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[Billy Bat 132 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Kevin: The LA City National Plaza......
The Seattle Westin...............
The Philadelphia Commerce Square............
And here......
Side: Timmy's comic, Billy's words, Kevin's prediction. Do they all suggest the end of America and the world?!
Page 2:
Title: Chapter 132 Fantasy's Demise [7/8]
Kevin: The New York World Trade Center......
Page 3:
Devivie: We've visited several "twin towers", but......
have any images come to mind?
Kevin: Nope.........
Not a bit.
Page 4:
Kevin: What came to my mind was
foremost the idea that someone was going to target "two towers".
Devivie: And those towers you drew were towers with a medieval design.
Kevin: Yeah. Prototypical fantasy.
And now I'm worrying about how the fantasy image that appeared in my mind
could actually happen in reality.
Devivie: You were the one who said he wanted to take a tour around twin towers.
Kevin: ..........
I'm not a prophet.
Devivie: You just want to draw interesting manga.
Page 5:
Devivie: It's a favorite phrase of yours.
Though it may be true that you are no longer a prophet.
Seeing as Billy has stopped talking to you.
Kevin: You're saying I'm not a prophet anymore?
I was never a prophet in the first damn place!
I've drawn tons of manga up to this point,
and the vast majority of them haven't come true!
Because they're just manga!
Page 6:
Kevin: I've already handed my sketches and notes to Timmy.
Timmy said that it's America that's gonna be attacked.
So then what's Timmy going to draw next......?
Devivie: Do you think Timmy can do that..........?
Page 7:
Kevin: Let's have lunch. There's a good burger place near here.
There are a lot of tourists and businessmen here.
These skyscrapers are a symbol of America......
If something happened here,
the fantasy that this country is peaceful would end.
And everything would become real.
Page 8:
Devivie: So are you going to quit being a cartoonist that draws fantasy?
Kevin: C'mon, let's go. They'll sell out of avocado burgers.
Morehouse: "Two towers", "9-11"......
Page 9:
Morehouse: Report those two items to National Security.
Smith: Is...... that all?
Morehouse: This is all our predictions have produced.
Do you disagree?
Smith: No, sir......
It's just......
That is all we can confirm regarding the scroll we were instructed to do a research analysis on.
Smith: But do you think they'll be satisfied with only this......?
Morehouse: I cannot take responsibility for anything further.
Page 10:
Smith: But we know a bit more than that......
Morehouse: I told you, I cannot take responsibility.
Smith: Yes, sir......
Consider the big picture.
Even if there is a prediction of it, whatever will happen will happen.
Smith: Yes, sir......
More: If one can prevent something that has been predicted from occurring,
then it is true that that thing never happened in the first place.
Page 12:
More: Correctly predicting something that actually happens
is why it is a prophecy.
Smith: Y...... Yes, sir......
More: That is why I cannot take responsibility for anything more.
Page 13:
Kevin: Aaaah, they're already out of the avocado burger......
Devivie: I really don't mind a normal hamburger.
Kevin: No...... If they're sold out here, there's another one two blocks that way.
Devivie: Um, I really don't mind......
Kevin: Let's go!!
Yamashita: Hm?
This avocado burger is crazy good!!
Dang, wha's in this?!!
Iforgethername: ..........
Page 13:
Girl: Mom, who is this guy?
Jackie: Hmmm... Well, I could tell you, but it'll take a while~~~
The short version is, he's a sorta superhero I owe my life to, I guess...............
Page 14:
Girl: Superhero? This guy......?
Jackie: Yeah...... And he really supported us back then...............
Jackie: Kevin-san......
Page 15:
Jackie: Please get better, soon......
Let's go to Basque, Spain together......
Yamashita: Ya shouldn' cry.
Cryin' won'
make Kevin-sensei better.
Wouldn' askin' this bat ta do somethin' be way more useful?
Jackie: Ah! That mascot!!
It fell around Zofuu-sensei's retreat. It's important, right?
Page 16:
Try askin' this guy ta heal Kevin-sensei.
Jackie: Please, Billy. Would you save Kevin?
Billy: Sure.
Jackie: !!
Billy: That's a cinch fer me. Easy peasey.
Yama: Just leave it ta me.
Jackie: What crappy ventriloquism!!
And that was in Kansai dialect!!
Page 17:
Yama: You laughed! I saw that! Hohhohho!
Jackie: Hahhahhah! Cut it out! Quit it with that ventriloquism!!
Nurse: Quiet!!
Yama: !!
Yama: Gehuuuuu!
Dang I'm stu~~~~ffed!
Girl: This guy supported you......?
Jackie: Uh...... Well, yeah......
Hey, Yamashita-kun, there's something I wanna ask you.
Yama: Heh?
Jackie: How'd you know where I lived in New York?
Page 18:
Yama: I didn'! I was spooked, too!!
I was visiting Zofuu-sensei's grave and this bat showed up!
Jackie: Bat.........!!
Yama: And it just zooooomed straight ta Kansai Airport!
Jackie: AAAAAAAH!!
Girl: Hm?
Jackie: Could you please not talk about that in front of my daughter?!
Girl: What're you guys talking about? I know a bit of Japanese,
but I can't understand that guy's Japanese all that well.
Jackie: Ah...... Right, Japanese.
And in Kansai dialect...... Right...... He~~~~~w.
Anyhow, yeah, I figured as much......
this is the bat's work.
Yama: Yup.
Page 19:
Jackie: But why's he coming back after all this time.........
Yama: Jackie, has anythin' happened to ya?
Jackie: ..........
Yama: Somethin' is happenin', ain't it?
Jackie: I've had this sorta ringing in my ears lately......
Yama: It's the bat's voice, right?
Girl: Mom, are you oka~~~y?
Jackie: Ha~~~~......
Yama: Jackie-han.
Listin' closely.
I think it's straw.
Page 20:
Jackie: Straw?
Yama: Straw, like 'A drowning man will catch at a straw'.
T/N: In Japanese, the phrase here is a proverb similar to the English phrase "grasping at straws".
Jackie: I don't know what you're talking about..... I haven't spoken Japanese in a while, and you're saying proverbs......
Yama: Like if somebody's drowning, they'll grab on tight ta straws or whatever's around they'll think'll help 'em!!
Jackie: Huh?
Yama: Right now, there's no good life net like Zofuu-sensei and Kevin-sensei!!
So at a time like this, he's clingin' ta straws like us!!
Jackie: Who is?
Page 21:
Yama: The bat.
Jackie: The bat's drowning?
Yama: It's tha Earth that's drownin'!!
Page 22:
Yama: I'm real sorry!!
Girl: Hey, mom, is everything okay?
Kachie: Uh, yeah......
Yama: Anyhow, Zofuu-sensei told me this a long time ago............
Zofuu: Yamashita-kun, the fate of many different things ride on you.
Yamashita: M...... Many different things, like what......? [This line is from fucking 2011 but I found what I wrote.]
Zofuu: Like the future of the world.
Jackie: The future of the world......
Yama: Yeah.
Tha's what Zofuu-sensei told me.
Page 23:
Jackie: Now that you mention it, a while ago I also...
The world's gonna end, right?!!
Billy: No, it's the opposite.
I want you to stop it from ending!
Jackie: .........!!
Girl: What's wrong, mom?
Jackie: Uh...... Nothing......
Yama: Ooh!!
Page 24:
Jackie: Hih!!
Billy: Hurry, go!!
Billy: Go meet Kevin Goodman, hurry!
Yama: Jackie-han!
Can ya hear somethin'?!
Jackie: Yamashita-kun......
Yama: Yeah?
Jackie: I'm begging you, please tell me you're doing ventriloquism!!
Billy: GO!!
Yamashita: I ain't doin' any ventriloquism!!
Billy: Hurry, go!!
Jackie: HIIH!!
Side: Can this oddball duo stop the end of the world... no, stop the drowning?! Will Billy's voice reach Kevin?!
Bottom: "Billy Bat" Chapter 132 / End
Next issue is the 8-chapter climax!! Look forward to it!!
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