Summary and Preview
Some people live on the breaking edge of society. "Normal enough" to get by (mostly), and "weird enough" to not be able to live what most of us would consider a "normal" life. I am a Hero follows someone exactly in that situation.
Paranoia, obsessions and delusion are all tightly knit into a running monologue that snakes through the protagonist's life. This is what is must be like to live with a mental illness. Yet the story somehow manages to be compelling, because even as the "Hero" repels us with his delusions and the uncomfortable contents of his thoughts, it's logical and consistent in it's own fashion. It's that very logic and consistency that makes it both tragic and heroic.
And yet, the "Hero" continues on, giving us a uncomfortable, yet gripping look into his head as he tries to go about life, go to work, have some sex with his girlfriend.
The art work is a real bonus here - just as detailed and obsessive as the Hero himself. It has a very cinematic feel, as if the panels are more like stills from a movie interrupting slow tracking shots or hyper close ups.
Recommended for those of you interested in psychological stories and human drama.
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