it - otherwise she would have said otherwise in big, red bolded "scary mom" font. ;)

Awesome trans. btw Winny <3

Yeah. I'll always post with the trans if it's not available for scans. Actually, more like which group is allowed to use it for scans. :p Unless I'm doing a trans for one particular group, it's always available. So unless it says the trans is meant for someone, go right ahead and use it. :amuse
#6. by Dragonzair ()
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
Great trans Snowy! Was waiting for this <3
#7. by ibra87 ()
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
Just a thought, wouldn't be better if you say "it rotates" rather than "revolves" since kubo tite has chosen to write "the rotator" in the middle of the chapter?
#8. by WinterLion (Grand Taichou)
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
Quote by ibra87 :

Just a thought, wouldn't be better if you say "it rotates" rather than "revolves" since kubo tite has chosen to write "the rotator" in the middle of the chapter?

I must have missed that. :sweatdrop But yeah. I just chose revolves because that's the one that sounded best to me. :p I'll update it. Thanks for catching that ibra.
#9. by ibra87 ()
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
:p What about this line?

Keigo: &#12360;&#12360;&#12483;&#65281;&#65311;
#10. by WinterLion (Grand Taichou)
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
Thanks. Updated and added that line. :p I really need to proof my scripts before I post. :sweatdrop
#11. by ibra87 ()
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
Almost done scanlating page 7, just a couple of things I noticed meanwhile! Hope you're nice enough to help me with them :p

Page 3, the line in the bottom of the page, have you forgotten to translate it?

Page 7: "When I think that, my hearts becomes like a blade".

Shouldn't it be "When I think of that"? / "When I think like that"

Page 8

Can't you say: "We're just sand crushed in between" instead of just between? (not sure about this one)

Not really a mistake, but can you please tell me what Ichigo is saying in the bubble to the most left after saying "don't cry anymore"? :(

#12. by WinterLion (Grand Taichou)
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
Bottom pg 3
The world changes

Pg 7
"When I think of that" would be better imo.

Pg 8
I honestly have no clue. >.> But how about: We are just sand being crushed between them.
As for &#12394;. "Okay?" would be the best translation for it.

And thank you so much for scanlating this one ibra. :glomp
#13. by manu ()
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
oh so somebody else is doing this... well that ok, i'm kinda behind on it and have an essay due soon. though i guess it would be nice to compare with somebody elses work to mine for a change.
#14. by ibra87 ()
Posted on Dec 6, 2006
Quote by WinterLion :

Bottom pg 3
The world changes

Pg 7
"When I think of that" would be better imo.

Pg 8
I honestly have no clue. >.> But how about: We are just sand being crushed between them.
As for &#12394;. "Okay?" would be the best translation for it.

And thank you so much for scanlating this one ibra. :glomp

Back-glomping attack :glomp

I am done scanlating! Just wanted to ask you some questions before I upload the chapter, hope you don't mind and have time :nuts:

Pg 13:

Captain Kuchiki would probably say… “Don’t come report to me over something like this”…
"Don't come reporting to me over something like this"?

So I thought to leave… without reporting to him…
Thought about leaving.... without reporting to him. (not sure if this is right, I suck at prepositions).

And about the line about fate. You say if life is a fate, then we're just sand crushed between "them". But you are talking only about 1 gear? :( damn, this is getting kinda confusing :p

That's all :p

Quote by manu :

oh so somebody else is doing this... well that ok, i'm kinda behind on it and have an essay due soon. though i guess it would be nice to compare with somebody elses work to mine for a change.

Yes, the more the merrier, I guess.
#15. by manu ()
Posted on Dec 7, 2006
Ok well here it is my MQ scan http://www.sendspace.com/file/j2cq0d

Um not really sure where else to put it and sorry for not making credits, I'm sure if people notice that its in your forum they will know its translated by you.
#16. by WinterLion (Grand Taichou)
Posted on Dec 7, 2006
Quote by ibra87 :

Back-glomping attack :glomp

I am done scanlating! Just wanted to ask you some questions before I upload the chapter, hope you don't mind and have time :nuts:

Sorry, I've been so busy I didn't really have time to answer earlier.
Pg 13:
"Don't come reporting to me over something like this"?
Thought about leaving.... without reporting to him. (not sure if this is right, I suck at prepositions).

I don't know. >.> My English isn't all that great, but I think you're probably right. :p
And about the line about fate. You say if life is a fate, then we're just sand crushed between "them". But you are talking only about 1 gear? :( damn, this is getting kinda confusing :p
How about the first line putting: "If fate were gears"?

Quote by manu :

Ok well here it is my MQ scan http://www.sendspace.com/file/j2cq0d

Um not really sure where else to put it and sorry for not making credits, I'm sure if people notice that its in your forum they will know its translated by you.

Thanks for doing that. And posting it here's fine. :amuse
#17. by ibra87 ()
Posted on Dec 7, 2006
Thanks for the help. Here's my scanlation, hope ya enjoy ^^ (should my I a topic in my scanlation subforum or not >_>?):

#18. by WinterLion (Grand Taichou)
Posted on Dec 7, 2006
Quote by ibra87 :

Thanks for the help. Here's my scanlation, hope ya enjoy ^^ (should my I a topic in my scanlation subforum or not >_>?):


You're welcome to post it there if you'd like. And I forgot to update my first post... I'm going to add in the links for yours and manu's scans into my trans post. :p
#19. by mugen ()
Posted on Dec 7, 2006
thank you everybody
Mugen means it
Level [A] Translator

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