Hello everyone! Welcome to the next
Bi-Weekly Featured Anime!Every two weeks we will present you three different anime which we consider a good work to look at. It can be either a recently started anime or an old classic so feel free to visit the Otaku Theater/Retro Theater and tell us your opinion about the featured work!
Now let's get started:
Sword Art Online
Episodes: 25
Status: Ongoing
Aired: July 7, 2012 to ??
Producers: A-1 Pictures
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Adventure
MAL-Rating: 8.67 / 10
Discussion Thread: HERESummary:Escape was impossible until it was cleared; a game over would mean an actual "death"―.
Without knowing the "truth" of the mysterious next generation MMO, 'Sword Art Online(SAO)', approximately ten thousand users logged in together, opening the curtains to this cruel death battle.
Participating alone in SAO, protagonist Kirito had promptly accepted the "truth" of this MMO.
And in the game world, a gigantic floating castle named 'Aincrad', he distinguished himself as a solo player.
Aiming to clear the game by reaching the highest floor, Kirito riskily continued alone.
First Impression: 8/10
The premise looks interesting and the characters seem likeable, I already know that I will like Kirito a lot XD He seems to have a inner conflict of "I want to do things alone" and "I want to have friends" which is nothing new but makes me interested in him. Besides that, the animation was really good and seeing as A-1 Pictures is producing it I'm having high hopes :nod
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
Episodes: 11
Status: Airing
Aired: Jul 1, 2012 to ?
Producers: Dogakobo
Genres: Drama, Romance, Supernatural
MAL-Rating: 8.01 / 10
Discussion Thread: HERESummary:Hazuki may be near-sighted, but he knows true beauty when he sees it and the delicate form of flower shop owner Rokka draws him in like a bee to honey. So, hoping to cultivate a relationship between them, Hazuki takes a part time job at her shop, only to discover two huge thorns preventing the nurturing of any romance. The first, the fact that Rokka is still grieving for her late husband Shimao, would be enough to snip most men's ardor short, but it's the second that really threatens to make Hazuki's forlorn hopes wilt. Because while Shimao is most definitely deceased, he hasn't yet departed and his spirit is still living in Rokka's apartment! Except only Hazuki can see him, which leads to a very strange romantic triangle indeed. Are Hazuki's chances with Rokka as dead as the man who still lives in her house? Or can he somehow make love blossom even though there's an interloper pushing up the daisies between them?
First Impression:8.5/10
The first two episodes really surprised me – likeable characters, unexpected plot twists and despite it's seemingly humorous setting (love triangle with a ghost) a pretty deep and sad story. Hard to say anything more without spoiling but everyone who's interested in a very good drama story should check this out! :)
Usagi Drop
Episodes: 11
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jul 8,2011 to Sep 16,2011
Producers: Production I.G.
Genres: Slice of Life
MAL-Rating: 8.69/10
Discussion Thread: HERESummary:Going home for his grandfather's funeral, thirty-year-old bachelor Daikichi is floored to discover that the old man had an illegitimate child with a younger lover! The rest of his family is equally shocked and embarrassed by this surprise development, and not one of them wants anything to do with the silent little girl, Rin. In a fit of angry spontaneity, Daikichi decides to take her in himself! But will living with this overgrown teenager of man help Rin come out of her shell? And hang on, won't this turn of events spell doom for Daikichi's love life?!
Comment:I've rarely watched such a heartwarming show – the interactions between Rin and Daikichi are both cute and interesting. And while one shouldn't expect a lot of dramatic moments it still manages to keep you captivated, which is mostly thanks to this rather unusual father-child relationship. I'm sure you will like both of them pretty fast - and in return will experience and learn a lot about what describes a wonderful parental and infantile love which all it's worthy hardships.
Do you have an anime in mind that should be featured? Feel free to send me (
naruto-niichan) a PM with the name and a basic description why you think it should be featured.
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