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Code:Breaker 38

+ posted by Hananira as translation on Apr 1, 2009 20:45 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 38

Page 1:
♪にゃんにゃんにゃんまる みんなのなかま
Nyan, Nyan, Nyanmaru Everyone's friend

こころやさしいい にゃんこのみかた〜〜〜〜
Gentle-hearted, ally of the kittens~~~

きえゆくいのちのはかなさと だれよりかなしみしっている
He understands the transience of vanishing life and sadness, greater than anyone's

いつしかみんなおもいだす ぜんあくきりさく いのちのおもみ〜〜〜〜
Before they notice, everyone will remember [to] Cut up all evil, [and] The importance of life~~~~~

「いのちあるかぎりいきるのだ!!」 にゃんにゃんにゃんまる いのちのみかた〜〜〜〜
"As long as there is life, I'll live!!" Nyan, Nyan, Nyanmaru, ally of life~~~~

If I think about "w-h-y" tomorrow, it'll be fine

Sakura and Nyanmaru: "Nyanchi"

C'mon!! Let's sing the "Nyanmaru" song together---!

Code 38: Real Nyanmaru

Page 2:

[Note: The background hiragana is Yuuki singing the "Nyanmaru" song. Please refer to page 1 for the lyrics]

「存在しない者」[note: read as コード:ブレイカー]達はどう動く!?
The demonic hand of "The sought-after one"!!
How will the Code: Breakers move!?

大神がいない..... どこへいったのだ!? 刻君 遊騎君 はやく見つけなくては.....
Sakura: Oogami's not here. . . . Where did he go!? Toki-kun, Yuuki-kun, if we don't find him fast. . . . .

いーんじゃね?  ほっとけば
Toki: Isn't it okay? If we back off.

Sakura: !?

「捜シ者」の件はともかくとして 大神が誰に狙われてようと護んなきゃなんねー理由はねえヨ オレも遊騎もネ
Toki: "The sought-after one" in question is, generally speaking, somebody Oogami's aiming for; and he doesn't have to be protected. [There's] No reason to, for me or Yuuki.

同じ『コード:ブレイカー』でも仕事[Note: Read as バイト]でない限り互いに助け合う必要もないしネ
Toki: Even though we're both "Code: Breakers," it's limited to the job. Saving each other's not a requirement.

Sakura: What!?

まあ 大神が死んだら他の異能者がコード:06になるだけだし
Toki: Well, if Oogami dies, another person with a special ability'd just become Code: 06.

Page 3:

Sakura: Isn't Oogami's life being targeted!?

Sakura: Are you guys people who'd consider the importance of life!?
[Lit. Your/(you guys's) thoughts, are you people who go to the extent of (thinking about) the importance of life?]

Toki: 'scuse me, would you recite that sweltering stuff for me?

私は一人でも捜しに行くぞ!! こうしてる間にも大神が....
Sakura: I'll look for him by myself! If I do this way, the distance between Oogami and I is. . . .

Toki: Where would y'look!?

Sakura: Th . . . . . That's. . . . .

ホレ言ってミ? ホレホレ どこ捜すんだヨ? どのへんデスカ〜〜〜〜?
Toki: Come on, try telling me? C'mon now, where would you look? What are his whereabouts~~~~~?

バ..バカ!! よせ!! ....わかったっ!! 言いすぎた!!
Toki: I.. idiot! Get off!! . . . . . I got it!! I said too much!!

とにかく 急いで捜すのだ!!
Sakura: Anyway, I have to look for him quickly!!

ゆ..遊騎君!? 止めてもムダ....
Sakura: Yu. .Yuuki-kun!? Stopping me is useless. . . .

Yuuki: I'll do it.

Page 4:

Sakura: Yuuki-kun. . . . !?

大神[Note: Read as ろくばん]の居場所わかったわ
Yuuki: I know Number Six's location.

Yuuki: It's over there.

Page 5:

さあ..... 「捜シ者」の居場所教えてもらいましょうか....
Oogami: Come now. . . . . Will you tell me the location of "the sought-after one?"

あら そんなに知りたいの? じゃあ この手を離して頂戴 リリイを殺しては「捜シ者」の居場所はわからないままよ?
Lily: Oh, you want to know that? Well then, release that hand. If you kill me, you won't know the location of "the sought-after one"

まあ こうして ずっとあなたに抱きしめられているのも悪くは.....
Lily: Well, being embraced by you like this forever is bad too. . . . .

悪[Note: Read as クズ]のお前を殺すことをオレが躊躇するとでも思ったか.....
Oogami: You think I'd hesitate to kill trash like you. . . . . ?

Oogami: If you won't tell me, I'll just burn you to ashes.

Page 6:

It's a couple!

They're not flirting

U. . . . .

tsu. . . . .

Oogami: Wh. . . .

あら? フフフ 体の自由がきかないほど具合で悪いようね リリイの体に触れたからよ♡
Lily: Oh? Fufufu, You look like you're in bad health, at the point where you can't move your body freely; because you touched Lily's body.♡
Lily (written in the bubble): I'll look after you

Oogami: Wh. . What did. . . you. . do . . . . .?

Page 7:

Lily: Lily's special ability is "Secretion."
あらゆる代謝産物を生成し 皮膚腺から分泌することができるの
LilyAny metabolized product can be generated, and secreted through glands in the skin.

モルヒネなんかのアルカロイド糸神経毒の分泌で 触れた者を麻痺させるなんて簡単よ?
Lily: With a secreted neurotoxic alkaloid like Morphine, it's easy to numb people who've touched me

Oogami: Ku....!!

あらあら 暴れないのよ? ムダだから
Lily: My, my, don't fret? Since it's useless.

大神 リリイとキスしちゃう? コブラの猛毒で楽にしてあげるわよ?
Lily: Oogami, would you kiss Lily? I'll make it more comfortable with cobra venom?

Oogami: Ku....!!

Yukihina: Why are you playing around, Lily?

Page 8;

「捜シ者」がお待ちだというのに .....もう時間だ
Yukihina: Even though I said "the sought-after one" is waiting. . . . . . It's already time.

Oogami: You . . . . .

Oogami: Are you Yukihina!?

Yukihina: . . . . . [You're] an unsightly figure.

Yukihina: It's been a while. . . . now Oogami, was it?

どこまで無粋な男なの? 雪比奈っ
Lily: How boorish a guy can you be? Yukihinaaa, can't you understand I'm having fun right now?

Lily: This time. . . . .

Page 9:

Lily: It looks like you won't be able to use the blue flame again, when I melt your left arm with concentrated sulfuric acid with "Secretion"!!


Sakura: STO

Sakura: STOP IT------!!

Sakura: I absolutely won't let you kill Oogami!!

Puppy: ARF!

あら あなたも無事だったの? お•ま•け•に興味はないのよリリイは
Oh, you're alright too? Lily doesn't have any interest in f-r-e-e-b-i-e-s.


Page 10:

な..... 何をしにきた ....さっさと 帰れ.....
Oogami: Wh. . . . . Why'd you come here . . . . . Hurry up and go home . . . . .

Oogami: . . . . . you're a hindrance

お前はバカか?  そんな体のお前を放っておけるワケないだろう!!
Sakura: Are you stupid? You can't free yourself with that body!!

あ..あなたには関係ない..... 助けられる理由もない.....
Oogami: Th. . this has nothing to do with you. . . . There's no reason for you to save me. . . . . .

はなせー オレは関係ネエ〜〜!
Toki: Leggo! I got nothing to do with this~~!

またそれか!! お前といい 刻君といい お前達 『コード:ブレイカー』は理由ばかり捜している!!
Sakura: That again!? That's fine for you and Toki-kun, You "Code: Breakers" are always looking for nothing but reasons!!

Sakura: What's so great about them?!

Sakura: I want to save you, so I will. . . . that's all!!

Page 11:

Kagemaru: Nyanmaru, why are you saving me, your enemy, "Kagemaru"?

Nyanmaru: What's that-nya?

Nyanmaru: Ummmmm

Nyanmaru: I'll think about that tomorrow-nyan

Nyanmaru: Nyanmaru saves others because he wants to-nyan
[Note: It doesn't really specifically say who Nyanmaru saves, so let's go with "others?"]

Nyanmaru saves others because he wants to-nyan

にゃん にゃん.....
Nyan nyan.....

Yuuki: Nyan. . . . . maru . . . .

Yuuki: was real. . . . .
[Note: Literally "existed"]

Page 12:

目障りな女ね こーゆー女って単に殺すんじゃなくて.....
Lily: What an unpleasant woman. I can't simply kill a girl like you. . . . . .

Lily: so I'll melt that face into a pulp!

Page 13:

Lily: Wha!?

「にゃんまる」の言う通りや 大神[ろくばん]も「にゃんまる」もオレが護るし
Yuuki: It's as "Nyanmaru" says. I'll protect Number Six and "Nyanmaru"

Sakura: Eh. . . . . ?

Lily: Oh my, that restless and nimble. . . . .

Lily: Br. . . .

Page 14-15:

Lily: at. . . . .

[Note: The "こ...." and "と....." on pages 13 and 15 are actually connected to the sentence on page 13, but don't really add to the english version of the sentence, so the full sentence was dragged out.]

Yuuki: No good. . . . .
You've gone too far

Page 16:

Lily: Fufu, for the unsightly rat,

Lily: I'll melt you to the bone!!

Lily: H-- he's fast!?

Lily: What is that!? This power . . . . .

Lily: . . . . . But

私には誰も触れられない!! 触れなきゃ斃せないわよ?
Lily: I won't be touched by anyone!! Don't you have to touch me to kill me?

Yuuki: I won't touch . . . . .

Page 17:

Yuuki: You

Page 18:

Sakura: Wha. . . . . .!?

Sakura: Yu. . Yuuki-kun's special ability is

Oogami: It's "Sound"

Oogami: He can hear all sounds, no matter how far away, emit sound waves, and even manipulate shock waves.

Oogami: The one and only ability, which allows him to move at the speed of sound.

言ったでしょう? だれにも遊騎を止めることはできないと
Oogami: Didn't I tell you? No one can stop Yuuki.

.....ったく どいつもこいつも護る護んねーとクソウゼエ.....
Toki: . . . . . geez, you can't save every last one of them, you damn noisy. . . . .

Sakura: Yuuki-kun

Sakura: Thank you

Nyanmaru: Thank you-nyan
nyan nyan

Yuuki: "Nyanmaru"

Toki: Is that guy making some great big mistake?

Page 19:

Lily: . . . . . . You brat!!

Lily: This isn't fun! Do you want Lily to get serious!?


あ..あいつ!? 見方を気絶させた!?
Sakura: Th. . That guy!? He knocked out an ally!?
[Note: 気絶させた Literally means he made her faint or swoon, which doesn't sound right in context.]

Yuuki: . . . . . That guy's real strong.

Page 20:

Yukihina: Since we're out of time, we'll take our leave today.

待て 雪比奈.....「捜シ者」はどこだ!? あいつは何をしようとしている!?
Oogami: Wait, Yukihina. . . . . . Where's "the sought-after one"!? Do you know what they're going to do!?

Yukihina: Oogami. . . . . You've degraded to the likes of a "Code: Breaker"

Yukihina: Don't get in our way.

Yukihina: . . . . . If we meet next time, I'll definitely kill you.

Oogami's acquaintance - Yukihina!!
What was their former relationship!?
And what is "the sought-after one" planning!?

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#1. by Shurou ()
Posted on Apr 23, 2009
Oh my... with transcriptions as well.... I take off my hats to you, madame.

About the author:

Alias: Hananira
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