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Code:Breaker 51

What he's really looking for

+ posted by unok-kun as translation on Jul 20, 2009 08:41 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 51

Kay, first of all, sorry bout the delay. I know heiji's raw was out on Tuesday, and Rena's on Wednesday, but I suck ass so much at Japanese that I take a really loooooooooong time for each line, besides, I also got depressed a lot of times because of my awful Japanese. And well, I also had to clean FT and do other real-life stuff, you know...

Well, now I see clearly why my first translation from Japanese was that good being from a newbie: because I had a translation of the spoiler to rely on. This is my second TL, and there's no spoiler, so you can see the difference (utterly awful).

Once said this, I gotta say that you PLEASE DON'T USE MY TRANSLATION FOR SCANLATIONS OR INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATIONS, at least until it's been proofread and TL-checked.

Now the translation has been proofread and CAN BE USED FOR SCANLATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATIONS, as long as you credit me as the translator and caesarpk and Ju-da-su (yes, both of them) as the translation-checkers.

Oh, by the way, thanks a lot also to those people who have helped me to get the translation finished, before the checking (Truthkey, KidouNagisa2 and DeAnima). And thanks a lot to Rena Chan and Ju-da-su for encouraging me.

People: Kyaaaa!! He's a murdereeer!! // A.. A serial killer!? Run--!!

Policeman: Stop!! You three!! // You are under arrest for murder!!

Hiyori: Huh?

野を行くが如く 傍若無人な 人に在らざる者達!!
Non-bub right: As if walking on an open plain, they see no one in their eyes!!

code:51 本当に欲しいもの
code:51 – What he's really looking for

Policemen: Now you cannot escape!! // Be obedient and surrender!!

『雪比奈 時間は?』
Shigure: Yukihina, how much time's left?

Yukihina: ...Not much.

Hiyori: Let's use "that" to decide!! You know, "that"!!

Policeman: Wha.. What are they talking about....?
Hiyori: Ready?!!

Yukihina & Shigure & Hiyori: Rock, paper... // SCISSORS!!

Hiyori: YAY~~~!! // I win---!!

Yukihina: ....Finish them off quickly.
『えーー 一分くらい遊(あそ)んでもいいでSHO?久々なんだし・・・・』
Hiyori: Eh-- Can't I just play around with them for a minute? It's been a while....
Policeman: W.. Wha.... What the heck are they doing....?

Hiyori: Deciding who's gonna kill all of you!!
【日和CHAN ゲット〜♡】
Non-bubble: Hiyori-chan / Got them ♡

Policemen: Wha....!?

『大丈夫!! 心配いらないYO | ちゃーーんとイタイ思いするように殺してあげるかRA』
Hiyori: It'll be fine!! Don't worry. / I will make sure you suffer in pain before you die.

『と・・・・止まれ!! | 止まらんと撃つぞ!!』
Policemen: S.... Stop it!! / Stop right there or I'll shoot!!

Policeman: St....

『う・・うそダ 遊騎がこんな金持ち・・・・しかも社長って・・・・』
Toki: N.. No way. Yuuki, rich....? And even a president....
Ogami: He's not just a president of just a company.

Ogami: It seems Yuuki is the president of the Tenpouin Group, a group of companies that produces toys and invests in IT-related stocks.
[Medal: Tenpouin]

『う・・うそダロ!?ここ よそん家(ち)に勝手に入り込んでるだけジャ・・・・』
Toki: N.. No way at all! We've just get into his house without permission....
Yuuki: “Nyanmaru”, let's go have dinner.

『松阪牛にフランス産フォアグラ!? | 幻の鮭(サケ)鮭児に・・・・』『ロシア産ベルーガのキャビア・・・・!!』
Toki: From French foie-gras to Matsusaka beef!? / From Maboroshi salmon... // to Russian beluga caviar....!!

Toki: T... This is so good even by the celebrity's standard....!! Absolutely the best!!

『たかがチョウザメの卵の缶づめで なに感動してるんですか? 何なら僕(ボク)の家の缶づめを分けて・・・・』【コレ 何杯食べても腹のたしになりませんよ】
Ogami: This is no more than a can of sturgeon eggs. Why so much excitement about it? If you want it that much, I can give you some.... [aside: By the way, no matter how many cans of it you eat, it won't fill your stomach.]
Toki: Don't you dare to compare one of your cans to caviar!! You have no sense of taste!!

Yuuki: These mushrooms are delicious, but why do they smell so bad...?
『社長 それはトリュフといいまして・・・・』
Maid: President, those are truffles....
Toki: You too---?!!

Sakurakouji: Being all together makes the food taste even better!!
Yuuki: Yep, this food tasted really good.
[Text below: Nyanchi!!] [T/N: Dunno...]
Ogami: Why do you make such a fuss about the food when rich people don't?
[PP level bar, right: Pride Points]
Toki: .... E.. Even though, there's no way Yuuki can be suited as a president....

Yuuki: ....

Yuuki: Here, a middle-age mushroom concerned about his body odour, “Toryufu”-san.
【「鳥布さん」】【ふぇろまん】【土があったら うまりたい】
[Written: “Toryufu-san” // Too much pheromone // I wanna bury myself in dirt]
People: Oh!!
[T/N: Pun here (thanks a lot to Ju-da-su for pointing out), “toryufu” is “truffle”, but here it's written with the kanjis for “bird cloth”. Actually, Yuuki just made a toy from the truffle he just eat, because he thought it was a mushroom.]

People: The president's plan for new cartoon character merchandising has started!! // It's surreal with uniqueness!! It's going to become a big hit!!
【鳥布さんは 48やで〜〜】
[Non-bub: Toryufu-san is 48, right~~?]
『大至急 社員を集めろ!!』
People: Gather the members of the corporation as soon as possible!!

Ogami: Ideas are important in the toy industry.
Sakurakouji: That's impressive, Yuuki-kun.
Toki: All he's got are ideas, right...!? I still don't see how he has the management skills...

Yuuki: The stocks are rising.

『すごいですね この量を一度に取り引きするんですかなおかつすごい儲け方ですね』
Ogami: Wow, so much money at once? All or nothing strategy works well if you know what you are doing.
『か・・株なんてしょせん 運・だろ!?』
Toki: S.. Stokes are no more than luck!

『本当に頭がイイ奴(ヤツ)はサ!!偏差値70超(ご)えの超難閑校 閉成学院高校に入っちゃったりするワケよ!!』
Toki: You know what a real smart guy would be!!? Someone who entered a school like Heisei High, with a super hard entrance requirement, like having over 70 points in the T-test, for example.
Sakurakouji: Didn't you say you went there because it was near your house?

『そういえば 天宝院グループの天才社長はたしか弱冠12歳で英国(イギリス)の名門・ケンブリッジ大学を飛び級(スキップ)で卒業したはず・・・・あれって遊騎のコトですか?』
Ogami: Which reminds me, the Tenpouin Group's gifted president skipped many grades to graduate at the famous Cambridge University at the age of 12... Was that you, Yuuki-kun?

Yuuki: But.... I hate studying.
【はよう卒業 したかってん】
[small: I wanted to graduate early to stop studying.]

Sakurakouji: Toki-kun?
『「にゃんまる」にはまだまだ おいつけんのや』
Yuuki: I still have to catch up a lot with “Nyanmaru”.
Ogami: What are you aiming at?

Toki: ....

Sakurakouji: Don't worry, Toki-kun, I know lots of good things about you.
Toki: Don't comfort me! It just makes me feel worse!

Yuuki: zzzzz
『また 目を開けたまま寝てますね 遊騎は』
Ogami: Yuuki is asleep with his eyes open again.

『きっと 疲れたのだろうそっとしといてあげよう | ・・・・しかし驚いたな遊騎君が社長とは「コード:ブレイカー」は皆 人目につかぬようひっそりと生活をしているのかと思っていた』
Sakurakouji: Leave him, he must be tired. / ....But it surprised me that Yuuki-kun was the president of a company because all of you "Code:Breakers" had to have a hidden life not to catch the attention.
Ogami: It doesn't mind what we do, as long as our truth is not revealed.

『だが安心したぞ遊騎君 人に財布や携帯電話をあげてしまってもちゃんと生活ができているよう なあ刻く・・・・』
Sakurakouji: That's a relief. Even giving out the wallet or cell, people can still live pretty well. Right, Toki-ku...?

Toki: I'm gonna beat the crap outta you. I'll keep defending my idol's place to the last....
Sakurakouji: Wha!?
Yuuki: zzzzz

Yuuki: *sneeze*

Ogami: He sneezed while sleeping.

Toki: Don't use your power while you sleep!!

Toki: ....Jeez, but I guess this really suits him....

Toki: Money, status, talent, luck, education.... It's typical from Yuuki to get everything when doing nothing. // He's the king of immature selfishness after all....

Sakurakouji: Toki-kun....

Sakurakouji: Why are you so sad?
Toki: ...Wha? I don't know, why am I crying?

Yuuki: ....I have nothing at all.
Sakurakouji: Yuuki-kun!? You've waken up....?

Yuuki: ...I have nothing at all of what I really want. // Such as friends.

Toki: ....What?
Sakurakouji: Say what?!! You and me are friends already.

『なあ 遊騎く・・・・』
Sakurakouji: Right, Yuuki-ku....?

『・・・・友達やない・・・・ | 「にゃんまる」は「にゃんまる」や』『もう友達なんていらんし』
Yuuki: ...You guys are not my friends.... / “Nyanmaru” is “Nyanmaru”. // I don't need friends anymore.

Toki & Ogami: ....
Sakurakouji: ....Eh!?

Sakurakouji: Hey....!! Yuuki-kun!? Wait!!
SFX-bubble: *buzz*

Ogami: Kanda? What....?
Heike: Ogami-kun?

「平家です | 急を要するので直接 お電話しました」「してやられました『Re−CODE』が一暴れしたようです」
Heike: Heike here. / This call is very urgent. // Seemingly, the "Re-Code" have been faster than us and started moving already.
Ogami & Toki: !?

Toki: Wha....!?
Ogami: How's the situation? Has anyone died?
Heike: Well....

Heike: We are.... uncertain.
Toki: Huh!?

「場所は新宿の繁華街かなり多数の人がいたと思われますが | 現場には人っ子一人おらず忽然と消え失せてしまいました」「しかも その付近の地面や建物に奇妙な無数の虫食いのような穴があいているのです何があったのかまったく見当がつかない状況です」
Heike: It's been in a central shopping district in Shinjuku. / All of a sudden, everybody vanished from the crime scene. // Moreover, in the sorroundings, countless holes that look like insect bites have appeared. We don't have the slightest idea of what's going on.

Ogami: ....
『マジかよ何だ ソレ・・・・』
Toki: Seriously? What's that....?
「『Re−CODE』に私の知らぬ異能者も加わったようです | 彼らがすでに桜小路さんを狙いにそちらへ向かった可能性が高いです」
Heike: People with unknown powers seem to have joined the “Re-Code”. / They have Sakurakouji-san as their target already, and it's very likely that they're facing her right now.

「必ず 桜小路さんを護ってください」
Heike: Please, protect Sakurakouji-san at any cost.

「相手の異能が分からない以上 私もそちらへ急いで向かいますので」
Heike: We don't know what their powers can be like, so I'll be rushing there right now.

「遊騎君どこへいったのだろう?」「お屋敷が広すぎて よくわからんぞ」
Sakurakouji: Where did Yuuki-kun go? // This mansion is so big that I don't know.

「・・・・何も もっとらん」「本当に欲しいものは何も・・・・」
Yuuki: ....I have nothing at all // of what I really want....

「・・・・しかし こうして良く見ると」
Sakurakouji: But come to think about it....

Sakurakouji: Although this house is full of magnificent rooms and such...

Sakurakouji: none of them has Yuuki-kun's smell......

「これではまるで 大神の家とかわりない・・・・」「人の住む匂いのしないさみしい場所ーーーー・・」
Sakurakouji: It's the same with Ogami's house.... // it's a lonely place that doesn't smell like someone actually lives here......

Sakurakouji: Yuuki-kun....
Heike: Sakurakouji-san.

『こちらに いらっしゃい ましたか』
Heike: So you are here.
Sakurakouji: Heike-senpai!?

『いつ こちらへ!?』
Sakurakouji: Why are you here?
Heike: ....

Heike: ....I'm glad to see that you're alright. // Come....

『私と 一緒に・・・・』『安全な場所へ 行かましょう・・・・』
Heike: Let's go, you and me.... // to a safe place....

Sakurakouji: Heike-sen....

Sakurakouji: Yu.... Yuuki-kun?
Yuuki: You.

Yuuki: Who... are you?
Sakurakouji: Eh?
え・・・・!?誰って・・・・ 変態(ヘンタイ)先輩じゃ・・ない!? ど・・どういうこと・・・・!?
Non-bubble: Huh....!? Who is he.... It's not.. pervy-senpai!? W.. Who is it then....!?
[T/N: Pervy-senpai? LOL]

Heike: ......

Next: If you want to hide a leaf, hide it among the tree.
to be continued

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#1. by Elena Kruyech ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
Take your time, there's no hurry. Thank your very much for this ;)
#2. by takadanama ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
LOL congrats for finally made it XD

/me slaps unok
#3. by unok-kun ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
/me slaps back and bans taka forever from #shinratensei

Nah, just kidding xD
#4. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
Now we just need to wait for someone to t/l check it...
#5. by caesarpk ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
Hello, Im back, sorta. But I'm busier than ever. I wish I can t/l check ur translation, but the computer I'm using right now can't display any other language beside english. But I'll give it a try...

btw, r u gonna keep translating each week?
#6. by unok-kun ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
Dunno... I could translate till September, but it's too hard for me...
#7. by Rena Chan ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
caesarpk, he took a really long time to get the translation out. Looking at the big picture, I don't think it's really feasible that he continues it until he gets better with Japanese, which is what I would definitely recommend for him to do.

Mind you, in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I'm not telling him to give up. I'm just advising that he learns more of the language before he attempts it some more...
#8. by Ju-da-su ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009


People: Kyaaaa!! He's a murdereeer!! // A.. A phantom killer!? He's escaping--!!

Ummm...Shigure isn't running away. It's more like the people who passed by trying to run away (because Shigure just...slice(?) people into pieces...normal instinct? ._.")

Policemen: Now you can't escape!! // Be obedient and surrender!!

...be obedient sounds weird... .___."

*shot'd*...but yeah, I don't know exactly how to phrase in Eng...sorry...:(

『雪比奈 時間は?』
Shigure: Yukihina, for you?

...for you?? .-. He's asking how much time do they have left though...unless my English messes up with me again... .-.

Yukihina: ...Don't feel like it.

From above..."...Not much (time) left"

Hiyori: Then it's for me!! You agree?!!

...for her? .-. They haven't decided yet who's going to work things out though...It's more like "Hey, just use "that" to decide then!! You know? "That"!!"

『えーー 一分くらい遊(あそ)んでもいいでSHO?久々なんだし・・・・』
Hiyori: Eh-- Would you mind to play for around a min? It's been a while....

"You won't mind if I'll play with them a bit, won't you?" Point is...she is talking about about whether she can play around with them...not asking Shigure and Yukihina to come and play with them... .___."

Policeman: W.. Wha.... What the heck's been a while....?


I think they're questioning about their conversation as a whole though...not with the "it had been a while" that Hiyori said...like "what is that they're doing?"

『大丈夫!! 心配いらないYO | ちゃーーんとイタイ思いするように殺してあげるかRA』
Hiyori: Alright!! Don't you worry. / I have to kill you to make it a perfect painful experience.
[T/N: ._. Anything better?]

"It'll be fine!! Don't worry! I'll make sure to kill all of you while you're in pain."

『天宝院グループといえばオモチャからIT関連株などの投資事業までこなす複合企業(コンツェルン)です その社長が遊騎ということのようですね』
Ogami: It seems Yuuki is the president of the Tenpouin Group, a group of companies that produces toys and invests in IT-related stocks.

Just my opinion...but I think it'll be a lot easier if you divide it into two sentence... ._."

"Speaking of the Tenpouin Group, it's the group of companies that manage all kinds of investment businesses, from toys to IT-related market. Looks like the president of that enterprise is also named Yuuki."

『う・・うそダロ!?ここ よそん家(ち)に勝手に入り込んでるだけジャ・・・・』
Toki: N.. No way at all! You've just get into this house without asking anybody....


I think the sentence is actually a question though. Like "ここ よそん家(ち)に勝手に入り込んでるだけジャ(ないのか?)・・・・』" Just what I thought though, but again...might be my bad English... .___."

『たかがチョウザメの卵の缶づめで なに感動してるんですか? 何なら僕(ボク)の家の缶づめを分けて・・・・』【コレ 何杯食べても腹のたしになりませんよ】
Ogami: This is no more than a can of sturgeon eggs. Why so much excitement about it? If you want it that much, I can give you some.... [aside: By the way, so many cans of it will hurt your stomach.]

Verb (て-form) + ても = "No matter (who, what, when, why, where, how + something) you (the verb),..."

so...that sentence would me more like "No matter how many dishes of these you eat, you can't possibly fill up your stomach" (just to put it into the simplest form I can think of) .-.

Yuuki: These mushrooms are delicious, but what about the smell...? It's not very good.

...I would make it more like "These mushrooms are delicious, but why does it smell so bad...?", but...guess it's just me being all stupid myself... .___."

Sakurakouji: All this food is just delicious!!

... .-.

She's actually talking about that everyone eating together making the food taste good though...whether it be those on the table or whatever. Just having everyone sitting around the table and eat make everything tastes good... .-.

Yuuki: Yep, they do very good food.


"Motsu" isn't one of the foods he had on the table though...Yuuki is just saying that both that motsu that they ate back at the student council room and these food (he actually is talking about just the mushroom, but... ._.")... .-.

[Text below: Nyanchi!!]
[T/N: No clue about this. Nyan is “meow”, as in Nyanmaru, but chi...?]


I know what it is, since I've seen that before...but I don't know the English equivalent of it. Sorry... .___."

Ogami: Why do you make suck a fuss over a rich man's food?

... .______."

Ummm...he's...ummm...he's talking about how the true rich people don't make fuss over food (like Yuuki. He basically just eat everything and anything without a single complaint)...not about Toki making fuss about Yuuki's food... .___."

People: The president's plan for new cartoon character merchandising has started!! // This isn't surreal!! It's going to become a big hit!!

...no, it is surreal. Surreal with uniqueness...(他にない means like...yeah, "like no others" or something like that...like, there's only one of these, unique... .___.")

【鳥布さんは 48thで〜〜】
[Non-bub: Toryufu-san, you're the 48th ~~]

... ._."

I don't know. Just a suggestiong, but I think it would sound a lot better if it's just "Toryufu-san is 48, alright?"...*look at the raw*...yeah, 鳥布さんは48やで ...wrong transcription... .__."

Sakurakouji: Hope that's a good sell, Yuuki-kun.


ごいな遊騎君... .___."

『すごいですね この量を一度に取り引きするんですかなおかつすごい儲け方ですね』
Ogami: Good, it's good that after so many dealings and money earned you're still the same person as before.

... *didn't understand the sentence you're saying*

"Wow, you can take in that much information all at once? Besides, your way of making profit is just awesome." would be how I translate it...clearly, I got confused at the context right now, don't know if it's because the Japanese or the English... .___."

『きっと 疲れたのだろうそっとしといてあげよう | ・・・・しかし驚いたな遊騎君が社長とは「コード:ブレイカー」は皆 人目につかぬようひっそりと生活をしているのかと思っていた』
Sakurakouji: Leave him, he must be tired. / ....But it surprised me that Yuuki-kun was the president of a company because all of you "Code:Breakers" think your lives don't exist for the rest of the world.

I think...from looking at how Ogami lives...at least that's what I think. I mean, it sounds to me more like "I thought all the CB have to live a hidden life not to catch anyone's attention."

『だが安心したぞ遊騎君 人に財布や携帯電話をあげてしまってもちゃんと生活ができているよう なあ刻く・・・・』
Sakurakouji: That's a relief, Yuuki-kun. Things like a wallet or a cell aren't important as a life. Right, Toki-ku...?

"Even though he gave out his wallet or his cellphone, he can still live life pretty well." .-.

Toki: ....Jeez, I guess now we're even....

"...Jeez, but this really suits him if you ask me though..."

Toki: Money, status, talent, luck, education.... It's typical from Yuuki to solve problems and get it all. // But “the great lord” has the flaw of being so selfish....

何の苦労もなし何でも手に入っちゃう = "To get everything even when he didn't do anything" or something like that... .___."

Toki: ...Wha? Don't you see I don't stop sweating?

Sweat is coming out of his eyes...just to justify because he's crying how he can't possibly beat Yuuki no matter what he do, I think...so..."...What? Sweat is coming off my eyes nonstop."

「平家です | 急を要するので直接 お電話しました」「してやられました『Re−CODE』が一暴れしたようです」
Heike: Heike here. / This call is very urgent. // Seemingly, the "Re-Code" have been faster than us and started moving already.

... .-.

"This call is urgent so I have to contact you directly."? .-.

「『Re−CODE』に私の知らぬ異能者も加わったようです | 彼らがすでに桜小路さんを狙いにそちらへ向かった可能性が高いです」
Heike: People with unknown powers seem to have joined the “Re-Code”. / They have Sakurakouji-san as their target already, and it's very likely that they're facing her right now.

They're facing her...I think it's more like "they're going for her" though...since they're not facing her right now...at least...since I don't see any Re-CODEs around here, with exception to, maybe, the fake Heike, but we don't know about that yet... -_-"

Sakurakouji: Yuuki-kun's smell is everywhere on the house...

Sakurakouji: except for here......

...actually...the meaning is the opposite. She didn't get any smell of Yuuki at all. Like...not even in a single room or personal belongings... .-.

『こちらに いらっしゃい ましたか』
Heike: Welcome to this side.

Welcome to this side!!? O_o"

I think it's more like "please come this way" though...welcome to this side...is just... .___."

『いつ こちらへ!?』
Sakurakouji: To “this side”!?

"Since when did you get here!?" .___."

Heike: ....Above all, keep silent. // Come....

"It's good that you're safe." or...more literally, it'd be "Nothing is better than seeing you safe and sound." ... .__."

SORRY~~ >___<"
#9. by caesarpk ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009


People: Kyaaaa!! He's a murdereeer!! // A.. A phantom killer!? He's escaping--!! [tp/N I would say: “a....serial killer? Run!!!”]

Policeman: Stop!! You three!! // You are under arrest for murder!!

Hiyori: Huh?

野を行くが如く 傍若無人な 人に在らざる者達!!
Non-bub right: These people aren't arrogant, they're just walking as if just going for a walk!!
[Hm, I would say “As if walking on a open plain, they see no one in their eyes!]

code:51 本当に欲しいもの
code:51 – What he's really looking for

Policemen: Now you can't escape!! [You cannot escape!] // Be obedient and surrender!!

『雪比奈 時間は?』
Shigure: Yukihina, for you? [how long do we have?]

Yukihina: ...Don't feel like it. [not much]

Hiyori: Then it's for me!! You agree?!!
[then lets use that! Let's finish them off with that!

Policeman: Wha.. What are they talking about....?
Hiyori: Ready?!!

Yukihina & Shigure & Hiyori: Rock, paper... // SCISSORS!! [It would make more sense to “rock, paper, scissors, // GO!”

Hiyori: YAY~~~!! // Hiyori wins---!! [ I win!]

Yukihina: ....Finish them off quickly.
『えーー 一分くらい遊(あそ)んでもいいでSHO?久々なんだし・・・・』
Hiyori: Eh-- Would you mind to play for around a min? It's been a while....
{Eh? Can't I just play around with them for just a minute? It's been a while...]
Policeman: W.. Wha.... What the heck's been a while....?
[what on earth are you doing about all this time....]

Hiyori: Deciding who of you you want me to kill!!
[Deciding who gets to kill all of you!]
【日和CHAN ゲット〜♡】
Non-bubble: Hiyori-chan / Got them ♡

Policemen: Wha....!?

『大丈夫!! 心配いらないYO | ちゃーーんとイタイ思いするように殺してあげるかRA』
Hiyori: Alright!! Don't you worry. / I have to kill you to make it a perfect painful experience.
[I will make sure you suffer in pain before you die!]
[T/N: ._. Anything better?]

『と・・・・止まれ!! | 止まらんと撃つぞ!!』
Policemen: S.... Stop!! / I'm gonna shoot if you don't stop it!! [Stop right there or I'll shoot!]

Policeman: St....

『う・・うそダ 遊騎がこんな金持ち・・・・しかも社長って・・・・』
Toki: N.. No way. Yuuki, rich....? And even a president.... [and hes the C.E.O...
Ogami: He's not just the president of a company. [He's not just a president of just a company either.]

Ogami: It seems Yuuki is the president of the Tenpouin Group, a group of companies that produces toys and invests in IT-related stocks. [Hmm, rephrase needed, but meaning is good]
[Medal: Tenpouin]

『う・・うそダロ!?ここ よそん家(ち)に勝手に入り込んでるだけジャ・・・・』
Toki: N.. No way at all! You've just get into this house without asking anybody....
[You're kidding...//and we just entered his house without permission...
Yuuki: “Nyanmaru”, let's go have dinner.

『松阪牛にフランス産フォアグラ!? | 幻の鮭(サケ)鮭児に・・・・』『ロシア産ベルーガのキャビア・・・・!!』
Toki: From French foie-gras to Matsusaka beef!? / From Maboroshi salmon... // to Russian beluga caviar....!!

Toki: T... This is making even my famous tongue groan....!! It's unmistakably unsurpassable!!
[This is so good even by the celebrity's standard... // it's absolutely the best! ]

『たかがチョウザメの卵の缶づめで なに感動してるんですか? 何なら僕(ボク)の家の缶づめを分けて・・・・』【コレ 何杯食べても腹のたしになりませんよ】
Ogami: This is no more than a can of sturgeon eggs. Why so much excitement about it? If you want it that much, I can give you some.... [aside: By the way, so many cans of it will hurt your stomach.]
Toki: Don't you dare to compare one of your cans to caviar!! You have no sense of taste!!

Yuuki: These mushrooms are delicious, but what about the smell...? It's not very good. [is it rotten?]
『社長 それはトリュフといいまして・・・・』
Maid: President, those are truffles....
Toki: You too---?!!

Sakurakouji: All this food is just delicious!!
[Everything tastes good w/ a lot of people!]
Yuuki: Yep, they do very good food.
[Yep, all those troffles were good too!]
[Text below: Nyanchi!!]
[T/N: No clue about this. Nyan is “meow”, as in Nyanmaru, but chi...?]
Ogami: Why do you make suck a fuss over a rich man's food?
[Real billionaires don't really care about food, you know?]
[PP level bar, right: Pride Points]
Toki: .... E.. Even though, there's no way Yuuki can be suited as a president....

Yuuki: ....

Yuuki: Here, a middle-age mushroom worried about his body odour, “Toryufu”-san.
[T/N: Pun here (thanks a lot to Ju-da-su for pointing out), “toryufu” is “truffle”, but here it's written with the kanjis for “bird cloth”. Actually, Yuuki just made a toy from the truffle he just eat, because he thought it was a mushroom.]
【「鳥布さん」】【ふぇろまん】【土があったら うまりたい】
[Written: “Toryufu-san” // Fero-man // If you want to get buried]
[T/N: Dun get any of this. I've never seen “fero” written in hiragana, so I guess it's a loanword -> feromone man? And I don't get either the “chiga attara umaritai”. I'm really starting to think that I'm not skilled enough as to translate a sentence, much less a chapter.... T_T]

[Well, u got it somewhat right
Mr. Truffle // Too much pheromone // I wanan bury myself in dirt.
It's making a pun on the word cuz its like, the person wanna die, so he wanna get buried, but then truffles are always buried in dirt]
People: Oh!!

People: The president's plan for new cartoon character merchandising has started!! // This isn't surreal!! It's going to become a big hit!!
【鳥布さんは 48thで〜〜】
[Non-bub: Toryufu-san, you're the 48th ~~]
『大至急 社員を集めろ!!』
People: Gather the members of the corporation as soon as possible!!

Ogami: That sure is a good idea for a toy.
[Idea is important in the toy industry]
Sakurakouji: Hope that's a good sell, Yuuki-kun.
[That's impressive, Yuuki-kun]
Toki: T.. That's his plan after all!? I don't get why he's the president with those skills....
[All hes got are ideas right...?? I still don't see how he has the management skills...]

Yuuki: The stocks are rising.

『すごいですね この量を一度に取り引きするんですかなおかつすごい儲け方ですね』
Ogami: Good, it's good that after so many dealings and money earned you're still the same person as before.
[Wow, so much money at once! All or nothing strategy works well if you know what you are doing.]
『か・・株なんてしょせん 運・だろ!?』
Toki: S.. Stocks are no more than luck!

『本当に頭がイイ奴(ヤツ)はサ!!偏差値70超(ご)えの超難閑校 閉成学院高校に入っちゃったりするワケよ!!』
Toki: You know what a real smart guy would be!!? Someone who entered a school like Heisei High, with a super hard entrance requirement, like having over 70 points in the T-test, for example.
Sakurakouji: Didn't you say you went there because it was near your house?

『そういえば 天宝院グループの天才社長はたしか弱冠12歳で英国(イギリス)の名門・ケンブリッジ大学を飛び級(スキップ)で卒業したはず・・・・あれって遊騎のコトですか?』
Ogami: Which reminds me, the Tenpouin Group's gifted president skipped many grades to graduate at the famous Cambridge University at the age of 12... Were that you, Yuuki-kun?

Yuuki: But.... I hate studying.
【はよう卒業 したかってん】
[small: I wanted to graduate early to stop studying.]

Sakurakouji: Toki-kun?
『「にゃんまる」にはまだまだ おいつけんのや』
Yuuki: I still have to catch up a lot with “Nyanmaru”.
Ogami: What are you aiming at?

Toki: ....

Sakurakouji: Don't worry, Toki-kun, I know lots of good things about you.
Toki: Don't comfort me! It just makes me feel worse!

Yuuki: zzzzz
『また 目を開けたまま寝てますね 遊騎は』
Ogami: Yuuki is asleep with his eyes open again.

『きっと 疲れたのだろうそっとしといてあげよう | ・・・・しかし驚いたな遊騎君が社長とは「コード:ブレイカー」は皆 人目につかぬようひっそりと生活をしているのかと思っていた』
Sakurakouji: Leave him, he must be tired. / ....But it surprised me that Yuuki-kun was the president of a company because all of you "Code:Breakers" think your lives don't exist for the rest of the world.
[But I thought you Code: Breakers wants to be secretive and and so would rather withdraw from society]
Ogami: It doesn't mind what we do, as long as our truth is not revealed.

『だが安心したぞ遊騎君 人に財布や携帯電話をあげてしまってもちゃんと生活ができているよう なあ刻く・・・・』
Sakurakouji: That's a relief, Yuuki-kun. Things like a wallet or a cell aren't important as a life. Right, Toki-ku...?
[that's a relief. I was worried if he is having a decent living if he gives cellphones and wallet away]

Toki: I'm gonna beat the crap outta you. I'll keep defending my idol's place to the last....
Sakurakouji: Wha!?
Yuuki: zzzzz

Yuuki: *sneeze*

Ogami: He sneezed while sleeping.

Toki: Don't use your power while you sleep!!

Toki: ....Jeez, I guess now we're even....

Toki: Money, status, talent, luck, education.... It's typical from Yuuki to solve problems and get it all. // But “the great lord” has the flaw of being so selfish.... [He's the king of immature selfishness afterall]

Sakurakouji: Toki-kun....

Sakurakouji: Why are you so sad?
Toki: ...Wha? Don't you see I don't stop sweating?
[Wha? I don't know, why am I crying?]

Yuuki: ....I have nothing at all.
Sakurakouji: Yuuki-kun!? You've waken up....?

Yuuki: ...I have nothing at all of what I really want. // Like a friend. [I have no friend]

Toki: ....What?
Sakurakouji: Say what?!! You and me are friends already.

『なあ 遊騎く・・・・』
Sakurakouji: Right, Yuuki-ku....?

『・・・・友達やない・・・・ | 「にゃんまる」は「にゃんまる」や』『もう友達なんていらんし』
Yuuki: ...You guys are not my friends.... / “Nyanmaru” is “Nyanmaru”. // I don't need friends anymore.

Toki & Ogami: ....
Sakurakouji: ....Eh!?

Sakurakouji: Hey....!! Yuuki-kun!? Wait!!
SFX-bubble: *buzz*

Ogami: Kanda? What....?
Heike: Ogami-kun?

「平家です | 急を要するので直接 お電話しました」「してやられました『Re−CODE』が一暴れしたようです」
Heike: Heike here. / This call is very urgent. // Seemingly, the "Re-Code" have been faster than us and started moving already.
Ogami & Toki: !?

Toki: Wha....!?
Ogami: How's the situation? Has anyone died?
Heike: Well....

Heike: We don't know.... kind of.
[We are...uncertain.]
Toki: Huh!?

「場所は新宿の繁華街かなり多数の人がいたと思われますが | 現場には人っ子一人おらず忽然と消え失せてしまいました」「しかも その付近の地面や建物に奇妙な無数の虫食いのような穴があいているのです何があったのかまったく見当がつかない状況です」
Heike: It's been in a central shopping district in Shinjuku. / All of a sudden, everybody vanished from the crime scene. // Moreover, in the sorroundings, countless holes that look like insect bites have appeared. We don't have the slightest idea of what's going on.

Ogami: ....
『マジかよ何だ ソレ・・・・』
Toki: Seriously? What's that....?
「『Re−CODE』に私の知らぬ異能者も加わったようです | 彼らがすでに桜小路さんを狙いにそちらへ向かった可能性が高いです」
Heike: People with unknown powers seem to have joined the “Re-Code”. / They have Sakurakouji-san as their target already, and it's very likely that they're facing her right now. [It's highly probable that they have headed in your direction to capture Sakurakouji-san.]

「必ず 桜小路さんを護ってください」
Heike: Please, protect Sakurakouji-san at any rate.[at any cost]

「相手の異能が分からない以上 私もそちらへ急いで向かいますので」
Heike: I don't know what their powers can be like. I'll also rush to get there, I'm more suited than you for the job.
[since we do not know the enemies' abilities, I will head over there as part of the reinforcement.]

「遊騎君どこへいったのだろう?」「お屋敷が広すぎて よくわからんぞ」
Sakurakouji: Where did Yuuki-kun go? // This mansion is so big that I don't know.

「・・・・何も もっとらん」「本当に欲しいものは何も・・・・」
Yuuki: ....I have nothing at all // of what I really want....

「・・・・しかし こうして良く見ると」
Sakurakouji: But come to think about it....

Sakurakouji: Yuuki-kun's smell is everywhere on the house...
[Although this house if full of magnificent rooms and such...]

Sakurakouji: except for here......
[None of it has Yuuki-kun's smell...]
「これではまるで 大神の家とかわりない・・・・」「人の住む匂いのしないさみしい場所ーーーー・・」
Sakurakouji: In here, there's no difference with Ogami's house.... // There's no one's smell in here. What a lonely place......
[It's the same with Ogami's house...// it's a lonely that doesn't smell like someone actually lives here...]

Sakurakouji: Yuuki-kun....
Heike: Sakurakouji-san.

『こちらに いらっしゃい ましたか』
Heike: Welcome to this side.
[So you are here.]
Sakurakouji: Heike-senpai!?

『いつ こちらへ!?』
Sakurakouji: To “this side”!?
[Why are you here?]
Heike: ....

Heike: ....Above all, keep silent. // Come....
[I'm glad to see that you're alright // come...

『私と 一緒に・・・・』『安全な場所へ 行かましょう・・・・』
Heike: Let's go, you and me.... // to a safe place....

Sakurakouji: Heike-sen....

Sakurakouji: Yu.... Yuuki-kun?
Yuuki: You.

Yuuki: Who... are you?
Sakurakouji: Eh?
え・・・・!?誰って・・・・ 変態(ヘンタイ)先輩じゃ・・ない!? ど・・どういうこと・・・・!?
Non-bubble: Huh....!? Who is he.... It's not.. pervy-senpai!? W.. Who is it then....!?
[T/N: Pervy-senpai? LOL]

Heike: ......

Next: If you hide in the forest leaves.
[If you want to hide a leaf, hide it among the tree]
to be continued
#10. by unok-kun ()
Posted on Jul 20, 2009
Kay, checked and proofed (kinda) already. Ready to use for scanlations.

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Jul 14, 2009 51 jp unokpasabaxaki
Jul 15, 2009 51 th Ju-da-su
Jul 24, 2009 51 pl juUnior

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