Issue: Settling In! Update #2
Settling into vBulletin!!
New Art Contest Winners!!
Amateur Winner
| Advanced Winner
Click for more!
New Art Contest Winners! This week's Amateur Coloring Contest winner is harrmd for a coloring a page from Vol 4 of the Eureka Seven and Emery for a coloring of Karin from Naruto Ch348! Congratulations to both!!
New contests for Amateur and Advanced Coloring have started. And the April Fanart is still ongoing. Don't forget to check them out!!
Some New Features!! Thanks to Terra, we have a few new features in your Edit Options portion of your User CP. Most notable being the option turn MKPortals (which is responsible for the shoutbox and sidebar navigations) on or off to your liking.
Moving to vBulletin!! First and foremost a big THANK YOU to our staff for all their hard work during and after the move settling into the new and improved MH. But especially a special thanks to Terra for putting so much on the line to help us move. As well as the wonderful work of our global mod staff who worked tirelessly doing all the tedious but necessary things so that we could reopen! Don't forget to thank all of them for their hard work in the MH vBulletin Version thread!
Settling in!! There's been quite a few changes made with this move, the most notable of which is that many forums have been merged with others to save space and make the overall forum look cleaner and easier to navigate. Find about about the changes in the Some New Features of vB and New Locations for Old Boards thread!
We're still settling in here and the site isn't 100% so if you notice any problems, please let us know in the Problems with the site? thread.
With vB, the display name feature is now gone, so if you'd like to change your username, you can request that in the New Username Request thread and one of our admins/techs will get around to it as soon as we can, but please read the rules before making your request.
More news and announcements will follow as we keep working to make this move complete and make this the best site on the web. :D So thank you all for your patience and support!!
Have you shown your appreciation today? Click the thanks button or write your appreciation below!