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Bloody Monday Season 2 - Pandora's Box 1

The Grounded Falcon

+ posted by js06 as translation on Oct 14, 2009 23:09 | Go to Bloody Monday Season 2 - Pandora's Box

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For JAC only

Here it is! Bloody Monday Season 2 begins.

Chapter 01


Text at top: New Serialization and 58 Pages!!
Flight Attendant: Sorry, but you need to hand me any bottles or anything you have.
Flight Attendant: You can't bring liquids on the plane.

Text: A deadly weapon suddenly appears in the airport!!


Text at the top: It's been half a year since Season 1 finished serialization. This time the scale, tension, and excitement will be even greater than last time!!
Text over Fujimaru: Season 2 begins.
Yellow text: A total of over 3.5 million sold!! All 11 volumes of the highly praised Bloody Monday Season 1 are on sale now!
Text below that: Bloody Monday Season 2 Pandora's Box
Red text on the left side: The door to hell will open again!!
Title: File 1 The Grounded Falcon


Flight Attendant: Wah!

Woman: I-I'm so sorry!
Woman: Hey! You can't do that!
Text right of woman: Waaah!

Kid: Baang!
Kid: Eye!


Flight Attendant: Ah ha ha...You got me.
Flight Attendant: We've got ourselves a little terrorist.
Flight Attendant: I'll catch you!
Kid: Bang bang!
Woman: I'm sorry...

Woman: We have to take out the water inside of them.
Text right of woman: C'mon, give them to me.
Kid: Ah...
Flight Attendant: That's right.
Flight Attendant: We'll just take the water inside...

Woman: I really am sorry.
Man: Don't worry about it.
Man: Here you go.
Text right of other woman: How cute.



Woman: Okay?
Woman: When I leave, lock the door.
Woman: And wait here until this clock's alarm goes off.

Woman: If you don't, mama won't be coming back for you.
Woman: ...Can you do it?

Kid: ...I'll try.

Woman: Good boy.
Woman: See you, kid.


Man: How's the kid?
Woman: He's behaving.

Man: They won't get suspicious about there being fewer people?
Woman: Don't worry.
Woman: Kids under three fly free and don't need a seat and they don't check age.

Woman: This doll should fool them about the number of people.

Woman: If they don't ask about the stroller, we'll get through the gate.

Man: At times like this...
Man: a kid is an "Indispensable Item".


Man: What is it?
Man: Are you worried about someone else's kid?
Woman: No.

Man: This is Beast.
Man: I've met up with Snow White.
Man: We're boarding the flight to Haneda!

Hibiki: Haa
Hibiki: Haa
Hibiki: Haa


Hibiki: Good...
Hibiki: morning!


Manager: Morning.
Manager: You're late, Hibiki-chan.
Fujimaru: Mornin'.
Hibiki: Good morning, manager!

Hibiki: I lost track of the time watching the news.
Hibiki: Did you know?
Hibiki: There's been a series of killings in this neighborhood.

Hibiki: Three people have already been killed.
Hibiki: And the people killed had no more connection than that they all lived alone!
Manager: Oh...Things sure are dangerous.

Hibiki: It said they were given something like a poisonous gas while eating...
Hibiki: Doesn't it sound like it's indiscriminate killing?
Hibiki: I don't like this.

Hibiki: Hey, manager! Isn't this scary?
Hibiki: The fortune I got at New Year's was terrible luck. What if it comes true...?
Fujimaru: Gya ha ha ha!
Fujimaru: This is ridiculous and awesome!


Hibiki: Ridic-
Hibiki: Geez!

Hibiki: Listen to what people are saying,
Hibiki: Fujimaru-kun!
Fujimaru: Eh?
Fujimaru: What?

Hibiki: Manager! Fujimaru-kun's just sitting there laughing at manga on the job!
Hibiki: Is that really okay? Isn't this place known for its serenity!?
Fujimaru: Geh.
Fujimaru: Wait, Hibiki...

Manager: Yeah...
Manager: I guess.
Manager: It really is calm...
Hibiki: Ah.
Hibiki: Not like that, manager! I wasn't trying to point out that there aren't many customers...


Hibiki: Ah!
Hibiki: Look, manager! Customers! Okay?
Fujimaru: Ahh...
Fujimaru: Welcome to-

Aoi: Morning, Fujimaru.
Aoi: Long time no see!

Fujimaru: Aoi.
Fujimaru: And Otoya.
Fujimaru: What about college? Monday morning and you're already skipping?
Otoya: The first class was cancelled.
Otoya: And Fujimaru, is this really the time to be getting a job? Aren't you supposed to be studying to pass the entrance exam next time?


Fujimaru: I am. I do it when I'm not working.
Hibiki: No, no! That's a big fat lie.
Hibiki: Just now he was laughing his ass off to a manga.

Aoi: That's what I thought!
Aoi: Shouldn't you be getting Kujou-san to tutor you?
Text right of Fujimaru: Otoya's too strict.
Fujimaru: Geh.
Fujimaru: Don't joke.

Otoya: Ah...yeah.
Otoya: That's right.
Otoya: If Fujimaru actually tried, he could even get into our technology department.
Fujimaru: Waah. Otoya...you...
Fujimaru: You really have a way of saying things diplomatically, don't you?

Aoi: Kujou-san...Don't say things like that!
Aoi: Tokyo U's impossible for him!
Aoi: Math isn't the only thing Fujimaru's good at.

Aoi: How about you take the exam for a private university that doesn't put many subjects on the exam? Like my school?
Aoi: You could even join my team...
Text above Aoi: Lifetime of karate
Fujimaru: No.
Fujimaru: I don't think I will.

Aoi: I'm speaking diplomatically, too.
Aoi: I know that people like you aren't good at this kind of thing.
Aoi: And you weren't very serious about your college entrance exams, were you?
Aoi: For you, it has to be computers...


Hibiki: Oh, no.
Hibiki: What do I do!?

Hibiki: I'm sorry, manager!
Hibiki: I think your computer froze up!

Hibiki: What do I do, what do I do...
Hibiki: Hey, Fujimaru-kun! What should I do when it does this?


Fujimaru: Well...
Fujimaru: I don't really...
Fujimaru: know much about that kind of thing.

Hibiki: Oh, that's right. What do I do...?
Hibiki: Oh, crap.
Hibiki: I've got a class I have to go to!

Hibiki: Sorry, manager!
Hibiki: I leave the computer and my things with you!
Manager: Eh!?
Hibiki: I'll be back in the afternoon as usual!

Manager: Damn it. I guess I have no choice...


Aoi: ...I see.

Aoi: Fujimaru...
Aoi: You're still...not doing it...


Flight Attendant: Sir, ma'am, are you okay?
Flight Attendant: I can go get you some medicine.
Snow White: No...
Snow White: We're fine.
Beast: Excuse us.

SFX: *close*


Beast: Just to make sure you know, the masks are just for peace of mind.
Beast: The VX gas is 28 times more toxic than sarin.
Beast: It's not very volatile, but, if you inhale it, you'll die instantly and, if it gets on your skin, you can't be saved.
Beast: Attack using the gas gun as little as possible...Also...

Beast: This is the antidote, atropine.
Beast: It should have some effect if worse comes to worse.

Beast: Let's go.


Flight Attendant: Ah.
Flight Attendant: How are you, sir, ma'am?

Flight Attendant: Um...
Flight Attendant: Sir, ma'am!??

Flight Attendant: Sir, ma'am!!
Flight Attendant: That's the cockpit. You can't go there...


Snow White: Open the door.

Snow White: This has a fatal nerve gas in it.
Snow White: Don't make any unnecessary movements.

Flight Attendant: Eh...?
Man: Hey, stop this!!

Beast: Snow White.
Beast: Give them an example.


Man: ...U....!!


Flight Attendant: Kyaaah!!
Flight Attendant2: Ee!
Beast: Don't panic!!
Beast: Open the door!

Beast: Stand guard.
Snow White: Ok.

Copilot: ...Eh?
Pilot: Wait...You...
Pilot: What are...?


Pilot: Gwaaah!
Copilot: Th-the pilot...
Copilot: Gyaah....!

Flight Attendant: Ee!
Flight Attendant: Eeeee!
Snow White: Quiet.

Snow White: If you don't want to die, do as I say.

Flight Attendant: Uh...

Beast: I have control.
Beast: Let's move to the next stage.
Snow White: Ok.


Snow White: To all passengers and crew...
Snow White: We have just now hijacked this plane.

Snow White: Don't panic or leave your seats.
Passengers: Huh?
Passengers: Hey!
Passengers: Eh?
Passengers: Is this a drill?
Passengers: You're kidding, right?

Snow White: Anyone who doesn't obey will be killed.

Snow White: We won't hesitate!


Snow White: I repeat.
Snow White: If you don't want to die, don't panic or leave your seats...!!

Announcement: Emergency message to all "Third-i" investigators.
Announcement: We have a report from Haneda Airport.


Announcement: Japanese Sky Line Flight 223 that left Fukuoka Airport at 8:20 heading to Haneda has been hijacked.
Announcement: Condition Red. Everyone get to your posts.

Hagiwara: Sawakita-kun.
Hagiwara: Call Kaidou-kun and Tsukamoto-kun to the meeting room.
Sawakita: Yes, Chief Hagiwara.


Hagiwara: How can the section chief and his substitute both be gone at a time like this...

Sawakita: Unfortunately...
Sawakita: problems only seem to occur at times like that, Chief Hagiwara.

Hagiwara: ...You were here during that terrorist trouble when former chief Sonoma was here, huh?
Hagiwara: I heard that not only was the chief gone, but the section chief was killed and things kept going wrong...

Hagiwara: I don't intend to let anything foolish like that happen.
Hagiwara: Don't worry.


Sawakita: Roger that.
Sawakita: I'll call everyone together for the meeting.

Hikita: God, this is such a pain!
Hikita: A hijacking when the party election is tomorrow...
Kujou: Control yourself, Hikita-kun.
Kujou: This is an emergency.


Hikita: I'm sorry, Minister Kujou.
Hikita: But this is such an important time. You're finally going to be Prime Minister Kujou...

Kujou: What we need to do now...
Kujou: is find out what they want.

SFX: Rinnnng


Hagiwara: Minister Kujou.
Hagiwara: This is Hagiwara.
Hagiwara: The hijackers' demand has been given to us via air traffic control.

Kujou: Okay.
Kujou: Let me hear it.
SFX: *click*
Hagiwara: Yes, sir.

Hagiwara: Their demand is...
Hagiwara: the release of ...
Hagiwara: the leader of the "Shooter of the Magic Bullet", Hino Alexei.


Hikita: R...
Hikita: Ridiculous!! Do you know what you're saying?

Hikita: We can't release the leader of a terrorist organization...
Hikita: as dangerous...no more dangerous than Kamishima Simon's cult...

Kujou: What did...
Kujou: they say they would do if we refused their demands?
Sawakita: Sir.

Sawakita: According to the hijackers, they've already killed the pilot, copilot, and purser.
Sawakita: It seems they're piloting it themselves...


Sawakita: And in 2 hours...
Sawakita: they will crash the plane somewhere in Tokyo.

Kujou: What do they mean by "somewhere"?
Sawakita: They didn't say any more.

Sawakita: It could be Kasumigaseki or it could be right in the middle of Shinjuku.

Sawakita: In any case, there could be thousands or tens of thousands of victims...

Kujou: Since we don't know where they'll crash it, it'll be hard to decide what places to evacuate.
Kujou: This is realistically impossible. Even if we reinforce the area, they could just change their target to a city on the outskirts.
Kujou: This is a terrible situation.

Kujou: So...
Kujou: I want to hear your ideas.


Kaidou: This is Kaidou.
Kaidou: From information we got earlier, a member of my team, Investigator Makimura, happens to be on the hijacked plane!
Kaidou: The plane is a new model that is equipped with a wireless LAN inside.
Kaidou: Using that, we have managed to access him by means of emailing his portable device.

Hagiwara: Right now our only option is to contact Investigator Makimura...
Hagiwara: but we now have a possibility...
Hagiwara: of stopping these terrorists!

Kujou: ...Hino Alexei.

Kujou: Releasing "that" is the worst option.
Kujou: It's our last resort.


Kujou: Keep the sacrifices to the minimum.
Kujou: In order to do that...
Kujou: we'll do what we have to.

Hagiwara: ...Yes, sir.

Hagiwara: We'll do everything we can...to stop this!!

Hikita: ...Sir.
Hikita: I sympathize with how you feel.
Hikita: Because of the matter with Otoya-kun...

Hikita: you know very well how dangerous he is...
Kujou: That's the reason why...


Kujou: there are times you have to do what you have to do...

Kaidou: Attacking the enemy recklessly is obviously dangerous.
Kaidou: To stop the plane from crashing into the capital...we need to think about shooting it down.
Hagiwara: Have the JSDF jets been scrambled!?

Kaidou: Yes.
Kaidou: But...there's a possibility that's there aim.

Kaidou: It's possible they're trying to get the people to hold animosity towards us by having a military jet shoot down a civilian plane.
Kaidou: We should leave that as our truly last resort.

Hagiwara: I understand what you mean already!
Hagiwara: Do you have any other ideas!?


Tsukamoto: The information processing team had the idea of going from the LAN network in the plane to the control system...
Tsukamoto: in order to take over the plane's piloting functions!
Tsukamoto: How about that?

Hagiwara: Tsukamoto-kun,
Hagiwara: is that possible?
Tsukamoto: The hijacked plane has a cutting-edge autopilot system on it.

Tsukamoto: It's computer controlled and has a system to connect with a GPS satellite and the airport so it can fly and land on it's own.
Tsukamoto: We can control it from outside using the LAN...
Tsukamoto: if only we can cut off the controls within the plane...!!

Hagiwara: You're saying you can hack into the plane's systems!!
Tsukamoto: Yes!


Tsukamoto: But the wireless LAN in the plane is only meant to connect to the internet so it isn't connected to the piloting systems.
Tsukamoto: To force it to connect would require amazing ideas and skills.
Tsukamoto: I don't know if there's anyone on the "Third-i" staff who could do it...

Hagiwara: Sawakita-kun, you're a veteran. Can you do it?
Sawakita: Unfortunately, I'm not a hacker and this isn't something you can do just from having experience.

Sawakita: As far as I know...
Sawakita: there's only one person...
Sawakita: who could pull this off.


Hagiwara: That hacker...
Hagiwara: huh...!?

Otoya: ...It's about time for me to go.
Otoya: Thanks for the drink.
Otoya: Say hi to your dad and Haruka-chan for me.

Fujimaru: I can tell Haruka soon enough...but as for my dad...
Fujimaru: he's overseas for work, so I'll have to email him later.
Aoi: Ryuunosuke-sensei sounds as busy as ever...
Aoi: Does he call?
Fujimaru: Occasionally.

Otoya: Fujimaru.
Otoya: I'll pay for Asada's as well.
Aoi: Eh!? No...
Aoi: You don't have to do that, Kujou-san!
Fujimaru: Oh! Then I'll use that money for my lunch!
Aoi: Don't joke around.
SFX: *clatter*

Fujimaru: Oh.
Fujimaru: Welcome to-


Fujimaru: Minami-san!
Minami: ...It's been a while, Fujimaru...!

Aoi: She's from...
Aoi: 2 years ago...!!
Otoya: It's Minami-san.
Otoya: She was a "Third-i" investigator.

Fujimaru: What are you doing here?
Fujimaru: Didn't you go back to the JSDF...?
Minami: They hunted me down.

Minami: You understand, don't you!?


Minami: Once again, we need...
Minami: your abilities!

Minami: We don't have time to hang around.
Minami: I'll explain on the way...
Fujimaru: Wait a second!!

Fujimaru: Are you...
Fujimaru: telling me to hack?
Minami: Huh!?
Minami: What else would we be asking you to do!?

Fujimaru: I...
Fujimaru: don't do that anymore.
Minami: ...What!?


Fujimaru: I'm not...
Fujimaru: a hacker anymore!

Minami: You...!!

Minami: Hey...I know that incident was tough!
Minami: But...
Fujimaru: I...!!


Fujimaru: Because I was a hacker...
Fujimaru: I got people wrapped up in it...

Minami: But...!!
Minami: If you hadn't been there, we might all be dead!
Minami: Me and everyone else here...
Minami: are alive because of you...

Fujimaru: That may be true.
Fujimaru: But I've...had enough.

Fujimaru: I...


Fujimaru: "Falcon" will never appear again.

Fujimaru: He...
Fujimaru: no longer exists...!!


Minami: Fujimaru...!!

Snow White: I'll tell you again. This is no toy.

Snow White: It's a real poison gas gun.


Snow White: The poison's powerful enough to kill you if it just gets on your skin.
Snow White: If you don't want to die, don't even think about resisting!!

Passengers: Uh...
Passengers: *sob*
Passengers: Wahhh

On phone:
From: Kaidou
To: Makimura
October 12th 09:01
Investigator Makimura Shinji
This plane has an autopilot system. If you can take out the terrorists, it might be able to land itself safely. Wait for a good chance and choose your timing.


Makimura: There's only an hour until we reach Tokyo...
Makimura: If I waste any time, the JSDF'll shoot us down.
Makimura: There are two terrorists...

Makimura: If I can get that gun from her...

Snow White: ...What?

Makimura: Ah...um...
Makimura: I need to use the bathroom...
Makimura: The woman should be easier to deal with.

Snow White: The bathroom?
Makimura: I'm about to wet my pants. Please!
Makimura: I beg you...
Makimura: I'll have to...
Makimura: make my opportunity...!!!


Beast: What is it?
Snow White: He needs the bathroom...

Beast: I'll take him.
Beast: ...Walk.

Makimura: Shit...!! I can't go to the bathroom as many times as I want.
Makimura: I'll just have to take down this guy...!!

Makimura: ...Tch.
Makimura: He's not giving me any openings.
Makimura: He's a tough one...


Makimura: But...
Makimura: I...
Makimura: get the feeling I've seen him somewhere before...

Beast: ...Get in.
Beast: Don't close the door.

Woman: I-I need to go, too!

Woman: Let me use the bathroom!!

Makimura: Now!!


Makimura: If you use the poison gas now...
Makimura: you'll die, too!!

Beast: We're not afraid of death.


Makimura: Wha...?

Makimura: Bh...
Makimura: ...Gh...


Makimura: It can't be...
Makimura: You're...!!

Makimura: Taka...

Makimura: gi...


Text: The man's identity is Takagi Ryuunosuke!! What is Fujimaru's dad, once a man of justice, doing!?

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