Byousoku 5 centimeter
To Become Your Number One...
-> RTS Page for Byousoku 5 centimeter 6
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Chapter 6: To Become Your Number One...
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The typhoon is moving toward east-northeast at approximately 25 kilometers per hour.
The pressure at the center is 998 hPa, and the highest wind speed around that area is 18 meters per second.
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Kanae(thought): Ever since that day,
Kanae(thought): There has been many typhoons going through this area.
Kanae(thought): Every time that happened, little by little,
Kanae(thought): This island became cooler.
Kanae: Hey, onee-chan,
Sister: Hm?
Kanae: It's about my future-
Page 4
Kanae: I still don't know what I want to do.
Sister: Yeah.
Kanae: But I decided on something.
Kanae: One by one,
Kanae: I'll start with the things that I CAN do.
Kanae: I'll be going now!
Kanae(thought): "It's the same with everyone."
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"I'm just doing what I can."
Even the water became a bit colder.
While thinking about things like that,
It happened without warning.
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Girl: ...Hey.
Girl: Kanae!
Kanae: Fweh?
Girl: Don't space out as you're eating, it looks really bad-
Girl: There's one,
On your mouth.
Kanae: Ahah.
Kanae: Sorry, what were you saying?
Girl: About how Fukumaru confessed to Sasaki-san.
Girl: Wow, that's how many people already?
Girl: Well, she already has someone she likes, so she turned him down right?
Girl: We're keeping it a secret, so we can't say it-
Girl: But for someone who's going out with her cram school teacher...
Girl: Kanae!
Kanae: Uwah!
Girl: Why have you been smiling like that since this morning? It's creepy.
Girl: Did something happen with Touno-kun?
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Girl: Mmph!
Girl: No way!
Kanae(thought): I can't let it stay a one-sided love forever!
Girl: It's so rare to see you in the library, Sumida-san--
Kanae: Haha--- Once in a while---
Kanae(thought): It's not strange to stay here for a long time.
Kanae(thought): Phew...
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Kanae(thought): Touno-kun...
Kanae(thought): I have to confess to him, now that I rode the wave.
Kanae(thought): I'm sure that I won't be able to say it either in the future.
Kanae: ...
Kanae(thought): I'm no beauty.
Kanae(thought): My skin is really dark because of the sun tan, and my hair is damaged as well.
Kanae(thought): My chest and body won't grow either...
Kanae(thought): Yukko said that to describe me in one word, I would be "seedy"...
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Kanae(thought): Then there's the bad grades, the inability to keep calm, or the lack of some centimeters.
Kanae(thought): I have a prayer, even though it seems hopeless.
Kanae(thought): But, I wish for one thing,
Kanae(thought): Whether it be my teeth, the shape of my nails, or anything,
Kanae(thought): Something that he would like about me.
Kanae(thought): I like you.
Kanae(thought): Do you like me?
Kanae(thought): I like you.
Kanae(thought): O-
Kanae(thought): Wa-wa-wa-
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Kanae: Nn!
Kanae: Sigh...
Touno: Sumida.
Kanae: !!
Kanae: To...
Touno: Are you going back now?
Kanae: Yeah...
Touno: Alright,
Let's go together then.
Kanae: Ok...
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Touno: Wow,
Already made your choice today?
Kanae: Yeah...
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Touno: ...What's wrong?
Kanae(thought): "Don't,"
Kanae(thought): "Say anything."
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It's nothing.
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Touno: Is something wrong?
Kanae: Yeah...
It's acting strange...
Touno: Maybe the connector that's broken.
Is this a hand-me-down?
Kanae: Yeah.
It was my sister's.
Touno: Did it pause when you were speeding up?
Kanae: Maybe it did...
And recent...sometimes I can't start up the engine.
Touno: Seems like it won't work.
Touno: Just leave it here for today,
And have someone come get it later.
Touno: Let's walk back.
Kanae: Huh...? I'll walk by myself!
Touno-kun, you should go back.
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Touno: It's not too far from here,
Touno: And besides...
Touno: I want to walk.
Kanae(thought): Was it,
Kanae(thought): A misunderstanding, I wonder?
Kanae(thought): ...It can't be a misunderstanding.
Kanae(thought): This is reality.
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Why aren't you saying anything?
Why did you say that,
You wanted to go home together?
What are you thinking about?
Why are you so nice to me?
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Touno: ...
Kanae: Fu...!
Kanae: ...!
Touno: Sumida!
Kanae: No...
Touno: What's wrong?
Kanae: Ah...
Kanae: Sorry.
Kanae: It's nothing.
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Kanae(thought): That's not it,
Kanae(thought): Touno-kun.
Kanae: Hii...!
Kanae(thought): I beg you,
Kanae: ...!
Kanae(thought): I beg you,
Touno: Sumida...
Kanae(thought): Please,
Kanae: ---Be...
Kanae(thought): Don't be,
Kanae(thought): Nice to me anymore.
Kanae: ---To me anymore!
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Going toward the dark void far, far away,
The rocket is going somewhere unimaginably far.
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And the dull-headed rocket,
That desperately tries to chase after it.
I knew it a long time ago.
But I pretended to not notice.
I felt that if I manage to ride the wave,
Everything will change.
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Touno-kun is really nice.
Just like this,
He'll willing to walk in the same pace,
Right beside me,
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Kanae(thought): But he's not looking at me.
Kanae: Kabu- I'm back-
Kanae: Touno-kun,
Kanae: Sorry that I made you walk.
Touno: It's nothing.
Touno: I hope Kabu gets well soon.
Kanae: Yeah...
Kanae: Thank you.
Touno: See you tomorrow.
Page 32
Touno-kun is always looking ahead,
At something really far away.
I'm sure that...
He will never look at me.
Page 33
Kanae: Ahahahahaha!
Mom: Kanae! When are you going to watch the TV until!?
Kanae: Ahahaha! But this is...!
Mom: Hurry up and go to bed!
Mom: Seriously...acting like that when you should be worried about the future.
Kanae: Hehe...
Kanae: Kabu-
Kanae: Be quiet inside.
Kanae: Let's sleep together today.
Kanae: It's nice to be inside once in a while, huh.
Kanae: ...
Kanae: Sigh...
Page 34
Kanae: What time should I get up?
Kanae: I don't have to...
Practice in the morning anymore.
Kanae: In the morning, Touno-kun will...
Kanae: But it's no good anymore.
Kanae: Oh yeah...
Kanae: I can't just...
Kanae: See him in the morning,
Kanae: Or come home together anymore.
Kanae: And when I see him in the hallways,
Kanae: I have to make sure to act normal.
Kanae: I'm sure that Touno-kun,
Will act like nothing happened.
Kanae: Because he is so nice...
Page 35
Hey, Kabu.
It's over.
It's over.
It's over.
It's all over...
Page 36
But as for me,
Tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that,
I will continue to like Touno-kun.
As I thought, I can't stop myself,
From liking Touno-kun.
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I will always like Touno-kun.
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