Up until now we've been faced with a few problems:
1) Translators want to get help, but there really isn't a place to help organize it, and
2) The translators currently checking translations need a lot more helping hands (take a look at all the
pending translations ;.;).
Well those problems are officially solved!
For now we'll be using the forum for translators to post their translation inquiries. Eventually the MH system will support a similar function, but for those that want to draw attention to their translations feel free to use the brand new
Help a Translator forum!
At the
Help a Translator forum All of the following can happen:
Translators asking for Help (Want help on a page, multiple pages, or get your entire chapter Proofread or Translation checked?
Then post your question.)
Translators helping Translators (Feel confident in your skills and want to check your translations for accuracy?
Start answering those questions.)
Members helping Translators (Feel confident in your English and want to check translations for Flow, Spelling and Grammar?
Start proofreading those Translations.)
Also, within this forum you'll find two sub-forums.
They are....
Translation Checkers' HQ (Accuracy Checking- If the meaning is wrong or right)
For translators to get together and have a "home base" to report to when it comes to translation checking and other translation checking matters.
Proofreaders' HQ (Fluency Checking - Like grammar, flow, spelling etc)
For regular members that pass the proofreading test to unite and organize a group of proofreaders that can hopefully match the amount of translators active here! (One can hope ^^;)
If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. Thanks all!
I mean will official proofreaders be charged with approving them?
( http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44411 )
for info on how to set things up.
If you're stuck at the deciding-on-manga stage, I can't offer much help there. >_>;