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One Piece 603

Hold It In Your Hearts

+ posted by cnet128 as translation on Nov 8, 2010 22:17 | Go to One Piece

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One Piece
Chapter 603: Hold It In Your Hearts
["Sanji And Some Cute Squirrels Make A Pie" (pen-name NSC Hayao)]

[Insert text: Shabondy after the Straw Hats' departure...]
[Box: Shabondy Archipelago, Lawless Zone]
Coribou: Big Bro Dude!! This digging is hard!!
Caribou: Well, o'course it is~! This island's basically made outta tree roots!
FakeStrawHats: Forgive us, please!!! Don't bury us alive~~~~~~~!!! // We'll do anything, just please don't kill us!! // It was our Captain...!! He made us do it!! It was all Black...!!
Caribou: Keheheheh!! Y'see, what we figured... was that if we joined up with 'em... that'd give us the chance...
FakeSanji: ?!!
Caribou: ...to slaughter every last one... // ...of that valuable Straw Hat crew from within~~~!!
FakeSanji: ?!! // ...............!!!
FakeStrawHats: Aaaaahhhhh~~!! Dripp~~~~~~!! // Stop this, please!! You'll kill him!!! / Are you... a Fruit-user?!!

FakeSogeking: I said quit it already!!!
Caribou: !
FakeStrawHats: Wh... Whaaaaaaaa~~~~?! A - A Logia?!!
Caribou: ...What about it...? / Y'know, I did wonder... whether a guy's looks could really change that much in just two years... That Straw Hat... / But in the end... it just turned out to be some piece-of-shit fake......!!! / You think God will forgive this, Coribou?!!
Coribou: Dig-uh... Dig-uh...
Caribou: That's right... We're gonna bury these fools... / Hear that, oh mighty Lord?!! I'm gonna bury these fools for ya!!!
FakeStrawHats: Nooooo~~~~~~~~~~!!!
Caribou: ...But now I've seen the real Straw Hat Luffy... / ...with my own two eyes...!! Kehihihi!!!

[Box: Grove #46, Meeting Point of the Fake Straw Hats]
Sentoumaru: ......As I've told you already... / ...the situation was insurmountable. // The man who stopped us was the Dark King - the same man who once stopped Uncle Kizaru in his tracks. What was I supposed to do against that? // The only ones to escape from the plaza... were the Caribou Brothers and their crew... along with a number of the fake Straw Hats. // All the rest of the offenders have been apprehended, but the real Straw Hats have dealt severe damage to two of the Pacifistas. / The units were prototypes... the same ones that cornered the Straw Hats two years ago. Their strength, of course, was the same as back then. // It's the Straw Hats themselves that have changed!! The level of growth they displayed after these two years in hiding is nothing short of incredible!!! // You'd better make this nice and clear to Marine HQ!!! / The Straw Hat Pirates are at large once more...!!!

Shakkie: Gone in the blink of an eye... // ! // Monkey-chan and the others... have all become so strong...
Rayleigh: ...You were watching?
Shakkie: Of course. I'm their fan, remember? // ...Are you... remembering somthing, perhaps? Ray-san.
Rayleigh: ......Hmm? // Yeah...... // I suppose so......
Shakkie: Heheh......
Flashback!Roger: Hey!! That's some ship you've got there!
Flashback!Rayleigh: ...Oh, this? I stole it... / My house was burned down, so this is where I live now.
Flashback!Roger: I see! What's your name?
Flashback!Rayleigh: .........Rayleigh.

Flashback!Roger: Well, I'm Roger!!! // This meeting must be fate, Rayleigh!! // What do you say to turning the world upside down with me?!!
Flashback!Rayleigh: The world? .........Hahahah! Who the hell are you, anyway? Get outta here!!
Rayleigh: .................. // ......It may just be that there is no such thing as coincidence in this world. / As though it was always meant to be... // ...mysterious bonds slowly but surely weave their forms...... / .........At any rate... Luffy has taken another step... // ...towards becoming a man... / ...worthy of that hat he wears.........!! // ......That boy makes me feel... // ...like living on for a while longer...

[Box: Sea Depths near the Shabondy Archipelago]
Robin: The surface is so far away...!!
Franky: It's beautiful!! You can't get a window this big on a submarine, that's for sure!!!
Chopper: We're sinking~~~~~~!! Further and further down~~!! / Is the water really not gonna get in~?! It's kinda scary!!
Nami: It feels as though we're leaving the human world behind... This is so exciting...!!
Usopp: W - W - We will be able to get back to the surface, right?! I mean...!! I - It's not as though I'm scared or anything, but...
Luffy: The sea sure is pretty~~~~~~!!!
Brook: Yohoho~~~! Take a look over to that side~~~~~~~~!!

Luffy: A tree!!! / No... it's a root!!
Sanji: That's right. The Shabondy Archipelago is actually a forest of giant mangroves, after all...
Brook: The wonder of nature in all its glory~~~~!!!
Zoro: I've seen it already.
Sanji: Yeah, when you got on the wrong ship!! Shut up!! We're trying to be awed here!!
Usopp: Forget that - there's something behind us~~~~!!!
Robin: These roots must reach all the way to the seabed... the sheer magnitude of it is impossible to put into words...
Chopper: There's something huge behind that tree~~~!!
Luffy: Man, this is exciting~~~~!! / A grand adventure in the ocean depths!! // It's like a dream!! // Ooh!! Fish!! // I can almost reach them! Get here, you~!!
Usopp: !!
Zoro: There are some tasty-looking fish over here, too...
Chopper: ?!!

Usopp: Quit it, would you?!!!
Chopper: What're you gonna do if the bubble breaks?!!! / I'll kill you, you assholes~~!!! Don't ever do that again!!!
Sanji: ...Nami-san. Perhaps it would be best for you to explain the dangers of a Coating Ship... / ...before these two do anything they'll regret.
Nami: Good idea, Sanji-kun! / I have a memo from Ralyeigh-san... // So listen up, everyone!! I'll explain... // ?!!
Sanji: (They moved...!!) // It's a real live sexy girl~~~~~!!♡♡
Everyone: Sanji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! // It's gonna pop, it's gonna pop, it's gonna pop~~~~!! // Just how far is that nosebleed propelling him~?!! // !! // Whaaa~?!! // Sanji burst out into the sea~~!!! // Sanji~~~~~~!!

Luffy: Get back here~~~~~~~!!! // Nghh...!! It's tough reaching into the sea...!!
Everyone: Keep it up!
Usopp: Jeez...!! What's wrong with you, Sanji?!!! / Since when are you so... sensitive to women?!!
Chopper: This isn't like you!!
Brook: How terrible... What on Earth could have happened to the lady-loving Sanji-san over the past two years......?! / At this rate, if he really does meet any of the mermaids he has been pining for......
Chopper: He'll be needing a blood donation when we get to Fishman Island... I wonder if mermaids and fishmen have the same blood types as humans...
Robin: At any rate, as we just saw, it would seem that this bubble... / ...is no different from the bubbles of Shabondy, yes?
Usopp: What're you calmly carrying on with that conversation for?!!
Nami: That's right! They're essentially the same! They'll stretch to a certain extent, but go any further and you just burst right through! / Apparently, even if we were to fire pistols or cannons through it at wild beasts attacking the ship... / ...the bubble still wouldn't pop!
Usopp: ...Well, what would pop it, then?
Chopper: Aaaaahhhh~~! Look out! Behind us~~!!

Nami: Apparently it wouldn't be able to withstand having lots of holes opened in it at once. / For instance, we don't want to get bitten by a Sea King's fangs. // And if the ship itself were to crash into a rock or a cliff and get badly damaged...
Chopper: Aaaaghhh~~~~~~~~~~~~!!
Nami: ...the cracks in the mast or in the ship's body would cause the bubble to break as well. // In other words, what we need to watch out for is undersea creatures and environmental obstacles. / As long as we don't do anything too stupid, we shouldn't end up breaking it from the inside.
Usopp: I see! It's actually pretty tough, then, huh?!!
Chopper: They're... fighting...
Nami: However... // "Be careful, because 70% of ships sailing for Fishman Island are sunk before they ever get there."
Usopp/Chopper: WHAT THE HECK HAPPENS TO THEM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?!!!
Luffy: Hey, I bet I could grab all those fish if I used my Gatling!!
Zoro: Let's have a contest, then - see who can get the most!
Chopper/Usopp: ?!!
Usopp: What did Nami just say about not making lots of holes?!!!
Chopper: I'll seriously kill you both!!! Don't ever do that again!!!

Usopp: Jeez...!! I thought that Hachi guy was going to guide us to Fishman Island... / ...so I thought it would be safer than this...!
Luffy: Oh, yeah! I brought tons of food! Since Sanji's like that at the moment, why don't we all tuck in~?!
Chopper: Aaahhh~!! I'm starving~!!
Brook: Yohoho~~~! My bones are starving, too~~!
Franky: Nami... is the ship settled down at this point?
Nami: Uh-huh. We're just cruising along a large current at the moment.
Franky: Thing is, there's something I have to tell everyone.
Chopper/Luffy: All your robotic secrets~~~~~~?!!!
Franky: No... I'm afraid... *bzzt* I AM AFRAID THAT IS INCORRECT.
Luffy: Whooaa~!! Awesome~!! He's talking Robotspeak!!!
Franky: Originally, Hachi had volunteered to guide us on our voyage to Fishman Island... // ...but he was badly wounded on Shabondy, and has been forced to retire to Fishman Island already...!! / He was wounded for the same reason as Duval...!!! // That is to say, in the process of defending the Thousand Sunny from attackers! Around a year ago now... / ...the Sunny's whereabouts was discovered by the Marines, and things became violent. The two of them were both taken out in that struggle.
Usopp: What?! But then... how come the ship has been safe from then up until now?
Franky: Because it had one more defender......

Franky: The very man who tore our crew apart two years ago... / Member of the Royal Shichibukai... // ...Bartholomew Kuma!!
Everyone: ?!!
Franky: A few days ago... when I first arrived at the Sunny......
Luffy: .........?!
Flashback!Franky: ?!
Franky: I couldn't believe my eyes......!!!
Flashback!Kuma: I have been waiting for you...
Flashback!Franky: ?!

Flashback!Franky: What do you think you're doing?!!!
Flashback!Kuma: ......Mission... // ...complete...
Flashback!Franky: ...............?!
Franky: There wasn't a single scratch on the Sunny. // And when I asked Rayleigh about it afterwards... / ...he told me what Kuma had told him in the middle of that battle back then...
Flashback!Kuma: I am one of the leading members of the Revolutionary Army. / I have my reasons for wishing to help this crew escape this place.
Franky: I think you may all have realised this to an extent... / ...but that man saved our lives back there!! // And after we had vanished from the island...... // ...Kuma-san visited Rayleigh with more to tell.
Flashback!Kuma: I do not have much time left.
Franky: I don't know why he had to submit to this... / ...but the Marines had been modifying him bit by bit, as an "experimental subject", changing his body more and more into a cyborg. / He had agreed to have his personality completely erased by the time of the Ultimate War.

Chopper: ...But then...!! He couldn't possibly have known what we would do after he'd sent us off to all those different places!! // Did he wait with the ship despite that?! Even though his personality was gone?!
Franky: The man responsible for his "restructuring", Dr. Vegapunk... // ...had allowed him to include a single mission of his own in the programming. / To "protect the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates until the day one of their members returns". // That's why for the past two years, despite having none of his original memories... he's been following the orders of his former self, waiting until the day we came back.
Zoro: That's just completely screwed up... Why would he go so far for us...?
Usopp: If we think about his connection to the Revolutionaries... / ...the only thing I can think of is Luffy's dad, since he's the leader of the Revolutionary Army.
Luffy: I don't really know much about my dad. / But that bear-guy was a good guy after all, huh...?
Robin: (............Kuma.........)
Franky: It looks like in the end, we've only been able to spend these two valuable years apart......... / ...because that man chose to fight in our stead......!!! // I don't see any way for us to find out what he was truly thinking at this point... / ...but hold that knowledge in your hearts. When it comes down to it, Bartholomew Kuma...

Franky: ...is the saviour of our crew... // And if we ever do run into him again... / ...it'll be as a heartless human weapon......!!!
Zoro: I'm grateful, but I can't say I understand... I hope we find out the truth of this some day...
Franky: That's all I wanted to say...
Chopper: ...Ah! Sanji, you're awake...!
Luffy: Here, have some food! Straight from the Isle of Women!
Sanji: The Isle of Women...?! Are you sure this Kuma guy is some kind of saviour......?!! Do you have any idea where I've been for the past two years?!! / What the hell kind of training have you been doing, Luffy~~~?!!!
Brook: Now, now, Sanji-san... Would you care for a song?
Sanji: Don't try to comfort me!! That'll get me really depressed!!!
Coribou: Big Bro Dude!! There they are!! Up ahead!! The Straw Hats!!
Caribou: I can see that for myself, idiot!! Honestly, how stupid can you be~~~~?!! / Keheheheh... This time, your ship really will be mine~~~!!!
[Insert text: This guy is trouble...!!]

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#1. by Josl ()
Posted on Nov 10, 2010
Thanks a lot for the translation. I really wish you would do the translation for Mangastream. Once again there were a few significant mistakes from their translator(probably because it is a speed translation) but it's fine as long as you do a second translation
Level [B] Translator

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Alias: cnet128
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