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Code:Breaker 66

+ posted by Ju-da-su as translation on Nov 18, 2009 16:19 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 66

Sorry for being late...my schedule just became tight all of the sudden with my university work... ._."

Got to find some times to start catching up for the Thai one...T_T

Please proofread before any use.

code:66 "The Top Priority"

Pg. 1
Sakurakouji - [What exactly is the room this mysterious mechanical doll, "Inoichi", is guarding!?]
Inoichi - Anyone who crossed the borderline is to be eliminated.
** The mechanical doll who guards the secret room, "Inoichi"!! By who and for what purpose is she made for!? **

Toki - This seriously is shady!! She looks exactly like a human.
Sakurakouji - But how does she function?
Yuuki - I want to try having my head fall off too.
Sakurakouji - [All the mysteries are hidden in this room...I want to get in!! I want to get in and check it out!!]

Pg. 2
Sakurakouji - I'm sorry, president...
Toki - Since it has come down to this...GO!! OGAMI!!
President - 3-on-1? This is cheating~~
Inoichi - You may pass.
Ogami - Excuse me then.

President - You don't care about your training anymore?

You're not going to break our relationship as teacher and student, are you?

You understand now, Ogami-kun?

Ogami - I...I beg your pardon.
President - Of course.
Yuuki - "Nisemaru" was cuter when he was tiny.
Toki - DANG IT!! He was completely coaxed!!

Sakurakouji - But what exactly is this room then...?

Rui - This room is the Pandora Box.
President - Hachiouji-kun!! I told you to keep it a secret!!
Sakurakouji - Eh!?

Pg. 3
Rui - "He" had been searching for the Pandora box which is inside here.
It's said that those who opened it will have their DNA imprinted to become the most powerful power user.

Toki - What'll he do once he become the strongest then?
Heike - I see. I would expect as much from a former "Re-CODE". You're pretty well-informed.

Sakurakouji - Pandora Box...

Pg. 4
[Is it "that thing" that Yukihina-dono once said...?]
Yukihina - Ogami, has your imprinted memory of opening
Pandora's Box within your genetic code already gone?
Ogami - EVIL for EVIL.
Sakurakouji - [Though it would seem that Ogami can't remember anything...]

President - Alright!! That's enough now!!
Toki - HUH~~!!

Ogami - You...stop joking already!!
Toki - The key!! Hand over the key!!
President - Whoa!?

Of course!!
Toki - HEY...

Yuuki - I saw his inside just now.
Toki - ...A human. He's a human...
President - Phew...everything is back to norm-...


Pg. 5
The one who crossed the borderline are to be eliminated.
Rui - Guess she can't help it, since she hasn't moved out of there one bit.
Ogami - Is it really OK for us to leave her like this?

"Inoichi"-san, want to go upstairs with us?
Rui - It's useless. Let's get going.

Inoichi - All eliminated.

Sakurakouji - "Inoichi"-dono!! You'll become lonely if you stay here, so let's go up together.
Rui - Sakurakouji...I'd say that it won't work, didn't I?

Inoichi - Yes, understood. That’s my top priority.

Pg. 6
Ogami - Eh...!?
Sakurakouji - That's good!! So you understand me.

This is what I called personal virtue.
Heike - Fufufu...now that's interesting.

Inoichi - Tea: The drink made from modified leaves
Cup & Saucer: The object of which holds the drink, and the plate it's set on.

Yuuki - I already knew that.
Toki - ...Heh? Isn't she kind of cute when she is well-behaved?

excluding how she let Sakura-chan sat on top of her...

Pg. 7
I..."Inoichi"-dono, I want to drink my tea, so may I get down...
Inoichi - 87 C, temperature is over the suitable level. Risk of getting burnt presented.


Rui - Let go of Sakurakouji already!! You're just so rude!!

Inoichi - Oh.
Rui - KYAA

Worry not. I'm the perfect guardian.
Sakurakouji - I...I see...

Heike - She indeed is perfect, both knowledgeable and polite. [fufufu]
Inoichi - I thank you for those kind words.

Sakurakouji - I've to get up early tomorrow, so I'm off to bed now. [I'm sweating as well, so maybe I should take some bath.]

Pg. 8
..."Inoichi"-dono, why do you have to follow me...?

Inoichi - Because it's my top priority.
Sakurakouji - Huh?

Inoichi - It's my top priority.

It's my top priority.

It's my top priority.
Sakurakouji - Wh-...

Pg. 9
Inoichi - It's my top priority.


Sakurakouji - "Inoichi"-dono...it's already late at night, so maybe you should go to bed?

Inoichi - Interrogation: why do I have to go? Being by your side is my top priority.
Sakurakouji - [I-...

[I seriously don't get her...why does she have to stick with me!?]

Pg. 10
Ogami - ...You seem really exhausted...

Sakurakouji - Can you do something about this, Ogami...!! "Inoichi"-dono is...
Ogami - Oh? It's rather unusual for you to be that troubled.

Do you understand how I feel with you stalking me around better now?
Sakurakouji - Ngh...!? Bu-...But that isn't the same as...
Ogami - Fufufu

Even you said so, "Inoichi" won't listen to what I say anyway...
Inoichi - It's my top-...
Sakurakouji - Eh!?

"Inoichi"-dono...? [You're going back now?]

Pg. 11
Yuuki - No use, the door is so tough. My "sound" won't even bulge it.
I'm curious of what's inside.

Inoichi - Eliminated.

Toki - Yuuki!?

Yuuki - I seriously want to know what's behind this door.

Inoichi - Special power confirmed.

Pg. 12

Toki - Huh!?
Ogami - What...!? What's she...

Yuuki - "Ino-...what're you...
My power is...


Pg. 13
Sakurakouji - "Inoichi"-dono, what did you do to Yuuki-kun...
Yuuki - Seems like she ate my power.
Toki - Huh!?

President - Does that surprise you!? "Inoichi" isn't just a plain mechanical doll!!
Toki - No need for you to tell me that!!

Pg. 14
"Inoichi" is an anti-power user doll made from a "certain special power".
Yuuki - Let me go.
Inoichi - I'm a perfect guardian.
President - Of course!! She can eat special power!!

Toki - She seriously...ate it down...?
Ogami - The power to create a mechanical doll...?
Heike - Indeed, she'll make a special all-guard against any kind of power with this.

Inoichi – It’s my top priority.
Sakurakouji - Oh...

Are you going to stay close to me again, "Inoichi"-dono...can you give me just a little resting time?
To be honest, I become a bit tired having you following me so closely.

Let's play together again tomorrow.

Pg. 15
Ogami - Sa-...


Toki - This worn-out apartment!! I'll stop it with my "magnetism"...

Sakurakouji - It-...It sto-...

Pg. 16

Pg. 17
Let...!! Let go!! If not, you'll...


Inoichi - Protecting you is my top priority.
"Inoichi" is for that purpose.

Pg. 18
[Protecting you is my top priority.]
["Inoichi" is for that purpose; the mechanical doll made for you.]

Sakurakouji - ..."Inoichi", I don't know when or where,
but I've met you before long, long time ago...

Inoichi - I will protect you as long as I can function,
and ever.

Pg. 19
Sakurakouji - I...I'm sorry, "Inoichi"...you've always been by my side...
[Always, ever since that time...]

[She still is trying]

[to protect me, without changes...]
Inoichi - Interrogation: Why are you apologizing?
Protecting you is my top priority.

Pg. 20
Toki - Sa-...Sakura-chan?

Ogami - Sakurakouji-kun's memory is starting to come back.

President - "He" will come in no time.

...The cog-wheel of fate can no longer be stopped.

She too can no longer return to being a normal high school girl...
** "Inoichi" who is made for Sakura!! The revival of Sakura's memory will link to the core to everything. **

next: The distant memory and the nearby threat…!!
to be continued

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juUnior, Rena Chan, DragonCloud XIII, shamanchrno, Judas, -Khriz-, etineski, ¬Bol, Elena Kruyech, ibn., unok-kun, eyesotope, mirajane, Keiko13, Sawa, Harlett, Vally, Mihael Keehl, boohoo, <.Haruka.>, CannedJam, MagiSuki, bakagemi

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#1. by ¬Bol ()
Posted on Nov 18, 2009
Thank you so much!
Hope next week you can catch up with the magazine "thanks" to hiatus.
#2. by CannedJam ()
Posted on Nov 18, 2009
Thanks. Good as always :P
#3. by <.Haruka.> ()
Posted on Nov 19, 2009
Thank you for sharing this. Still as best as always.. =^_^=
#4. by bakagemi ()
Posted on Nov 27, 2009
Thanks for translating! I've been getting impatient, my best trait, for it, so thanks again!
Level [C] Translator

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