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Code:Breaker 133

Proof of Resolution

+ posted by wongami as translation on Jul 5, 2011 03:16 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 133

Codebreaker Ch133

Title Page
Chapter Title: code133 Proof of Resolution

Right Side: Fujiwara Nenene-senpai is the weapon against the rare kind!?
Left Side: Also known as Joker!?


Sakura: B-But wasn't Senpai killed by Kouji!?
Sakura: And hasn't she forgotten everything about herself and her brother Toki-kun...?


Sakura: Senpai, can you please tell me what's going on?

Sakura: Senpai...

Rui: !?

Rui: Hey...


Ogami: What are you...

Toki: Don't forget that your opponent is me.


Ogami: Ugh...
Ogami: Toki!!


Sakura: S-Senpai, what are you doing...?


Nenene: Killing.


Sakura: !?

Text: Steel Dragon!!


Sakura: S-Senpai, please stop...

Sakura: It...
Sakura: It hurts...


Nenene: Die.



Ogami: S-Sakurakouji-san...


Yuuki: Stop!!
Yuuki: What are you trying to do to Nyanmaru!?

Yuuki: You bastard...


Sakura: Yuuki...


Lily: Hey, you!! Let go of Sakurakouji!!


Lily: AHHHH!!!

Rui: I can easily break a fragile neck like yours.

Rui: If you don't want to die, let go of Sakurakouji...


Rui: UGH!!


Sakura: P-Prince!!


Ikurumi: That girl is way too powerful!!

Yukihina: [Kouji, you can't go.]

Kouji: [Grrrr...]

Yukihina: She's ruthless to both the Rare Kind and to the Lost.


Yukihina: The quality is the same as during the Great War between Code:Breakers and Re:Codes...

Yukihina: The Code:Breaker, Fujiwara Nenene...


Yukihina: The complete opposite of her gentle smile...

Yukihina: There would be no evil alive
Yukihina: wherever she passed.

Thought: Absolute evil destroyer, the cold killing soldier...
Thought: That is her original self...


Ikurumi: But that girl is the only survivor among the old Code:Breakers, and she's become exactly like a normal person.
Ikurumi: She's famous among us trainees!

Yukihina: According to the Seeker,


Yukihina: It seems that she witnessed something on December 32nd.

Yukihina: That's why even if she died, she used the power of Pandora's Box to live again.


Ikurumi: W-What did she see?
Ikurumi: ...Oh yeah, and why aren't you helping your comrades?


Yukihina: That is not my job.

Ikurumi: I see...

Sakura: Why...? Senpai, why are you doing this to me...
Sakura: Is it because it's the Joker's duty?


Nenene: I could care less about the reoccurrence of December 32nd.

Nenene: But,


Nenene: I was trapped by the Pandora's Box,
Nenene: The special item that you held on December 32nd.

Nenene: I cannot forgive the you then.


Sakura: I... I...

Sakura: I was holding that box!?


Nenene: So I must kill the rare kind.



Ogami: Dammit...


Ogami: Emperor!

Ogami: Lend me...


Ogami: Your power!!


Toki: Tch!

Rui: Sakurakouji!!


Nenene: Don't kid yourself.

Ogami: Toki!!

Ogami: Get...
Ogami: Get out of my...
Ogami: WAY!!


Nenene: ...

Toki: Stop it.

Toki: I won't let you harm Onee-san.


Yuuki: Toki...!! Why are you protecting her...

Yuuki: I really don't think what Nenene is doing is correct...


Toki: Onee-san, please step down. I can take care of this...

Yuuki: Toki!?


Yuuki: What are you doing!?

Nenene: What am I doing?


Nenene: When Rei-kun was heading in this direction, the rare kind was completely defenseless. Why didn't you take that time to finish her?

Nenene: What a useless fool.


Nenene: It shames me to be siblings with you.

Nenene: You don't deserve me to sacrifice myself to save you at all.


Yuuki: What are you saying...!?

Yuuki: Do you understand how much Toki missed you!?!?

Yuuki: Why are you protecting that girl!?

Yuuki: She hurt Nyanmaru...
Yuuki: She even hurt Toki...

Yuuki: She isn't the person that Toki could sacrifice everything to protect!!


Thought: The person who is Nenene's brother must be a angel coming down from heaven!

Thought: Nenene is so so so happy!

Yuuki: TOKI!!

Sakura: Toki-kun...

Thought: Why...


Thought: Why do you have such a painful expression?

Toki: ...That's why I said...
Toki: I don't care if people think of me as evil.

Thought: What heavy burdens is on the shoulders of Toki-kun...?


Toki: ...Only me...

Toki: The only person who can protect Onee-san is me, her brother!!

Rui: Toki...

Toki: Ogami...

Toki: No matter how special you are...


Toki: Now you cannot...


Toki: Stop me!!


Sakura: Toki... Toki-kun, that's...


Toki: ...If you've seen this, then you should understand, right?

Toki: After suffering the damage of the Gauss Cannon, my two arms became unable to sustain the pure power of the Joker's magnetism...

Toki: So I must constantly power myself with steel and magnetism.


Toki: No matter what happens, no matter what methods I must use, I will protect my sister...
Toki: This is the proof of my resolution.

Toki: That's why you cannot stop me any further.


Rui: Toki...

Thought: He's transplanted steel into his wrists.


Thought: Such...

Thought: Such a heavy resolution.


Ogami: Interesting.

Ogami: Not giving up no matter what happens... That's Toki.


Toki: ...That's why I must not be stopped here.


Ogami: You and your proof of resolution...

Ogami: I will burn it all to death.

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#1. by Ju-da-su ()
Posted on Jul 5, 2011
...You translated this from Chinese, do you? Since I can see it SOOOOO clearly that you're not translating from Japanese, AND many of them made me think "must've been Chinese, not any other language".

I don't know and don't care if these are your mistakes or the Chinese mistakes that there are quite a couple of confusions in phrasing and some are really off from the original meaning of the sentence, but I'd say, proofreader alone won't be enough to fix up everything here though. -_-"
#2. by wongami ()
Posted on Jul 6, 2011
@the commentor below because my reply button doesn't work...

Um... Thanks for your critique? I suppose I should have proofread my work before uploading it, but I just did this as a spur of the moment kind of thing. I never expected anyone to read it... But if you think I'm stepping on your territory or something, uh don't worry? I don't like this series enough to want to translate it often...
#3. by Ju-da-su ()
Posted on Jul 7, 2011
Meh, just telling you a bit that if you're using the Chinese, be a little careful of Chinese translation, since as far as I know from other people, sometimes, Chinese translator of this series translated something that was completely the opposite of its original meaning. Tbh, I don't mind, since tbh, I'm the one who has to apologize to other people for being slow and Rena already planned to mass-PR this weekend, so I bet I'll already get my translation of this chapter will be publicized by this weekend for sure. .-.

Also, just an advice, but...best if you don't "guess" the Japanese words from Chinese, or whatever other language, though. If you want to use the Japanese original word of something in the translation, for example for "bigger sister", ask some Japanese translators to check for you what the Japanese really is, since the sense of the word is different depends on how it's said, and by guessing, you'll completely miss out on that. One thing that I can see in your translation that can clearly tell me that you're not translating from Japanese is "Onee-san". Just a note to you, Toki never calls Nenene with that. In fact, I hardly see any younger brother or sister in the anime or manga world calls their older sister as "onee-san". Mostly, it's only "nee-san", "nee-chan" or "onee-chan". Mostly, I only see "onee-san" used to refer to a woman who isn't even a blood relative of the speaker him/herself...and usually more like a stranger even (like how flirty guy will go "Would you like to dine with me, madam?" to any pretty woman who came to his sight or something) Toki refers to Nenene as "nee-chan", not "onee-san". So, just an advice, if you want to use the Japanese word for something you're translating from another language that isn't Japanese, be sure to get some Japanese translator, any Japanese translator, to have a look at the raw and tell you what exactly the word is. Don't just make any random guess of the word yourself...-.-"

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