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Code:Breaker 1

Code: Breaker 01 Trans

+ posted by caesarpk as translation on Jun 13, 2008 23:19 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 1

Code: Breaker 01
There will be some sfx’s I missed to translate for some reason, but just ignore that. And P.s. I haven’t read this author’s previous work, so this trans will not reflect the older series.
===Page 01===
SFX: rumble [engine sound]
Splash [Rain sound]
(It’s already pretty late today…)
(I need to go the place where the “dog” is at… he’s definitely hungry by now…)
[The text to the left is about serialization stuff, so I won’t tl it]
===Page 02===
People are burning?
SFX: Guoooo [Fire]
===Page 03===
That was
Hot, yet cold
Violent, yet peaceful
Cruel, yet gentle
===Page 04-05===
That sort of blue flame
Code: 1 Witnessing the Beginning [Technically “In the beginning, she witnessed it,” of sort]
An eye for an eye
A teeth for a teeth[used to be “a fang for a fang”, but]
And Evil for Evil!
The Boy of Ice
And the Girl of Fire
Weaved together by them,
The curtain of the story
Of the dark hero
Now rises [Technically opens. And I switched the phrases around too :)]
===Page 06===
Sakurakouji Sakura-san
Can … I… Can I go out with you?
SFX: Wind blows thru
Eh…Why…I mean…because…
===Page 07===
You are always reading books under a tree at school…
SFX: twitch
And you sometimes smiles happily and sometimes shed tears after being moved…
You look like a delicate, fragile, pure, graceful, modest, and well-mannered person… // and I became attracted to that and…
I have been seen all those girls who are more bold than men and tough-like-a-stone sort, // but you are the first girl I’ve truly WANTED TO PROTECT!
===Page 08===
….Unfortunately that is impossible
Because that’s not the real me.
SFX: Gaan [Hit his head]
Shake for the rest
Is that so…
Yeah, someone like me won’t do right…? // For Sakurakouji-san only a much more handsome guy can balance it out…
No, it’s not like that,
but rather I meant that wasn’t the real me,…
SFX: Ha!
SFX: Falling
SFX: Lands
===Page 09===
Are you all right?
SFX: shake shake
Though I can’t go out with you, if you have any trouble just tell me
I will help you out
All…All right…
SFX: thud
Now would you excuse me since I’ve somewhere to go
SFX: turn
Where are you… the school is in the opposite direc…
To the murder scene!
===Page 10===
SFX: crowd noise
(What a number of spectators…)
[Aside:] So what I saw yesterday wasn’t my imagination…I wonder if the culprit is already caught…
That culprit-looking person…
Seemed like the same age as me, but… [/Aside]
That’s such a relief that it was only a small fire!
It’s fortunate no one is hurt.
That this is frightening…just a month ago a homeless person was killed here…
Looks like the culprit hasn’t been caught too…
Aside: What?
===Page 11===
This…this isn’t some small fire! Isn’t it a murder case?
Eh? // The police said it was just a small fire…
Aside: No way…
Please let me through!
SFX: don don [crashing into people]
There isn’t even a blood stain, let alone corpses?
===Page 12===
[Aside:] No way…
Yesterday for sure I saw…
What is the meaning of this?
I’ve seen it! // Many corpses! And the blue burning flame!
The culprit was around my age and wore a uniform of sort! // The victims all had tattoos and…
This time it was unmistakably just a small fire, miss
Don’t worry
This park has been the place where troublemakers gather, // and besides one month ago there was a homeless person murdered here, so we are investigating quite thoroughly
There wasn’t one piece of evidence of murder
Aside: Impossible…I definitely saw it with my own eyes…
===Page 13===
I know you are worried miss, but calm down // even without you lying we police will ensure your safety…
SFX: tremble
I’m not lying…!
SFX: Crack
Please excuse me
He…Hey you there…
SFX: walking away
Ding Dong Dang Dong [sort of…ring sound]
SFX: G’morning!
===Page 14===
[Aside:] Why…Why do they say nothing happened?
I definitely saw murder… I thought I saw the culprit but what’s the meaning of this…?
So she’s Sakurakouji-san?
As the rumors say she’s really pretty!
So refined as well…
Hey, doesn’t she look troubled?
I want to protect her when she shows that look…
You won’t be able to do that
SFX: hahaha
===Page 15===
G’morning! What are you doing at such place?
Good morning…
SFX: sluggish
Wh…What’s with that lethargy…
Oh, I know, it’s because when you were called away and he asked you out!
Eh? No not that…
I know I know…
When you mention about Sakurakouji Sakura, she is the number one desirable in the new students... [my dictionary has “freshmen,” though…]
The pure, delicate, frail girl! I’m sure you were told that he wanted to protect you right?
However! Her true identity was –
An Aikido 3rd Dan [or grade] and both Karate/Judo 4 Dan holder! Grip Strength 51 kg! // Eats 3 Gou [approximately 1 cubic meter] of rice each day and a Martial Art Girl who’s favorite read is the Monthly Fighting Technique and who cries as she is moved by the content!
SFX: Haaa!
Aside: what a fierce fighting…
SFX: Dong
And we are the only ones who knows that much as well // though we were really astonished when we knew that…
===Page 16===
Hey, Aoba, Do you really trusts the Japanese Police from your heart…?
SFX: Sluggish
Sakura, what kind of book you’ve read this time?
Have some interest in men too.
(Men huh…the culprit was a man…)
Sakurakouji is cute today as well…
3 Glance’s
Though we finally have something fun today
SFX: Door Opens
Hey everyone take your seat!
Here, please coming
There he is, [sakura doesn’t look as pretty to me as her friend, if you ask me……]
SFX: bang
===Page 17-18===
My name is Ogami Rei. Please take care of me.
Ogami-kun was a month late to come to the school because of his father’s affairs his oversea company’s.
From today he’s your new classmate so help him when he’s in trouble
Wow! He’s a better looking guy than I thought. To add to that he’s also the son of the owner of an oversea company! So charming!
Then Ogami-kun can you sit on that seat over there?
Tomigaya-kun, tell him where his locker is
===Page 19===
[Aside]There’s no mistake…
He’s the man from last night
Why? What is this?
Why is this bastard here… //what I saw yesterday was my own imagination after all…
SFX:2 heartbeat
You dropped this
===Page 20===
3 chatter’s , 1 whisper
What’s wrong with Sakurakouji-san…?
You know they are staring at each other…
What the hell? That transfer student, does he already has his eyes on Sakurakouji?
My bad, since this is a VERY IMPORTANT BOOK, I appreciate it
You’re welcome
SFX: smirk
Amazing…that transfer student, he wasn’t even slightly surprised when he saw the book…
===Page 21===
The latecomer transfer student, Ogami Rei, huh…?
Just like some TV show! What a sudden development! [Drama in Japanese Should be equivalent to TV show]
Did you see that? I’ve never see that cell phone before!
That? Is that the computer-incorporated one that’s usable anywhere in the world?
Wow, he’s rich!
It seems that he has been in many countries by now and he’s fluent in many languages. Such a global person, isn’t he?
Wow, as expected the info broker Aoba!
SFX: stare
Sakura, you aren’t eating much today… you only ate two rice ball!
[Aside] He’s definitely the culprit back then…
Even coming to school like nothing…I will definitely take away that mask of yours…
Anywhere suspicious….
SFX: Ha!
Aoba, what’s with his GLOVE?
Oh, that? Looks like the teachers don’t know much about it either
===Page 22===
Maybe he’s hiding a scar or a burn? // or something like sunburn prevention?
[Aside:] A Burn?
The flame! So after all Ogami is the… [/aside]
Oh, is Sakura showing interest to men so rarely?
Oh may it is …
I’ve got something to talk to you in private. Come with me for a sec
Sakura-chan, you are so daring!
She’s already confessing her love?
===Page 23===
That Sakurakouji is going to ask someone out!
SFX: running
You kidding? Who’s this damn lucky bastard?
SFX: kyaa
Hurry! They say it’s on the roof of second building
Oh well, so that Madonna of the school is going to be that transfer student’s! [literal trans…]
Dammit! Go die, Ogami!
So…What business do you have with me…?
I shall ask you straightforwardly
You were there in the Takemi Park last night, weren’t you?
…What were you doing? I’m sure saw you there
===Page 24===
Ehh? What? I can’t hear them!
Last night…you say? I was doing my part-time job last night.
Doing your part-time job?
Then let me ask you this…
…The glove on your hand
Isn’t it hiding the burn you received when you burned those people at the park?
===Page 25===
Aside: Nothing…is wrong with it?
This is a talisman…
When I was a kid, I injured my hand…
And to prevent that from happening again, that person gave it to me. That’s why I have it on.
===Page 26===
That’s …all?
That’s all there is.
Bu…But! That night for sure you…
SFX: falls out
Ah, my friend gave it to me before I left // it’s kinda embarrassing but I couldn’t throw it away…
You had pretty close relationship, didn’t you…
But I want to be friends with everyone in my class
Please take care of me, Sakurakouji-san! [it seems to me like “Nice to meet you” is better…]
===Page 27===
Sa…Sakura, how was it?
It was quite unexpected
…But I won’t give up!
SFX: Walking away
He said no to Sakurakouji-san, that bastard Ogami! Is he an idiot, even death wouldn’t be enough for you!
Boys: should we put drawing pins in his indoor shoes? [Drawing pins exchangeable with nails]
Sakura…How pitiful…
Cheer up, Sakura! Keep fighting!
The one I saw back then has to be him…
I will definitely find something to hold against him…
SFX: all stares
===Page 28===
You are being a stalker…
Don’t say that, idiot!
…But it’s good that Ogami was quite a good guy (Enough for Sakura to fall for)
Yeah yeah, he seemed really kind, didn’t he?
Should we ask him about how is it overseas!
SFX: looking around
Dammit…! I lost him!
===Page 29===
[Aside]They say the culprit shall return to the scene…
I guess I will keep a watch here…[/aside]
(Though I will have to come here everyday to feed the “dog” so…)
[Aside:] But what does it mean that there’s no evidence whatsoever…?
And what was that blue flame…?
The blue fire has higher temperature than red fire, and without gas or any other chemicals to produce that pure blue isn’t possible, isn’t it? [/Aside]
===Page 30===
You are still acting like that. Should it not be around the time you get attached to me?
SFX: Sneaking away
You do that, huh? (Requiste the kindness with ingratitude, huh?)
As I thought, you talk that way to everyone
===Page 31===
SFX: Turn // point
Okami!! // the culprit comes to the scene after all…
Sakurakouji-san goes home this way as well? What a coincidence.
The…The way home, you say??
Ah, you spoke that way again
I was wondering Sakurakouji-san spoke like with a tough style like some Bushi from the old days. You like martial arts as well, and you are unexpectedly more manly than most think! [sorry, almost impossible to do it in English…]
I want to protect you!
Oh, my bad for not being who you imagined to be
No, I didn’t mean that
You seem to be full of yourself and I thought that was really cool!
SFX: blushing….
No, no there’s no such thing…my family is quite exceptional so…
SFX: Sneaky
… A dog?
Eh? Oh, ah, yeah, but it doesn’t get close to anyone
===Page 32===
Come here
Walking [don’t think is necessary]
===Page 33===
People…He just couldn’t trust anyone…
Hey don’t lick me that much…
Aside: Ogami…
You dropped this
I want to be friend with everyone
Aside: he isn’t a bad guy…
Sakurakouji-san, what’s the dog’s name?
===Page 34===
The name is “Dog”
…That’s a good name…
Is he a stray dog?
No…the old guy who was keeping him was…
Killed in a Hunt for Homeless People a month ago
He was beaten so badly that you can’t recognize his face // and I heard that he was stabbed in several places…
And in the end they lighted a fire on his lower body while he was still alive…
And people say the ones who did it was a delinquent gang call G-Falcon [a little repetitious?]
Everyone of them is has a falcon tattoo on their bodies, and they are rumored to have commited shoplifting, violence [could be rape], drug dealing, and even murder robbery
They are difficult to catch because of the fact that they get rid of the evidence pretty effectively and silence the witnesses, and that the ones caught are all their lower members. // I have also heard that most member are still underage so they can’t be punished by the law, and once they are released they repeat the same cycle.
===Page 35===
Even though the case was been talked about for its cruelty, and we thought the suspect will be caught soon, // but atrocious crimes happened one after another, and the case was forgotten in the end
Yes…// that old man lived without being known to anyone…
He must have been a kind person…
Though I have never talked to him before…
And died without being known to anyone
===Page 36===
That dog is still waiting for that old man to return…
Even though…there might not be a single person in this world who would remember him…
It would be good enough for you to remember
Even if everyone in the world forgets, as long as you remembers it, that’s good enough…
I won’t forget anything whatever or whenever it is…
SFX: Wind blowing
Aside: He talks about quite strange stuff…
And beside, there’s no need of law for these lots… [technically this country’s law…]
Rustle Rustle
Right, for the really evil ones…
===Page 37===
An eye for an eye // a teeth for a teeth
And evil for evil.
SFX: rustling
What did you say just now?
===Page 38===
It’s history.
Aah. Hamurabi’s Code…
Evil for Evil is not in there, right, Ogami?
SFx: chuckle
You laughed at last
I thought you hated me from the beginning so…
[Aside:] Did I make him feel bad by asking all these weird questions all of sudden…?
Even though he just transferred here [/aside]
I intending for it to be that way…
See you tomorrow at the school
===Page 39===
Bell ring
Wuuuaaa! It’s finally over!
Isn’t it too rough to have Kamata’s class in the afternoon?
I was sleeping all the time
Where are we going today?
Hey Ogami-kun!
Can you come together with us to karaoke?
There was this discount for 5 or more people
I’ve something to do today…
Sfx: walking away // grabb
Wait right there
For whom do you think we are havig this karaoke party? It’s for you to get closer to Ogami-kun!
My bad, but I need to do my part-time job
Part-time job? Where?
(If it comes down to this we have to go to his workplace…)
===Page 40===
At the cleaning worker’s, doing garbage cleaning
(The heir of a millionaire doing such mundane stuff…?)
Oh, now they are already calling for me
But invite me again sometimes
“I want to be friend with everyone”
SFX: hmm…
Eh…What was that…?
Hey! Since when has you gotten closer?
SFX: shake shake
===Page 41-42===
…What is it?
SFX: kyahaha // and then you know, …
Ah, of course, I will take care of the trashes today
Make some preparations
Yes, sir…
So what are going to do about the girl? // I don’t think there’s any problem from her look
===Page 43===
Sakurakouji Sakura-san
See ya
See ya [or wassup?]
Well, there isn’t much about her
I will erase them as I have been doing
===Page 44===
Wow, she’s cute!
I’m lucky
Come on, why don’t you get a bit closer!
SFX: Scared
Why do you look like you want to run away?
Sfx: Gyaaaa
===Page 45===
Sigh, … This fucking irritates me!
The day before tomorrow we lost contact with our friend from G-Falcon…// and we lost contact right here at this park
Don’t you bastards, who lives here, know nothing?
I don’t know…but please don’t break my house…I don’t have any other place to…
You better fucking disappear!
===Page 46===
He…Hey Gen-san…
Dammit, where did they go?
SFX: ahaha
Za [touching hair]
Twitch Twich
Hey, what are you gonna do, you can’t ask him anymore
Ahyahahah! // Die, die, you fucking trash!
Die! Hyahahaha!
Hey Yuya, why are fooling around
Cutting wind
Stop it Yuya…
This shit is funny! He peed on his pants!
So fucking nasty! Hahaha!
Hey Yuya…Yu
Cling [Eariing falls]
My earring fell… What’s this…?
===Page 47===
I’m saying quit it!
If you can’t hear me, Ryouji-sama’s voice, then you don’t need an ear do you?
===Page 48===
It hurts!!!
Help us…I’m begging you…
We…We don’t have a home or the money to go hospital…
SFX: Slash!
Byyaaaaa! Aaaaa!
Help, you say? Now no one would care if a trash of the society disappeared, right?
===Page 49===
Stop hurting the weak!
I will inform the police right now so just wait!
SFX: crack [bone cracking]
What with that woman?
Such a bother
We are already irritated that our friend disappeared…we will fuck you up, chick?
!? You friend disappeared?
The what happened the day before yesterday was…
SFX: twitch
Hey Woman! How do you know the date our friend disappeared, huh? [somehow friend doesn’t fit here…]
Do you know any thing?
===Page 50===
Sfx: Shuun
I have nothing to tell you at all!
SFX: Electried
===Page 51===
What the…
Thanks for throwing me…
If you don’t answer to our questions…
A Stun-gun? [shock gun in English?]
All we can do is ask her body, right?
Hey, take out your belt!
Tie her up!
===Page 52===
You’ve got a nice body // hehehe
My…body doesn’t move…
SFx: Shaking
If you told the police we will put these on the net!
You are foolish woman! You shouldn’t have cared about the life of these homeless trashes
Becuz you tried to help them you got yourself in this trouble, get it?
===Page 53===
Don’t fuck with me, you stupid dog!
This dog…it’s trying to save the woman?
You bitch!
Hyahyaha, playing soccer?
===Page 54===
St…Stop it already!
It has nothing to do with you! I will be your opponent!
Hyahaha, what’s with this woman?
Not even known what’s gonna happen to her, // she’s trying to protect the dog!
What an idiot!
===Page 55===
Sfx: Lick
Wait a sec… I will take you to the hospital soon, so
===Page 56===
What a fucking noisy woman…
If you want to get beaten up in place of that dog so badly, then be it!
After we get the information from you , we’ll make you unable to get in front of people forever!
===Page 57===
Are you… in pain?
Who’s that?
===Page 58===
Full Body Broken bones [awkward…], organ rupture, numerous outside wounds, and large amount of bloodloss…// it’s a miracle you are alive, but you can’t be saved…
You wanted to protect Sakurakouji-san no matter what, right?
You… did a great job…
Is that so…painful…? it aches so bad…? Then…I shall free you from the pain
===Page 59===
What the heck are you?
You’re Ogami, right?
Ogami, I’m begging you, take it to the hospital! // Hurry
===Page 60===
Ogamiii! // Why you!
===Page 61-62===
===Page 63===
Sfx on the bubble: haha
What are you, killing the little dog by yourself? So scaariie!
A Merciless Murderer? Oh, wrong, A Merciless Dog Killer, hehehe! [殺人鬼 means A Pitiless Murderer, but, it contains the letter human in there. So 殺犬鬼 means pitiless dog murderer. Err, whatever]
Ah, what a pity, we wanted to play with that dog a bit more…
It wouldn’t be fun now since it’s dead and wouldn’t respond to our kicks anymore. So bor…
===Page 64===
Burn to Ashes [Technically it’s burn and been blowing away]
===Page 65-66===
===Page 67===
Gooo [a English onomatopoeia for fire is…?]
The hell…
He …he got burned…?
What…is this…? This…
The Blue
Hey… You! You did that didn’t you?
Say something you fucker!
What…was just now…what the fuck did you do? [so for so many f words, but since they are kinda desperate and all…]
“What”, did you say…?
===Page 68===
I’m just doing my part-time job of cleaning the garbage
Wha…the heck?
I’ll ask one last time…
===Page 69===
Go hand yourself in and get judged by the law // or die right here // choose one
Either one of them… is cool with me
Don’t you screw around with us! You are the one who’s gonna die!
Don’t underestimate us, we are from the G-Falcon!
We will beat you up like that dog!
===Page 70===
All right…Die here then…
Aside: That was
An eye for an eye!
Aside: Hot yet cold
Aside: Violent yet peaceful
Aside: And Cruel…
A teeth for a teeth!
===Page 71===
Aside: The cruel blue flame…
And evil for evil.
No use of the law for the villains!
Judge them in place of God [technically the sky]
Next: The Hand of the Devil is closing in!

Gosh, this was long.

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#1. by LegACy ()
Posted on Jun 13, 2008
Well, translating those many pages must be real though!

Thanks a lot!
#2. by adachi2 ()
Posted on Jun 13, 2008
Thanks *o*
#3. by predsfan ()
Posted on Jun 13, 2008
thanks a lot!
#4. by nxlouco ()
Posted on Jun 13, 2008
#5. by Elena Kruyech ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Thanks :)
#6. by Vangelis ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Thank you, master. Hmm... (Thinking)

#7. by Mr. Death ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
caesarpk, can anyone use these trans.
#8. by jjmase03 ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
thanks for the trans!
#9. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Thanks for the translation. Hope you'll translate regularly =)
#10. by Phat ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
thanks :D
#11. by motley ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
the thanks button would not do justice for my appreciation for the work done in such a lengthy chapter so... THANKS...
#12. by RyuSensei ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Thanks you cpk D:
#13. by Dr4G0nZ ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
thanks for the translation. :)
#14. by imintheradio ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
thanks yah for the efforts!!
#15. by caesarpk ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Wow, first time ever to receive this many thanks! Now's my turn to thank all of you! I admit it was kinda tough, my brain is kinda burned now i'm not gonna translate again today or tommorow...Wonder who's gonna scanlate this series...

P.S. A little fix: Hammurabi's code = wrong Code of Hammurabi= correct [for those who don't understand this is a law code of the babylonian empire in the euphrates/tigris river valley, and the important part is taht it uses corporal punishment. For example, if you cut another person's finger off, yours would be cut off as the punishment.]
#16. by Assymilum ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Waaa... must be real tough translating 71 pages...!! :O

Thanks for the trans!
#17. by heavens_dragon ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Wowies! Thanks so much for the awesome work, caesarpk, especially with so many pages!
#18. by Christina Sierra ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2008
Thank you so much for your hard work! ^__^
#19. by Assymilum ()
Posted on Jun 15, 2008
Ah, you missed something... I think it's Aoba (Sakura's friend)'s line on page 22, the bottom panel... ^^ Great work, though. :kkthumbs
#20. by Vangelis ()
Posted on Jun 15, 2008
Quote by Rena Chan;906355:
Thanks for the translation. Hope you'll translate regularly =)

Idem :tem

I think that I'll translate it, but first i want see it scanlated ;)
#21. by Shinic744 ()
Posted on Jun 15, 2008
WHOA, what an amazing thing to do.... really BIG THANKS(!!!!) for your hard work, very nice translation! ^_^
#22. by caesarpk ()
Posted on Jun 16, 2008
Oh, right, on page 22 Aoba says "Sakura-chan, you are so daring!"
I wish i could change my script, but I can't... the edit function is not working for me (as my sig says but...Somebody help me!!)
found out I can edit it using Internet Expolorer but not firefox...
#23. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jun 17, 2008
That's weird. I can use the site fine with Firefox...hmm...

I never use IE to browse this site because of some stupid installing thing from the Microsoft Office CD. I dunno if it's still happening now though cause that's with IE6 and I'm using IE7 on my comp now, not that I'm using IE7 to surf the net most of the time anyway. I've long since switched to FireFox and only using IE7 when certain sites need it (ASP coded websites =/) and also for testing my website code (I test it on both IE and FireFox)

Maybe it's because it's not the latest FireFox version?
#24. by caesarpk ()
Posted on Jun 17, 2008
I doubt it. There's firefox in my school's computers, but the edit button still doesn't work for me. AND the button worked before the site moved to delicated hosting. what could this mean?;)

Anyways, it looks like that IE6 (I've been using firefox a bit before IE7 came out) does not direct me to the "error. contact the admin" page, but instead stay on the same page. Then I click the button again and it worked. Hmm...One easy solution would be never to make any mistakes but I'm infested with typos...
#25. by flyingwind ()
Posted on Jun 18, 2008
thanks for the translation

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Feb 15 MH Yearbook 2018 Mangahe...
Mar 1 MH Yearbook 2013 Mangahe...
Jan 19 MH Yearbook 2012 Mangahe...
Nov 14 Houkago 1 Osso
Nov 14 Oragamura 1 Osso
Nov 14 Kenka 1 Osso
Nov 14 101Kg 1 Osso
Nov 14 Murder 1 Osso
Nov 14 Doubles 1 Osso

Latest Translations

Date Manga Ch Lang Translator
Feb 7, 2025 Berserk 124 es 4M4M
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 13 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 12 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 11 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 10 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 9 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 8 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 6 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 5 tr McMaster68
Jan 4, 2025 Dororo 4 tr McMaster68