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D.Gray-Man 86

D. Gary Man Chapter 86

+ posted by uchipu as translation on Aug 17, 2006 21:25 | Go to D.Gray-Man

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Spolier Script is up! ...and still working on Vol. 8 :eyeroll

And .. Kanda pops in at the end!
Can't wait for next week! Weeeeee

第86夜 そして眠りにつく頃に
86th Night: And As You Fall Asleep

Edo-Jo (Edo Castle)

Above the castle sky, Akumas gather to form a human figure that overwhelms the size of the castle.

Shocked Exorcists

ブックマン「別に どうってことありゃせん 機械共が融合して

Bookman: Not to worry, it's just that the machines have converged and gotten awfully large!

Lavi on top of the roof is stunned at the sight of the large Akuma, easily over three times the size of the castle as well.

Tiki: Hey, no time to look around

Tiki hits Lavi's hammer.

ティキ「おっ 右腕動かせんじゃねェか」
Tiki: Hm guess you can move your right arm

ラビ「ちくしょ… こりゃ 痛ェとか言ってらんねェな」
Lavi: Shit... I guess I can't be complaining that it hurts

Lavi starts creating the circular pattern of letters

Lavi: 「あんた 何でも通過する能力があるみたいだけど
イノセンスは 別だったりして」
You seem to have the ability to pass thru whatever, but perhaps not Innocence.

Tiki grins a little

ラビ「あの時…アレンの左手に 一発くらってたさ
お前らノアも アクマ同様 イノセンスが弱点なんじゃねーの?」
Lavi: That one time...that one hit from Allen's left hand
Like Akuma, maybe you guys Noah are weak to Innocence as well?

Lavi slams a hit
 『コンボ判 剛雷天!!』
『Combination Seal Gouraiten!!』 (Strong Thunder Sky - literal translation)

ティキ「ティーズ デカい獲物だぜ 祭だ 祭♪」
Tiki: Teeze It's a gigantic prey O joy joy♪

 『悪星 ギーター…』
Like a marionette, the giant Akuma clumsly forms a reverse five pointed star
 『Evil Star Gita…』 (uchipu: I think it comes from "Bhagavad Gita" perhaps...)

Miranda defends the attack with her Time Disk.

She tries to stop the time along with the many houses around, but she cannot last long

They prepare to face Akuma's attack

Rinali tries to join, but Bookman stops her

Rinali: You must attack that Akuma from top of its head. It must be done with my shoes...!

Bookman: You may be the "Heart"! Don't fight until the end

Chome stands in front of Rinali as she begins to disagree

Chome-suke: 「オイラが 奴の脳天まで 運んでやるっちょ!」
I'll take you to its head!

Chome-suke is breathing heavily

「オイラも… そう長く お前らといられないんだちょ
実は 改造されても 殺人衝動は 抑えきれねェんちょよ
じき オイラは お前らを襲いだす…
ここまで我慢できたオイラ 拍手もんちょ…

Chome: I...can't be with you guys much longer
To tell ya the trute, even though I've been adjusted, I can't keep down my murderous fits
Soon, I'll start attacking you guys...
Can you give me a round of applause for keeping it down this far...
Let me help you as my end nears

Bookman: What happens when you are over come by murderous fit?

ちょめ「マリアンが自爆するよう セットしてくれてる」
Chome: Marian has set a self distruction mode

ブックマン「それが 改造アクマの末路か…(ウォーカーが知ったら怒るだろうな…)」
Bookman: I see that is the final path for adjusted Akuma. (If Walker finds out, I'm sure he will be upset...)

Chome puts Crowley and Bookman, places Tim Campy on his head and takes off

Scene cuts to the Earl, who approaches Jusdavi who is joyfully watching Akuma's attacks

「今すぐ クロス・マリアンの元へ飛びなさイ 奴の動向が気になってきましタv

Earl: You must fly to Cross Marian's place now
I'm starting to wonder about his next move ♥
I think their attack on Edo...must be cooked up by Cross
That man...might be looking for the Arc~♥

黒髪「なんで?つか だったら早く 新しい方舟で 江戸出たほうがいんじゃねーの?」
Black Hair: Why? I mean, ain't it better to just take a new Ark and head to Edo?

公「新しい方舟は 今の方舟のプログラムをダウンロードしないと起動しませンv
今 ロードがやってるトコロでスv」
Earl: We must download the program off our current Arc in order to activate the new Ark. Road is working on it right now♥

黒髪「それって ボクらも手伝えねーの?」
Black Hair: Can I help on that?

でかい「できん ノアの方舟の『奏者』の資格があるのは
千年公と長子のロードのみ お前らには無理だ!」
Large GuyNo. Only the First Child Road and the Earl of Millenium has the right to be the 『Controller』 of Noah's Ark It's impossible for you guys!

黒髪「ねっ 社長!どうして今の方舟は江戸から離れられないの?」
Black Hair: Hey Prez, Why won't the current Arc leave Edo?

公「お前達が まだ 生まれてくる前の話ですヨv
ノアには もう一人 『奏者』がいたことがあったのでスv
そいつが裏切って 方舟を狂わせたのですヨv」
Earl: This is before you guys were born♥
Noah had another 『Controller』♥
That guy turned on us, and corrupted the Ark♥

Black Hair: A Noah!?

そいつは 『奏者』の資格を どっかの誰かに 与えてしまったのです
それから方舟は 江戸との接触を解除できなくなり
だから 我輩は 新たな方舟を作りましタv
汚れた人間の手に堕ちる方舟など もはや我らの舟ではなーイv
ティキぽんに暗殺を頼んだ要人たちは その裏切りノアの関係者でスv

Earl: I killed him♥
That guy gave away the right as a 『Controller』 to somebody somewhere
From then on, the Ark cannot be disconnected from Edo
And that "somebody" is the only one that can change the location♥
So, yours truly made a new Ark♥
An Ark that has fallen to the hands of dirty humans isn't ours anymore♥
The people I asked Tiki-pon to delete were the people that had ties to the Noah that turned♥
I'm sure you can guess from here♥

The twins shout, "That's Cross", and the Earl says so go check him out

同時刻 アジア区支部内
At the same time Asia Area Office

Allen stares quietly at Tiki's butterly in front of the Ark.

「ウォーカー こっちへきてくれ!」
Baku: Walker, Come here!

Baku calls out, and tells him to equip an irregular four sided square type earring on his ear

「僕が今 開発中の無線機だ おそらく大丈夫だと思うんだが…
従来の無線ゴーレムでは この『方舟』の中に入るための強度が
Baku: It's a communication device I'm workin on. I think it works...
Seems the usualy communication golem isn't strong enough to enter this 『Ark』

(There are tons of cute Golems all smoked, in a large box marked "Repair")

『聴こえるかい アレンくーん?』
Komui: Can you hear me, Allen?

Allen can hear Komui's voice near his ear

Shocked Allen

『ん?いやね 実はボクは キミのブレーキ役なんだ
(画面 元気そうなアレンの声を聞いて嬉しそうな本部の面々
リーバーは「マジで良かった」と泣いている 他のメンバーも泣いている)
こちらは そこに在るモノが 「ノアの方舟」とは まだ認識できないんだよ
空間転移装置と考えられるけど まだ不明なところが多すぎるし

Komui: hm? Well, you see, I will be the one hitting the brakes on you.
(Scene: People at the HQ are in tear of joy as they hear Allen's healthy voice Leever is crying "Seriously relieved") We can't really confirm that thing over there is indeed "Noah's Ark" We think it is some kind of spacial tranporting device, but there's still too much that is unknown. Besides, it could be trap

アレン「えーッ ヤですよ ひき返すなんて!!」
Allen: Whaaat? No way am I going back!!

コムイ『あ―― そういう無謀な発言する所は 全然変わってないね――
でも キミは ボクらの大事な仲間だ 守りたいと思うじゃないか
それとも アレンくんにとって 僕らは仲間じゃないのかなあ―――?』

Komui: Aha-- You haven't changed a bit with that kind of ludicrous remarks---
But you are part of our important team. Of course we feel that it's the need to protect you
Or For you Allen, we aren't part of a team----?

アレン(赤面する)「…っ わかりましたよ!」
Allen (Blushes): "...! I understand!"

As Allen climbs into the boat, Roufa and Rikei runs towards him, all out of breathe

「ウォーカーさんのトランプ… スペードが一枚 欠けてたから
三人でインク調整して 作ってみたんです…」
Roufa: Mr. Walker..your crads...it was missing a card of Spades
So us three concocted ink colouring and made you one....

Allen takes the card from them: Thanks

蝋花「きっ 気をつけて」李佳(親指を立ててガッツポーズを見せる)「またな ウォーカー」
Roufa: be..becareful!
Rikei: (with thumbs up pose) Cya Walker!

With same pose, Allen replies "Yep" and boards the boat

通信機越しに呼ぶバク「ウォーカー 必ず… 帰って来いよ…!!」
Through the communication device Baku: Walker ... You must...return!!

「方舟」の内に 入れたかい……?』
Komui: ....Allen...Can you hear me? Did you enter the "Ark"...?

As Allen opens his eyes, he sees the Meditarranean (Greece or Turkey?) scenery where there are numerous white washed houses

驚くアレン「あ いえ 予想してたイメージと だいぶ違くて…」
Surprised Allen: Um..well It's very different from what I had imagined...

Tiki's butterfly is quietly resting on a road side flower

Komui: Can you see anything?

「南国のような…白レンガの町が ずっと続いてます」
Allen: Looks tropical...a town of white washed bricks that continues forever

Komui: How are you holding up?

「平気です すすみますよ」
Allen: Fine I'm moving forward

Komui: (In a loud almost shouting voice) BE CAUTIOUS!! DON'T GET LOST!

Allen: Mr. Komui

Komui: hm?

「みんなは 大丈夫でしょうか…」
Allen: Is everybody OK...

『…… 不安なときは 楽しいこと考えようよ』
Komui: .....When you are weary, think about fun things

Allen: Fun things?

『あれっ 思いつかないかい?例えばね…
「みんなが 帰ってきたら」』
Komui: You can't come up with anything? How about..."When we all get back"

(画面 以下同じです。
 江戸城 カーテンのように隙間ない巨大アクマの攻撃のなか、全身に弾を打ち込まれながら上空を目指して飛ぶちょめ)
(Komui's words are printed over the following scenes, and typed within prenthases.)

(At Edo-jo, Chome flies towards the sky through thick, curtain like attacks of Akuma, body pierced with bullets)

『まずは おかえりと言って 肩をたたくんだ
で リナリーを思いっきり抱きしめる!』
Komui: First, you say, Welcome back and pat backs. Then, you can give Rinali a big hug!

Allen: haha...

(ちょめ 顔半分を壊されながら、なおもクロウリーとブックマンをかばって飛ぶ)
(Chome, with half of his blow apart, flies, protecting Crowley and Bookman)

『アレンくんには ご飯をたくさん食べさせてあげなきゃね』
Komui: We gotta feed you well Allen

(Miranda, Renali and the boat crew all watches in horror)

『ラビは その辺で寝ちゃうだろうから 毛布をかけてあげないと』
Komui: Lavi will just fall sleep somewhere, we have to make sure we tuck him in

(Chome approaches the gigantic Akuma)

『大人組は ワインで乾杯したいね』
Komui: Us adults will celebrate with wine

(ちょめを離れ、巨大アクマめがけてジャンプする二人 ちょめは泣いているようにも見える)
(The two leave Chome, and jumps towards the gigantic Akuma. It seems Chome is crying)

Komui: We'll throw a big party

(With his body pierced, Chome explodes)
(uchipu: !!!!!!! I liked chome......)

『眠ってしまえたら 最高だね…』
Komui: It'll be wonderful...and just fall asleep

(Lavi observes)

『そして 少し遅れて 神田くんが 仏頂面で入ってくるんだ』
Komui: And though a little late, Kanda comes in with that grumpy look on his face

A foot steps on ground

Kanda: Seems there is a tough one

With two suboridinates in tow, Kanda approaces Edo-jo

++To be continued++[br]Posted on: August 17, 2006, 03:57:31 PM

Predictions from the spolier thread....Mana Walker = the "Turned Noah"?
Cross came to see Mana, Mana was dead, find Allen?

_________________________________________________PS>> Next week my "source" will be on a business trip, and won't be able to report. I hope there would be an alternate, but if not, I'll have to go buy the darn Jump from Asahiya or something @@

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#1. by Nibi Nekomata ()
Posted on Aug 17, 2006
You win so many internets! Thanks for the translation!

I'm kind of sad Lenalee won't be kicking ass any time soon, though. Seeing Komui again will satisfy me for the time being. Kanda's back too? Yaaaaay... He better do something cool. :oh
#2. by destinator ()
Posted on Aug 17, 2006
Thanks so much for the translation...you're doing a awesome job!
#3. by Satsuki ()
Posted on Aug 17, 2006

*sniffle* Farewell, Chomesuke.
#4. by wissy ()
Posted on Aug 18, 2006
wow~ thanks you so much!!! great traslation!! >A<
#5. by Cupcake ()
Posted on Aug 18, 2006
ZOMG!!!!!!!! Rinali might be the heart!

Mana the Noah........ O__________O;;;;;;;;;

awesome chapter thanks for the translation
#6. by Calootoo ()
Posted on Aug 20, 2006
Thanks Uchipu.

The matter about Mana Walker = the Turned Noah is just your prediction right?

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Alias: uchipu
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