Hello everyone! It's once again time to interview one of our Seasonal Art Contest Winners. However, before we get to that, I would just like to remind everyone that the Winter Art Contests as well as two very special contests:
Facebook Banner & the
Facebook/Twitter Buttons are currently going on. So, if you are interested, please head over to the
Art Contest section and check them out. :thumbs
Now with that shameless plugs are out of the way ;) it's time to get to the real point of this news post and that's to introduce everyone to
Hystzen. He won the Black & White contest with this piece:
Matt Bellamy from Muse
1.Please introduce yourself to us!Hello I'm Hystzen formally know as Hyst-Gundam when first joined this forum
2.Have you participated in any Arts Contests before?No, this was my first contest. I was going to enter Summer contest but missed the deadline.
3. Tell us something about your winning piece. What inspired you to draw it?My drawing was inspired by the fact that I always listen to the band Muse when I draw so I decided to draw the lead singer. I enjoy using more traditional media then photoshop etc so I used pencil to draw it.
4. Any tips for our aspiring artists?JUST DRAW…Ive been told I'm rubbish by art teachers before but I draw what I want when I'm in the mood. Also, music helps a lot get in a mood to do your artwork. Me, I get a cup of tea, put ipod on, then just draw. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad, but it doesn't put me off.
5. Which is the mangaka that inspires you most? Why?Hmmm... this is hard because there is not a manga that I find that inspires my drawing style. I tend to draw a lot of Bleach which I've contributed to the tournament that is underway.
6. Where did you learn and how did you begin to draw/color/write manga?I have taken a couple of art courses in college but it not until recently when I seemed to have just clicked. Maybe, because Im stubborn and only want draw what I like.lol.
7. Are you satisfied with your artwork? What are you trying to accomplish/improve?Yea im pretty satisfied. It looks great and I love it, yet still aim to get better and get a winning piece in every contest from now on.
8. How do you like the MH community so far?I enjoy the people I talk to in Fun Forum (yo guys n girls )and a few people in Bleach area.
9. Leave a message for the fellow users!If you aim to draw just do it..ignore what ever teachers say they want you to draw in there style..find your own..if you like bleach join in the bleach tournament.
Great job drawing Bellamy (I also happen to be a Muse fan by the way).
I wish you luck on other contests as well :)
congratz on winning!
And also lot's os typos lmao